I Like You

Not So Ordinary

“Thanks for coming with me today.” Yugyeom said as he smiled at the girl sitting in front of him. He had successfully asked her to come try a new café he had found and thus they were currently sitting at one of the tables outside on a patio. She was cute and he felt content whenever he was with her. He could understand why V always wanted to be with her.

“No problem. Just don’t let Irene unnie know that I’m here.” She giggled before taking a sip of her frappe. The place was cute, but she thought Red Velvet Café had more of a charm to it. Though she was probably being bias because she was an employee of Red Velvet Café.

Speaking of Red Velvet Café, she needed to make sure Irene hadn’t fired her. She had been avoiding going there lately, in case she’d run into V. Wendy and Seulgi had both mentioned that V would sometime come looking for her.

She felt really bad avoiding V, especially since she knew he was clueless about the whole situation. She never actually confessed to him, so naturally he wouldn’t have any idea that she had liked him. And it wasn’t his fault for being popular with the ladies either. She had thought about telling him, but every time she was close too she couldn’t bring herself too. It was as if there was some unknown force keeping her from admitting her feelings. Perhaps she was scared of being rejected? But was this really any better? Constantly avoiding him as if her life depended on it? Joy sighed. Perhaps it would have been better if she had never met V in the first place. Her life had been much simpler before V.

She never had to worry about boys. Then again, she never really had so much fun before and she couldn’t remember laughing as much as she had been when with V. Joy sighed again, V was too much, he had successfully turned her ordinary days into something not so ordinary.

“Joy. Are you okay? You’ve been sighing a lot lately.” She heard Yugyeom say as she averted her attention to him.

“Hmm? Me? Really?”

“You must be thinking about V again right?” Joy stared at him surprised, how did he know?

“Ah, I was right.”

“No.” She tried to lie, “why would I be thinking about V?”

“Come on Joy. I’ve been your seatmate for the longest time and even though we hadn’t really talked before now, I think I know you a little more than you do.”

Joy laughed at his statement. “How can you know me more than me?”

“Well maybe not more than you, but I do know you definitely still like V.”

“That’s a topic of debate.”

“Please. You can’t tell me you weren’t just thinking about him just now.” Fine. She was just thinking about him, but it’s not her fault that V was always on her mind. Ever since day one, V had never left her thoughts.

“Okay. Okay. Fine, I was thinking about him. Happy?”

“Not quite.”

“What do you want Yugyeom? I’m going to leave if you’re just going to bully me.” Joy playfully pouted.

“Fine. Fine. I’m sorry, but I think I like you Joy.” He said, catching Joy off guard.

“Excuse me?” She didn’t think she heard him right.

“Did he just say he liked me?”

“Yes. I like you Joy, but I can’t do anything to get you to notice me as more than a seatmate/friend because all you do is think about V.” He sighed in defeat.

“I know this is sudden, but what I’m saying is genuine. I do like you Joy, and I think I’ll still like you even if you decide to continue on liking V, but you have to finally tell V that or else I will. There’s no point in us liking anyone if we’re never going to tell them right?”

Joy thought for a moment. What Yugyeom was telling her was all too much to handle. She needed time. Sure Yugyeom was an attractive guy and she had been spending a lot of time with him recently.

“What about V?” A voice inside her head asked.



Both Yugyeom and Joy turned their heads in time to see a wild V running on the other side of the street.

A small smile appeared on Joy’s face and she knew she would never like Yugyeom the way she liked V.

“That guy sure isn’t ordinary.” She heard Yugyeom say and Joy couldn’t help but nod in agreement, but that was what had made her like him in the first place. If he had been ordinary, he would have never probably walked into the wrong classroom and he would had probably had left the moment he realized he was in the wrong classroom. He would have never sat in detention when he never had detention in the first place and he definitely would have never dragged her to eat chicken with him. If V had been ordinary, she reckoned he would never have probably never starting liking him.

“Yugyeom, I should go see what he wants.” She said standing up, but remembered Yugyeom’s confession.

“About what you said.”

“Just forget it. I already know your answer.” He said smiling and she could only offer him an apologetic smile. Yugyeom was a great guy, but her heart had already belonged to V.

Yugyeom reassured her that he understood and even told her he was honestly glad that she was finally going to confront V.


