Not So Ordinary Day

Not So Ordinary

Every day from 7 am to 3 pm, from Monday to Friday, Joy went to school. Joy had lunch at 12 noon every day with Hayoung and Chanmi at their usual table near the window. On the days she worked, Joy went to the café where she worked with Wendy and Seulgi and then took her dinner at 7pm when Irene permitted her too. When she came home, her parents welcomed her and she proceeded to do her homework until it was bed time.

Yes, Joy thought her life was very ordinary, almost boring, but she knew she shouldn’t complain. She knew she was lucky and therefore she went on with life expecting nothing but ordinary events.

Today was supposed to be another ordinary day, Joy got up at 6 am, got ready, grabbed a piece of toast and walked out the door. However on her way to school that day something out of the ordinary happened. Joy, who always took the same route to school, got lost.

She couldn’t even remember what she had done wrong. Trying not to panic, Joy turned around and decided to walk back the way she had come from. After countless failed attempts, Joy finally found the main road and proceeded to school.

When Ms. Kwon dismissed the class for break, Joy let out a sigh. It wasn’t fair, how could she have gotten detention? This was the first time she was late for school and she had never done anything wrong before. Joy just couldn’t understand, no, she couldn’t accept it. She looked at the slip stating she had detention and frowned while placing her head on her desk.

“I want some chicken.” She suddenly muttered to herself knowing that the thought of food could always cheer her up.

“Chicken? You want some chicken?”

Joy immediately lifted her head up and was surprised to see someone sitting beside her who was not her seatmate.

“And you are?” She asked. She didn’t think she seen him before.

The boy squinted his eyes, “were you not paying attention? Ms. Choi introduced me earlier.”

“I’m your classmate V.” He said, clearly offended that she did not remember him.

Joy looked at the boy beside her and thought for a bit before laughing. “I think you’re in the wrong class. This is Ms. Kwon’s classroom.” She knew she never seen him before. “Ms. Choi’s class is the one behind that wall.” She pointed towards the white board.

The boy pushed his eyebrows together to perhaps think over her statement for a bit, but made no attempt to move.  

“I don’t mean to bother you, but shouldn’t you be getting to your class now?” Joy asked eyeing the clock. They had about ten minutes before classes resumed.

“Nah, I like this seat better.” The boy answered as he laid his head down. “Wake me up when the teacher comes.”

Joy stared at the boy unsure of what to do. Deciding there was nothing she could do she laid her head down as well and closed her eyes for the remainder of the time.

Hearing the commotion of her returning classmates, Joy slowly got up and started stretching her upper body. Midway, she remembered the boy beside her.

“Yah, wake up. It’s time for you to go to your class.” She gently tapped his shoulder, but he didn’t budge.  

“I’m serious. You’ll get in trouble.” Where was Yugyeom when she needed him?

That’s right, Yugyeom wasn’t here today. She remembered Hayoung mentioning how she and Chanmi had thought Joy and Yugyeom were skipping together and were probably on a date or something when the both of them weren’t in their seat that morning.

“Hey Joy, you missed a fight toda-, hey is that Yugyeom?” Hayoung, who had come back from break noticed the boy sleeping beside Joy.

“No. This is V. He’s in Ms. Choi’s class.” Joy answered. Hayoung was about to ask Joy another question when Ms. Kwon walked into the room telling the students to settle into their seats and began writing on the board.

Joy attempted to wake V up once more, this time being more forceful in shaking him.  

“Why are you bothering me?” V said annoyed as he pushed away Joy’s hand. The commotion caused the already quiet class to stare at the two of them.

“Joy, what’s the meaning of this?” Ms. Kwon had stopped writing and was now staring at them as well. V must have come to his senses because as Joy watched V apologize and leave, she couldn’t help but applaud him for his smooth exit. Ms. Kwon didn't even seem mad that her class was interrupted. She even patted V's head as he left. 


Joy stared at door with the word “Detention” written on it. She gulped as she opened the door and handed the teacher in charge the note she received. Signing her name on the paper for documentation, she found a seat beside the window.

One by one, the students began filling the classroom and Joy tried her best to avoid looking at anyone.

Two hours.” She thought to herself. She had a feeling these two hours were going to be the longest two hours of her life.

Taking out her math homework, Joy started working on problem one. Turning to the back of the workbook, she frowned when her answer didn’t match up. Erasing her work, she began once more. Again, her answer was wrong.

“You forgot to carry your one.” She heard a familiar voice whisper in her ear. Turning her head the slightest to the right, she was shock to see V looking over her shoulder at her work. His face was literally inches away from hers and had she turned her head some more she was sure her lips would have come into contact with his cheek.

“Uh, thank you.” She said as she quickly turned her head away from his face, hoping he wouldn’t notice the blush forming on her cheeks.  

“No talking.” The teacher said as he looked up from his work, “And you, sit properly in your seat.” Joy felt V’s face moving away from hers and sighed in relief. Joy found the mistake V had pointed out and continued her work, this time getting the right answer. Joy continued working when she felt something sharp poke her in the back.

“Hey I’m bored. Let’s get out of here.” She heard him whisper, but she choose to ignore him.  

“Hey, didn’t you hear me?” He poked her again.

“This is your last warning. No talking.” The teacher said.

“Come on. Aren’t you tired of sitting here?” He said, ignoring the teacher.

“Please shut up. Please.” Joy thought to herself.

“Hey, hey, hey.” He continued poking her in the back.

“That’s it. Come up here now Mr. Mr. What’s your name?” The teacher said slamming his fist on his desk.

Joy felt the desk behind her move and followed V with her eyes as he walked up to the front of the classroom where the teacher was standing. However, Joy along with everyone in the class gasped in unison when he walked past the teacher and straight to the door.

“Where are you going?” The teacher shouted after him.

“I’m leaving.” V simply answered, clearly not caring about the teacher.

“You can’t do that. What’s your name?” The teacher responded angrily.

“Kim Taehyung, but people call me V.” V had reached the door and because Joy’s eyes never left him, she swore she saw him flash a smirk at her before closing the door behind him.

“Kim Taehyung? That boy didn’t even have detention.” Joy heard the teacher say once he returned to his desk.

Joy decided that there was definitely nothing ordinary about today, especially when she turned to gaze out the window and saw V staring straight at her with a piece of chicken in his mouth.


TaDa! First chapter done. I will say I was inspired by a certain anime, so if there is any similarity then that's why. 

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esumi_ #1
Chapter 11: This story is so cute and V was such an oblivious sweetheart
shinjein #2
Chapter 11: You're so good at doing fluff.
This is simply romantic, i love it.
shinjein #3
Chapter 5: OMG THIS IS ME
Fardiah #4
Chapter 12: This story is GREAT!!! Simple and nice just the way I like ^_^
infinite_kenn #5
Chapter 11: dear magicpanda i really thank you for writing so much joyxhet becauseee just because. ;--; you're my savior hahaha (don't mind me im a joyxhet trash) . my original joy-ship was joylo but you ruined everything with this fic. Gotta check bts now ;_;
gonna check your other joyxhet stories pls write more i love you and hwaiting!
Chapter 11: This is good authornim! I like it
And by the way I'm waiting for another joy's story keke
Chapter 11: Omg.. Too cute. Thank you for writing this awesome cute story. I always here to support. Lol. Can't wait to read your new story now.