One Sided Love

Not So Ordinary

Joy took one last look in the mirror before heading down the stairs.

“Good morning Joy! You’re ready earlier than usual,” her mother had exclaim when Joy entered the kitchen. She had gotten up extra earlier to prepare herself for her confession. It wasn’t every day that Joy would be making a confession and it wasn’t as if she had much experience to begin with so it was only natural that she wake up early to put the extra effort in.

“You’re wearing your hair differently too.” Her mother noticed the slight curls in Joy’s hair.

“Omo are you also wearing your sister’s headband? What’s the occasion?”

“Mom! Can’t I try something different for a change?” Joy asked annoyed. She had been worried this was the reaction she would receive, but she had wanted to look nice so she went ahead and curled her hair. 

“I think unnie’s in love.” Park Yerin, one of Joy’s younger said from the table where she was eating her breakfast.

“I heard her giggling last night to herself. Also have you noticed she’s been texting much more now?” Park Yeseo, the youngest of the Park sisters said giving Joy a suspicious look.

“Was she being too obvious?”

“Is this true?” Their mother asked as she placed Joy’s breakfast in front of her.

“No. I just thought I’d try something new.” Joy said before stuffing with the pancakes her mother had made.

Glancing at her watch, Joy bit the bottom of her lips.

“Where was he? He should have been here ten minutes ago.”

V was nowhere in sight and school started in less than fifteen minutes. She had texted him, but there was no reply.

“Five more minutes. I’ll give him five more minutes.” She thought to herself before closing her eyes to wait. Maybe today wasn’t the day to confess.


Checking her phone, Joy frowned when there was no new text from V. The curls in her hair had lost their bounce and she was starting to get annoyed from the compliments she was receiving.

“Where’s that boyfriend of yours? Are you guys fighting?” Yugyeom asked when he didn’t see the strange boy rush to kick him out of his seat.

“He’s not my boyfriend.”

“At least, not yet anyway. Maybe.” She thought.

“And no we’re not fighting, but if he does happen to come by, don’t let him sit there.” She said getting up, leaving a confused Yugyeom behind.

He had said that he was going to pick her up, so she had waited almost to the point of being late for school. Trying her hardest not to think about V she made her way to the vending machine.

“I like you.” Stopping in mid walk, Joy’s heartbeat fastened. She had just walked on to a confession.

“I like you too.” Joy heard her heart hitting the ground and tried her best to become invisible. The two hadn’t noticed her and as she tried her hardest to pick up the broken pieces of heart to leave she heard her name.

“JOY!” V shouted as he always did when he saw her.  

“I’m sorry!” She said, hoping they didn’t notice her faltering voice before sprinting off in who knows what direction.  


She had no idea where she was running, but she knew she had to get away from there. Wiping her tears away as she ran she stopped when she suddenly bumped into someone.

“I’m sorry.” She said, making sure to keep her head down so the stranger wouldn’t see her tears.

“Joy?” She had heard that voice before. Lifting her head up, she saw Jungkook’s staring at her. If she had been paying attention she would have notice the concern in his eyes, a stark contrast to the glaring eyes she was used too, but she was too busy making sure V wasn’t in sight.   

“Were you crying?” He asked, bringing her attention back to him, but by then his eyes had went back to his judging eyes.

“N-no.” She lied.

“Your eyes are wet and your cheeks look like there had been some tears. Why were you crying?”

Yes, she had been crying but she didn’t see the need to tell him. He might have just been trying to be nice, but Joy wasn’t feeling like explaining it to him. He would never understand. If anything, he’ll probably judge her even more for being weak.

“Joy!” The two of them turned in the direction of the voice and before Jungkook could say anything, Joy pulled the boy behind a wall.

“Yah Joy! Where are you?” They heard V shout.

Jungkook shook his head, so it was because of V that she had been crying, but what had he done? That hyung of his could really be a pain sometimes.

“I would greatly appreciated it if you didn’t tell V about this.” She said once the cost was cleared.

“Were you crying because of V hyung?” He asked. He had to know if it was because of V.

“No.” She lied again.

“If you don’t tell me, I’ll call V hyung right now.” He threatened.

“Just forget you saw anything okay?” She pleaded ignoring his question.

“I can’t. What did V hyung do to you?”  

“Nothing. V didn’t do anything to me.” She told him. It was the truth, V hadn’t done anything to her, but why was her heart hurting so much then?

“You’re lying.” He said coldly.

“No I’m not. Just leave me alone okay?” She shouted in frustration. He watched as her back disappeared around the corner.  He wanted to run after her. Tell her not to cry over V and that everything would be alright, but his feet stay glued to the ground. He could never do anything right when it came to Joy.

When he saw her that morning, he wanted to tell her how pretty she had looked. When he had realized it was her who bumped into him and noticed her tears, he wanted to hug her. He wanted to make her smile, but instead he only managed to make her angry at him.

Jungkook sighed. He was misunderstood once again.


Jungkook was often misunderstood. For the most part, his classmates were scared of him. If they weren’t scared, then they avoided him. Whether they were older or younger, everyone wanted to be on his good side.

Jungkook himself didn’t fully know the reason for it, but a few of his friends had told him it was because he glared too much at people. It wasn’t on purpose but he was never one to hide how he felt. Truthfully he was grateful, because didn’t have to deal with bothersome classmates and fan girls were cautious when trying to approach him.

