Everything is so complicated

Hanguk Annyeong!

When we were about to fall onto the couch someone unlocked the door. We stopped kissing and I wispered: „My parents! I guess they are back!“ We fast sat down onto the couch normaly and did like we watched tv the whole time and didn’t hear them coming back. „Jane? Where are you?“, my mum asked. „I’m in the living room!“, I answered and my mum and dad entered the room. „WooHyun! How are you?“, my dad smiled and seemed really happy to see him. „I’m fine thanks!“, he answered and I could feel that he was nervous. He didn’t wanted my parents to notice what we did. Just then I noticed that my mum held the rose, WooHyun wanted to give to me, in her hand. „Janeeee~  WooHyun~“, my mum said with a happy and curious voice. „Why was there a rose on the ground?“ She grinned and in that moment I really wanted to turn into sea foam. „Mum… Please…“ „Oh come on!!! Tell meeeeeeeee!“, she did like a little kid who tries to get what she wants to. „Mum!“ „Jane I think I should go home now!“, WooHyun stod up and walked to the door, because I also wanted to flee, out of that strange atmosphere, I stod up too and followed him. My parents stayed in the living room, well… I thought so. „Gosh… they nearly caught us!“, WooHyun grinned. „Yeah! It would have been so hard to explain!“, I agreed and smiled back. „Well then… see u tomorrow. We walk to school like always right?“, he grinned and I nodded. „Yes sure. See you tomorrow and good night!“, I smiled and he walked away. Just staying there, watching into the dark outside, suddendly my dad and mum came round the corner of the house floor. „Now you can tell what happened!“, my dad said. I winced and turned around. „Mum! Dad! Did you listened?!“ They grinned and I knew: they did. „What did WooHyun mean with ‚They nearly caught us‘?“, my mum asked. „Nothing…“, with these words I ran upstairs and locked my room door.

„Hey!“, WooHyun seemed really happy to see me and immediately hugged me, I slowly pulled him away and while I did this he leaned to my lips and kissed me. „Hya!“, I sad shocked and hit his stomach lightly. We started to walk and he looked at me. „We’re a couple now, so why shouldn’t I kiss my girlfriend?“ Horrified I starred at him, perhaps a bit to horrorfied because his smile dissappeared. „You don’t think so, right?“ „No… That’s not it. I’m just abolutly not sure about my feelings at the moment.“, I answered. „JB… right? It was him who asked you to go with him.“, he realized and I nodded shyly. „Didn’t it feel good for you when we kissed? Didn’t you had the feeling that it was right?“, he asked. „I had…“, I answered and he grinned. „See. Then I don’t get the problem.“, he grabbed my hand and I just watched at his face secretly, so that he didn’t notice it. In fact he was right, I really liked him and absolutly felt more than friendship for him… and I didn’t know JB long, I just liked him and thought that he was really handsome.

We arrived at the class and he let go of my hand. I wanted that before we entered the school, but he didn’t wanted to. Some people glarred at us and immediatly started to wisper and grin, while that I felt so uncomfortable and I was so happy that it was over now. Surely EunMi noticed that we held hands while entering and ran over to me. „I guess you have to tell me what’s going on? I thought you like JB?“ „Oh god… It’s difficult!“, I explained to her what happened after the self-studying lesson. After I told everything she giggled. „Your life here is so exiting girl!“ „Haha. Very funny. I think that I might love WooHyun, but I’m not sure!“, I whined. In that moment the teacher entered the room and started with the lesson.

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