Running as fast as he could, V did his best to dodge unnecessary obstacles. He couldn’t let Joy forget about him. The thought of her no longer smiling for him tugged at his heart. He was already unable to sleep because of her recent behavior and with Jungkook saying how Joy may not always be there for him, V needed to make her see that he truly needed her.

He ignored all the strange looks he received and continued shouting her name out, hopeful that she would hear him.

“Is this what they call love?”

He wasn’t sure, but he knew he couldn’t lose Joy, especially not to that Yugyeom kid.

Reaching her house, he calmed his racing heart before braving the doorbell.

He heard footsteps fumbling form inside the house and within seconds the door was opened revealing two middle school girls, both with striking resemblance to their older sister.

V gulped nervously as the two girls stared at him.

“Are you looking for Joy unnie?” The taller of the two asked.

“Yes.” He replied.

“Oh, she’s not home yet.” The other one said, “but you’re welcome to wait for her if you want.”

“It’s okay. I’ll come back another time. Thank you.” He bowed politely before rushing away from the house.

“Joy yah, where did you go?” He wondered out loud while scratching his head.

Glancing down at the ground in defeat, he prepared himself for a depressing walk home.

“I miss you.” He pouted before taking a step forward.

“I miss you too.” His ears perked up at that voice.

“Joy?” He whispered looking up at the girl standing a few feet away from him, almost scared that if he said it too loud she would disappear.

When he saw her bright smile, V forgot all about being depressed and sprinted towards the girl and engulfed her into his arms.

“Please don’t forget about me.” He begged.

“What are you talking about?” He heard her asked as she tried to poke her head out to get some air.

“Jungkook said that you won’t always be here for me and that you were probably out having fun with Yugyeom and forgetting about me.”

“I don’t want you to forget about me. You really mean a lot to me and I think I like you. Not the normal like, like how I like Jungkook, Sujeong, Hayoung, BamBam, and Mark, but the like that is almost like love.”

“I’m sorry if I made you angry at me. It’s okay if you don’t like me, but I just don’t want you to forget me.”

“I’m sorry too.” She said and when she finally freed herself from his hug, he shot her a confused look.

“I’m sorry for avoiding you. I was being childish because I was jealous that you had two pretty girls who both seemed to like you and I was mad because I didn’t think I could ever compete with them.” She shyly confessed and he saw how she had suddenly looked at the ground. He thought she looked cute, but it wasn’t new to him. He had always thought she was cute.

“I couldn’t forget you even if I tried,” and boy did she try.

“So, does that mean….” V wanted to know if she liked him the way he liked her.

“I like you too V. I wanted to tell you that a long time ago, but I just never had the courage too. I like you a lot.”

Hearing her say those words V immediately wrapped his arms around her once more and smiled when he felt her reciprocate the hug. He mentally cursed himself for being so clueless. If only he’d realized sooner that he had liked her ever since he walked into the wrong classroom, he could have been hugging her since then.


Well, their confessions wasn't all that dramatic or all that exciting....lol, but atleast their finally together now right? Happy dance!

Since Sujeong and Jungkook were able to help V realize his feelings (which probably seemed like it came from nowhere right? my bad as an author), Yugyeom was able to help Joy solidify her feelings for V.

Thanks for the lovely comments and to everyone who subscribed!


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esumi_ #1
Chapter 11: This story is so cute and V was such an oblivious sweetheart
shinjein #2
Chapter 11: You're so good at doing fluff.
This is simply romantic, i love it.
shinjein #3
Chapter 5: OMG THIS IS ME
Fardiah #4
Chapter 12: This story is GREAT!!! Simple and nice just the way I like ^_^
infinite_kenn #5
Chapter 11: dear magicpanda i really thank you for writing so much joyxhet becauseee just because. ;--; you're my savior hahaha (don't mind me im a joyxhet trash) . my original joy-ship was joylo but you ruined everything with this fic. Gotta check bts now ;_;
gonna check your other joyxhet stories pls write more i love you and hwaiting!
Chapter 11: This is good authornim! I like it
And by the way I'm waiting for another joy's story keke
Chapter 11: Omg.. Too cute. Thank you for writing this awesome cute story. I always here to support. Lol. Can't wait to read your new story now.