The only ones who really understood him were his hyungs; Jin, Rap Monster, Suga, Jhope, Jimin, and V They didn’t care for his “judging” face and they always seemed to know his true intentions despite how it came out.

Because of the way he was, no one would’ve have guess that he had been in love with a certain noona for the longest time and he meant for it to stay that way. To be in love with a noona was out of the question, especially when she was none other than the girl his hyung had been talking about nonstop.


“Wow, there goes Hayoung noona, Chanmi noona, and Joy noona.” One of his classmate had said as the three girls passed by them. It was barely the start of the new school year and the freshmen were already scoping out the upper classmen on campus.

That was the first time he had seen her, and he didn’t think much of her. In fact, he had thought she was pretty ordinary. He had never meant to fall in love with her, and he probably wouldn’t have either if it hadn’t been for the foolishness of BamBam.

BamBam was a foreign exchange student from Thailand who had become obsess with Chanmi and decided one day that he was going to confess to her despite being told that she was never going to accept him.

Like everyone had predicted, Chanmi rejected the poor boy.

BamBam was obviously heartbroken, but when he returned to the classroom he acted as if nothing had happened. Jungkook thought he was an idiot for confessing. He knew BamBam had only really had a few conversations with Chanmi so it was a no brainer that she was going to reject him.

Jungkook had been walking from the bathroom when he felt a light tap on his shoulder.

“You’re BamBam’s class mate right?” She had asked a little nervous.

“Can you give this to him?” She gave him a can of soda. He smirked at the little romance drama occurring in front of his eyes. BamBam liked Chanmi, all the while her friend had been harboring feelings for the boy the whole time. It would seem as if BamBam had fallen for the wrong friend.

“Do you like him?” He asked bluntly, causing her to give him as look as if he was crazy.

“No!” She shouted, “No. I don’t like him.”

He smirked again, typical. She was denying her feelings because she was afraid of getting rejected.

“It’s really not like that. I was there when Chanmi rejected him. It was really heartbreaking to see. I know it must have took him a lot of courage to confess like that. I just wanted to make sure he was okay. He seems like a great kid, plus Chanmi felt kind of bad for rejecting him like that in the open.” She smiled kindly hoping he would understand.

“So don’t think I like him in a romantic way. You got that? And don’t start spreading false rumor.” She said giving a glare, though she wasn’t very good at being intimidating.

That was his first meeting with her and ever since then, he had been paying close attention to the noona who had unknowingly moved his heart with her kindness.

The more time he saw her, the more he was drawn to her. The way she smiled, the way she froze up when she wasn’t sure how to respond. She had taken his heart and he knew there was no way to take it back, but because he had witness BamBam’s failed confession he decided to keep a distance. He was content with just loving her from afar.  


When V announced that he was transferring to the same school, Jungkook had been happy, because V was a hyung he really admired and loved despite how crazy he was.

It didn’t take long for V to make a name for himself at school and Jungkook could only watch from afar when V made a fool of himself with his silly antics. It also didn’t take long for Jungkook to notice that his hyung had become interested in someone, but every time he asked the older boy he simply avoided giving the name.  

It came to a surprise when he finally found out the girl that had caught his hyung’s attention was none other than the noona he had been crushing on.

She had look cute in her uniform and he couldn’t help but feel a little jealous with the interaction between V and her.

“Okay, okay, a large Red Velvet Latte-oh, Jungkook did you want anything?” V had asked causing Jungkook to snap out of his thoughts. He didn’t know how to act, so he did the only thing he did well, So this is the girl?” He said while glaring at her, he figured he might as well start un-liking her.


Hearing the bell chime, Jungkook made his way to class. As he walked to class he overheard two girls talking. It would seem as if one of them was trying to cheer the other one up.

“It’s okay. There’s plenty of other guys beside him.”

“But he said he liked me. Why did he suddenly run off after her?”

There was a moment of silence before the heartbroken girl let out a frustrated cry.

“Love .” She said burying her against her friend’s arm.

Jungkook couldn’t agree more, love did stink, especially a one-sided love.



Well....this was a very long chapter (twice the amount I usually write per chapter!) Dun...Dun...Dun...So Jungkook had always had a crush on Joy, but when he found out V was interested in her he decided to play it off as if he didn't like her...poor Jungkook. V interested in Joy? LOL. 

I originally wasn't going to have Jungkook like/love Joy but why not. I ship JoyXJungkook too. LOL Don't worry though, I won't drag it out. 

Thanks for reading/commenting/subscribing! 

Oh and I really need to let this out, but did any of you see BTS reaction to Red Velvet during the SMA awards? It was beautiful! 

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esumi_ #1
Chapter 11: This story is so cute and V was such an oblivious sweetheart
shinjein #2
Chapter 11: You're so good at doing fluff.
This is simply romantic, i love it.
shinjein #3
Chapter 5: OMG THIS IS ME
Fardiah #4
Chapter 12: This story is GREAT!!! Simple and nice just the way I like ^_^
infinite_kenn #5
Chapter 11: dear magicpanda i really thank you for writing so much joyxhet becauseee just because. ;--; you're my savior hahaha (don't mind me im a joyxhet trash) . my original joy-ship was joylo but you ruined everything with this fic. Gotta check bts now ;_;
gonna check your other joyxhet stories pls write more i love you and hwaiting!
Chapter 11: This is good authornim! I like it
And by the way I'm waiting for another joy's story keke
Chapter 11: Omg.. Too cute. Thank you for writing this awesome cute story. I always here to support. Lol. Can't wait to read your new story now.