A Snipet of V

Not So Ordinary

“Just exactly how many girls were in love with V?” Joy wondered as she sat in class not really paying any attention to anything Ms. Kwon was saying.

The event of that morning replayed in Joy’s mind as she rested her check on her hand.

“Suzy!” V had exclaimed, a little too excitedly for Joy’s liking.

“What are you doing here?” He asked as he opened his arms up to catch the pretty girl who was speeding in full force towards him. The girl practically jumped into his arms and Joy sense a surge of an all too familiar emotion forming inside of her. The first time she had felt it was when he had called Irene a goddess, and even though it had felt foreign she knew it was real when she felt it again after witnessing the confession from Sujeong. Jealous. That was what Wendy and Seulgi had called her the strange feeling.

Speaking of Sujeong, Joy wondered why she hadn’t heard anything about them yet, but she forgot about Sujeong the moment she turned to gaze out the window and spotted a couple hugging in front of the gate.

”Aww. Come on V, I came all the way here to see you and you won’t even try to spend time with me?” Suzy had asked when V told her he couldn’t skip anymore classes.

Joy really couldn’t stand being there any longer and made an effort to leave the old friends alone, but was stopped when V dragged her into the conversation.

“Joy, what do you think I should do?” Joy blinked at the boy. Was he seriously asking her if he should skip class to spend time with a pretty girl? Did he really think she would say no when the girl was standing right there? Even if that was what she did indeed really wanted to tell him.

“I mean she did come all the way here to see you. It would be a little rude if you didn’t.” She meekly replied and hoped no one caught the uncertainty in her voice.

“I suppose you’re right. Okay, Suzy, but I can’t spend the whole day with you.” V decided, and Joy was amazed at how easily it was for him to skip school.

“Yay!” Suzy shouted as she immediately wrapped her hand around one of V’s arm and Joy had to keep herself from rolling her eyes.

“Joy right? Thanks a lot. We should hang out some time. I think we’ll really get along.” Suzy smiled at Joy before dragging V away in the opposite direction of the school.

Narrowing her eyes at the two figure down below, Joy highly doubted that the two of them would get along. She already couldn’t stand the sight of her, nevertheless the thought of her. She knew she was being petty and blamed V for making her this way.

Joy’s eyes widened when she saw Suzy give V a quick kiss on the cheek before running off.


“Joy are you okay?” Hayoung asked as the girl angrily poked her food on her tray.

“Yeah, why do you ask?” Joy didn’t even bothered to look up at her friend and continued stabbing the piece of meat.

“Well for starters, you’ve been out of it since the beginning of lunch and you haven’t even taken a bite of your chicken which we all know you love, instead you’re just stabbing it to death.” Chanmi said pointing to the decapitated chicken.

“Oh. Yeah, I’m fine. Just a lot of stress I guess.” She lied.

“Hmm…well anyway did you guys hear about V? Apparently there was this really pretty girl waiting for him at the gate.” Joy rolled her eyes, trust Chanmi to bring up V, she was such a gossip queen.

“Word on the street is that she’s his girlfriend from his old school.”

“He apparently skipped first block to go out with her.” Joy honestly didn’t know why he even came back to school. Since he already skipped first period, might as well skipped the entire day.

“Was she pretty?” Hayoung asked.

“Why are you asking me?” Joy really didn’t want to talk about V or Suzy at the moment.

“Come on, everyone knows you and V are like always together. I’m sure you were there this morning. Or if not, you surely already met her before. Are they boyfriend and girlfriend?”

“Yeah she absolutely gorgeous.” She really was and Joy knew she was just being jealous because V probably liked her.

“Oh do you guys know a Sujeong?” She suddenly remembered that there had been no news of Sujeong and V.

“Sujeong?” Hayoung said out loud. “Ah, she’s a year younger than us. Very sweet and cute.” Joy knew she could always count on Hayoung. That girl practically knew everyone in the school.


“Ah nothing. I just happened to hear her name somewhere and wondered who she was.”

It would seem that no one knew about her confession as of yet, especially if Chanmi didn’t say anything when Joy mentioned the girl.

”What exactly happened between them?” She couldn’t help but wondered now.

Joy stopped walking and looked up at the sky. Something had been bothering her the entire day and she needed to look at something peaceful to calm her thoughts.

During lunch, Hayoung had mentioned that V and Joy were always together. She wondered why no one had ever questioned whether or not if they were dating or anything of that sort. Wasn’t that what usually happened when a boy and girl started hanging out a lot together? Was she really that nonlikable that even other people couldn’t see V liking her?

She hated how V always made her feel insecure about herself. To make matter worse, V had these two incredible looking girls who she couldn't even compare too which was why Joy was taking it extremely hard when he totally ignore Joy the entire day and though she knew she had no right to be mad at him, because it wasn’t like he was obligated to spend time with her or anything. Heck, he could spend time with whoever he pleased, but Joy was being childish and because he ignored her, she decided she was going to do the same. Not like it would matter anyway, because he still had two incredibly pretty girls ready to be with him.

“He was probably on cloud nine after spending time with Suzy.” She had thought when he didn’t show up during any of their many breaks between classes.

