Seoul Annyeong!

Hanguk Annyeong!

„Jane! Wake up! We’re arrived, the plane will be at the airport soon.“, my mum woke me up with a calm voice. I guess she didn’t want to wake up the other passengers. „Look! There is the Incheon Airport!“, my mum held her finger up and showed out of the window next to me. „Oh yeah. I can see it!“, imadiately I went infront of the window with my whole head, so that my mum wasn’t able to see anything. „Jane! I can’t see it anymore, please let me see it too.“ I turned my head to her and smiled. „Sorry mom.“, I smiled. „Are you happy now? So I was right! You love korea and want to live here.“ „Sure I wanna live here. It’s just that I’m scared of school.“, I answered. „Oh, darling! I’m sure you’ll find friends very fast!“, she smiled and I nooded. „I hope so.“

We stod in the room where our garbages should arrive and waited 20 minutes until we saw ours. „So! I’m so exited if you two will like our new house! It’s in a beautiful neighbourhood and you will have a big room Jane!“, my dad told us. He still was in korea to find a house for us, he arranged everything with my new school and he also bought me 2 school uniforms. „Dad, is my school far away of our house?“, I asked. Because I really didn’t wanted to drive bus or train at my first school day allone, I surely wouldn’t arrive at the school. The bus and subway system is just t obig and confusing. „Don’t worry. You can walk there. It’s 15 minutes away and it’s not worth it to buy you expesive tickets for a few minutes bus drive every day. I’ll show you the way when we arrived at home and brought our garbages in, ok?“  I nooded. That’s good. I was sure that it won’t kill me to walk there. My mum and dad took there stuff and walked away. „Mum! Dad! Wait!“, I shouted because they talked and forget to look after me. I grabbed my stuff and wanted to run over to them, but I bumbed into somebody. I looked up bowed down and said sorry in the formal korean. When I looked up again I looked into a beautiful boys face.

„No problem.“, he smiled, bowed a little and walked away. I followed him with my eyes a little bit, but then noticed that my parents waited and ran over to them.

„Woah! OMO! It’s so beautiful dad!“, I shouted when we entered our new house. My dad just smiled and said: „I knew you would like it. Do you want to see your room?“ I jumped up and down, nodded while I squeaked happily. My dad walked up the stairs and walked left, opened a door, smiled and showed into the room. „It’s yours.“ I walked in and saw that it wasn’t my old furniture. Everything was new and so beautiful. Everthing in blue and white, so beautiful!

„Woah! Dad! Is it all new?“, I asked and couldn’t stop grining. „Yeah it’s all new. I hope you like it!“ „YEAH SURE! Thank you so much!“, I ran to my dad and hugged him tightly. „If you don’t want the lamps or anything you also can bring them to me, but you can decide by yourself.“, he smiled and walked out to help my mum with the garbages.

After we brought the garbages in the house my mum started to cook lunch. It was about 11am now and my dad and me decided to walk to my school, so that I know how to get there. I took my black nikes and walked out. It was warmer than when we arrived so I decided to leave my jacket at home and just went out with a skirt and grey not tight t-shirt. The end of my shirt I putted inside of my skirt. „Let’s go dad!“, I jumped up and down and ran to our garden door. He laughed and walked over to me. After 2 minutes we came to the main street and walked a little bit until we came to a way, that was at the right of the main street, that leaded us to the school. „So, thats your school. I hope you will study here well and find good friends!“, he said in a funny way. I laughed and saw a few students sitting 3 meters away at the gras and talking. „Dad? Don’t they have free too?“ He nodded. „Sure they have, but I guess they met over here to talk, they don’t wear they school uniforms.“ I looked at them. The 4 boys turned a little, when one of them saw me and my dad and told them with a calm voice that there is a foreign girl. They all smiled at me and when I smiled back shyly and looked into their faces, my heart nearly stopped beating. One of these guys was the boy I ran into at the airport. Embarrassed and with a shocked face I turned around to my dad and said: „Dad! Let’s go!“ When we were about 6 meteres away of them I heared one oft he guys saying with a loud voice: „I’m sure that this american girl will be at our school after the holidays! I bet that I can become her boyfiend?“ My dad didn’t understod what he said, because his korean isn’t as good as mine (he will study it at his new working place), but I understod it and I guess that THIS still shows how it’ll be at my first school day at this school.

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