The last day before going to hell

Hanguk Annyeong!

The days until my school live in korea started, passed fast. I walked throught Seoul with my parents, bought some new dresses, jeans, t-shirts and shoes, because we threw much away in america and just brought the newest clothes to korea. I also skyped with my friends in america and sent them pics of everything I got infront of my mobile camera.

At the last evening before my school life in korea should start my mum and dad went out for dinner. I decided to stay at home and checked again if I really didn’t forgot something that I needed for school. I was so nervous! My parents said that they wouldn’t come back before 11pm and I was bored being home alone, so I grabbed my nikes and my beats and walked out of our house and garden. I listened to Mino’s „I’m him“ while walking to the main street. It became dark and when I watched at my mobile to see the time it showed that it just was 6pm. Oh gosh. What should I do so long? Listening to my favourite kPop songs I sat down on a bank and watched the people who passed by. Some looked at me and when I noticed them they turned around and did like they did nothing. Suddendly someone sat beside me and stared at me. At first I did like I hadn’t noticed anything but after a few minutes I got a little angry and turned my head to him. „What?“, I said and looked in the face oft he boy I bumbed in at the airport a few weeks ago. „We hadn’t saw us for a long time right?“, he giggled. „Oh… yeah.“, with red cheeks I looked tot he ground. „Sorry again that I ran into you at the airport.“ He smiled, nearly laughted. „That’s really no problem! There were so many people, you can’t do anything against people running into you at a crowded place like there.“ I nooded. „But… Was it you?“ I lifted my gaze confused. „What was I?“ „he girl at my school. It was you right? With your dad?“, he asked. „Oh, yeah! That was me.“, I smiled. „I guess my friend likes you. He said that he…“ „I heard it. He bets that he can become my boyfriend.“ He nooded. „His name is Myung-soo but everybody is calling him L.“ „Ah ok.“, I answered nicely. „Oh! Right! And my name is Woo-Hyun. And yours?“, he smiled with shining eyes. „My name is Jane.“ „I like your name. It suits you. By the way. Do you live around here?“ I nooded. „9 Minutes away of here.“ „Oh! Me too! I guess we live in the same neighbourhood. Thats fortune cutie!“, he grinned. Did he just called me cutie?!, I thought. I was absoulty sure that he must be a playboy. Even the fact that he sat beside me without asking… But he can do it. Handsome guys always think that they can become everbody and sadly it’s true… mostly. „Well… It was nice to meet you again, but I have to go home now.“, I stod up and made my first step in the other direction, when he stod up too and walked beside me. „Let’s go home together!“, he smiled. . I really didn’t want to walk back home together with him, but I couldn’t change it. So I answered: „Ok.“ The whole way back home he told me about school, the people over there and how much he hoped that I would be in his class. Hopefully not! I’m sure he would never ever leave me alone!, I thought and just did like I totaly was interessted in what he was telling me.  When we arrived in front of my new home I stopped. „I live here. So… See you.“, I turned tot he door and opened it when he said: „Oh gosh! We really are neightbours!“ I turned around totaly confused. „Why?“ „I live here!“, his finger showed at a little villa at the other side of the small street. „Oh…“ „If you want to I can catch you up tomorrow and we can walk to school together!“ „Shall we?“, I said lovely, but in the inside of me I would like to kill him. I don’t wanna be friends with him. I‘m sure that if the girls see that he knows me and always talks with me, they will get jealous because event he most handsome boy just have eyes for me., I thought. „Ok! I’ll catch you up at 7:30am. Bye bye!“ He waved shortly and wanted to turn around, but then my parents arrived and my mum said in korean: „Oh god! Jane! You found a friend in your age? That’s awesome! See? I told you that you’ll find friends over here faster than you think.“ WooHyun smiled at her, bowed down and said a formal hello to her and my dad. He told them how we met and also told my dad that he was one of the guys at the school area. „Oh really! Thats great! And you live in the house over there?“, he asked in a slow korean. WooHyun nooded with a nice smile. „I’ll catch her up tomorrow! And help her to find her class. Whats her class?“ „1a?“, my dad asked. I nodded. „Oh god!!! Me too!“, now his eyes shined like the sun. „That’s great! I can help you with your school live! That’s abolutly no problem since you are in the same class as me! But… I really have to go home now. My mum made dinner. See you trmw Jane!“ With these words he left.

„Why are you back that early mum?“, I tried to cover the situation from earlier infront of our house. „We were worried abbout you! And if we had known that you go out oft he house we would have came back even earlier!“ „Oh… Ok. Then how was the dinner?“ „Awesome! Korean food is just MUAH!“ I nodded with a smile that should show that this acting was totaly… stupid. Just because we were in korea where everybody loved being happy and like my mum at this moment was she shouldn’t be like that. „I’ll go sleeping mum.“ „But it’s just 8pm?“, my mum said confused. „I’ll watch my kDrama in my room until 10pm, but I guess we won’t see us until tomorrow.“ „Oh god. Have fun with our drama. I guess it was a miracle that I saw you the last few weeks that much.“, a little bit mad she walked into our living room and I also left the floor and went upstairs into my room.

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