Feeling her phone vibrate, she looked at the screen and after typing a quick reply. Joy continued her walk home, trying to forget about V.


V was never the smartest cookie in the cookie jar when it came to humans, so it wasn’t surprising that it took him a while to notice the change in Joy.

However as he read the text message, a simple “I’m busy,” he couldn’t help but think that perhaps she was purposely trying to avoid him. She barely had any time for him anymore. Her text messages have all been short and to the point. She was never at her seat during breaks and when he went to look for her at work, it just so happens that she wasn’t working that evening.

He missed the old Joy, the Joy who always answered him when he crazily shouted her name. The Joy who always seemed willing to go along with him on his crazy schemes and despite being a little shocked/surprised/confused about whatever he was doing, always seemed to give him her warmest smile.

V couldn’t deal with it anymore, he had to know why Joy was avoiding him. He wanted to make things right again, though he didn’t know when and where it had went wrong.

He had unsuccessfully tried all day to find Joy so as soon as school was dismissed, V made a dash for the door. He was going to catch her before she left today. Entering the classroom he found Joy packing her bag and ran up to her desk.

“Got you.” He said as he placed both of his hands flat on her desk. He smiled when she jumped in shock from his action.

“V! You scared me.”

“Let’s walk together today.” He had hopefully said, shaking his head.

“I..I..can’t. I. I promised I’ll tutor….Yugyeom today. Isn’t that right Yugyeom?”

V didn’t believe her, because Yugyeom had seem taken aback by the sudden declaration, but nonetheless V watched as they out the door together.

V narrowed his eyes after them. There was only one way to really be sure if Joy was actually lying or not. He had never been to the library before, but figured it would be a good first time.

Poking his head through the door, he opened his mouth in awe when he saw all the shelves of books. Grabbing a random book from the first shelve he came into contact with, he then went on to find a table near Joy.


“I’m really sorry about this.” Joy apologized for the umpteenth time after turning around and still seeing a V sitting there.

“It’s really okay. I guess this way, I’ll actually get some of my homework done.” Yugyeom replied. He really didn’t mind. Joy was a cute girl and it was fun seeing V so worked up.

“So mind telling me about V.”

“Hmm…what’s there to say about V.” Joy asked as she tried to focus on her homework.

“You know, like why you’re doing this? I mean I really don’t mind, but I would like to know especially since I’m helping you.”

“I don’t know. I just thought it might be best if we just stopped hanging out so much.” Joy said halfheartedly.

“Trouble in paradise huh?”

“Say Yugyeom, you’re the only who has ever said anything about me and V being a couple. Why do you think that?” She had forgotten about Yugyeom’s remark in calling V her boyfriend when she was feeling sorry for herself.

“I don’t know. I mean wouldn’t you if some strange boy threatened you because you wouldn’t give up your seat?” Joy thought about it and it made sense. Yugyeom was probably the only one who ever saw V getting so worked up about her, besides her unnies, who she had to tell.

“And this only makes me think more of you guys as a couple. I mean why would he follow us?”

“Are you sure he’s not some sort of creep? I can easily take care of him for you.” Yugyeom said seriously as he bawled one fist into the other hand.

Joy laughed, “no he’s not a creep, but if I ever need someone to beat him up, I’ll know who to call now.”

Yugyeom smiled at her laugh. How come he never noticed her until now?


So first off, I don't really think Suzy is the prettiest girl out there, don't get me wrong she is still really pretty, like really pretty. Anyway, I needed someone for the story and she was the first one to pop into my head. But her time sadly ends in this chapter.

Second off, yay! We finally get some V emotions! Lol....but it's not enough that's why I added more Yugyeom (and because royalwhite asked for some more moments between them). So there should be lots more V feelings. Hehehe and let's not forget Jungkook because you know, he still has that one sided love for his Joy noona.

Third off, I went back and read some of the previous chapter and boy are there some major grammar problems, sometimes the words don't flow correctly, and there are quite a few mispelled words (this chapter isn't any better), but despite all of that you guys still read this story and for that I am truly grateful. Also, I promised in the foreword that I would try to add more members and I completely failed on that part. >_< Sorry. I do love all members of Red Velvet and BTS.

Thanks again for subscribing and commenting (I'm trying to answer the comments now as well)!

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esumi_ #1
Chapter 11: This story is so cute and V was such an oblivious sweetheart
shinjein #2
Chapter 11: You're so good at doing fluff.
This is simply romantic, i love it.
shinjein #3
Chapter 5: OMG THIS IS ME
Fardiah #4
Chapter 12: This story is GREAT!!! Simple and nice just the way I like ^_^
infinite_kenn #5
Chapter 11: dear magicpanda i really thank you for writing so much joyxhet becauseee just because. ;--; you're my savior hahaha (don't mind me im a joyxhet trash) . my original joy-ship was joylo but you ruined everything with this fic. Gotta check bts now ;_;
gonna check your other joyxhet stories pls write more i love you and hwaiting!
Chapter 11: This is good authornim! I like it
And by the way I'm waiting for another joy's story keke
Chapter 11: Omg.. Too cute. Thank you for writing this awesome cute story. I always here to support. Lol. Can't wait to read your new story now.