My Baby

GTOP One-Shot Collection

The sound of the TV and laughter coming from the living room woke him up. He sat up on his elbows looking through still bleary eyes around the dark room. His eyes moved to the digital clock on his bedside table.

7:18 PM.

Seunghyun sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his face before getting out of bed and making his way to the living room.

The sight that met his eyes made him smile. Jiyong was sitting on the couch facing the television, holding on of the though cushions to his chin, his eyes bright and his mouth fixed into a wide smile. A soft giggle escaped his lips, and the sound made Seunghyun’s heart flutter.

Seunghyun walked over to the couch and sat down behind Jiyong. He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s slim waist and rested his chin on his shoulder and closed his eyes. “Hi,” he said, his voice cracked and gravely from sleep.

Jiyong leaned back against him, placing his hands over the ones around his waist. “Hey. You finally decided to get up?”

“Why did you wake up so early? We were supposed to sleep in today,” Seunghyun whined, holding Jiyong even tighter.

“Early? It’s already past seven in the evening silly,” Jiyong chuckled.

“Let’s go back to bed, I’m still sleepy,” Seunghyun mumbled sleepily.

Jiyong gently pulled away from Seunghyun moving to the far side of the couch. Seunghyun looked at him, surprised. Then Jiyong started patting his leg, a motion for Seunghyun to lay down in his lap. “You can sleep here,” he said softly. Seunghyun immediately placed his head on Jiyong’s lap, and Jiyong’s hand instantly tangled in his hair, twisting the silky strands between his thin fingers.

Seunghyun felt his start to droop, only faintly hearing the sounds coming from the television and barely registering Jiyong’s body shaking from muted laughter.


An hour later, Seunghyun opened his eyes. He could still feel Jiyong’s hand in his hair, but the television had been muted. He turned his head and looked up at Jiyong, who was looking in the direction of the TV but his mind was clearly somewhere else. Seunghyun wondered what his boyfriend was thinking so he asked, “What were you watching?”

Jiyong flinched at the sudden sound and looked down to find Seunghyun looking at him.

“Oh you’re awake,” Jiyong said, the corner of his lips pulling into a wide smile.

Seunghyun hummed before yawning, the action making Jiyong giggle because his hyung was just so cute!

“You look just like a cat,” Jiyong teased.


Jiyong dissolved into a fit of giggles. After he calmed down, he looked down at Seunghyun with so much affection in his eyes before looking back up, again looking lost in thought.

Now Seunghyun was really curious. He grabbed the hand that was absentmindly caressing his hair and dragged it down to his lips. He placed a kiss in the middle of Jiyong’s palm before moving the hand to his cheek. Jiyong looked back down at him, a soft expression on his face.

“Tell me what’s on your mind,” Seunghyun said in a soft voice.

Jiyong bit his lip, wondering whether or not to tell him. They’ve never talked about this. Well not directly to each other. Jiyong had every right to be nervous.

“I was just thinking,” Jiyong started.

A pause.

Seunghyun waited. He knows Jiyong will tell him eventually, so he just watches as Jiyong worries his bottom lip between his teeth, his eyes darting between his and somewhere above him. This went on for a couple of minutes before finally Jiyong’s eyes settled on his and he released his lip.

“Do you think… do you think we’ll ever get to be on that show?” Jiyong finally asks.

“What show?” Seunghyun asked dumbly.

“Uh…Superman is Back,” Jiyong replied, looking nervous again.

Seunghyun looked at Jiyong blankly. What show was Jiyong talking about? He just woke up and he felt too lazy to use his brain to think about it.

Jiyong cracked a smile at Seunghyun’s expression. “You know. That show Tablo hyung is on? Where he has to stay with Haru for 48hrs?”

Oh. That show.

Seunghyun nodded slowly, his mind slowly processing where Jiyong was going with this.

“Do you think we’ll ever be on it?” Jiyong asked again.

Seunghyun stayed silent for so long, Jiyong thought about changing the subject all together.

“You…want to leave me with our baby... alone… for two days?” Seunghyun asked eventually.


Jiyong was…surprised. Pleasantly so. Seunghyun said ‘our baby’. Our baby. He felt so happy that Seunghyun even entertained the thought of them someday having a child together. But he wasn’t going to show that. Instead…

“Who said that you were going to be the dad?” Jiyong pouted. “I’m gonna be the dad.”

Seunghyun snorted. “Do you even hear what you’re saying? How could you be the dad? Clearly that’s gonna be me. You are gonna be ‘mommy’,” Seunghyun sniggered.

Jiyong huffed. “And on what grounds did you decide this? What makes you any more qualified to be the dad?”

Seunghyun sat up and faced Jiyong. He lifted his hands to cup Jiyong’s cheeks.

“It’s not what I have that qualifies me as a dad, it’s about what qualifies you to be a mom,” Seunghyun said, a soft smile on his lips. “You’re caring… loving… kind… compassionate,” Seunghyun said, punctuating each word with a kiss. “You have all the qualities of the perfect mother while I… I’m just a 28 year old baby.”

Jiyong who had tears welling in his eyes, let out a bark of laughter at the last sentence. “You’re my 28 year old baby,” Jiyong said through the lump in his throat, before lunging forward to kiss Seunghyun. “I love you,” he whispered in the space between their lips. Seunghyun just kissed him again, before pulling Jiyong against his chest and just holding him.


After a few minutes of contentment, Jiyong suddenly burst into a fit of giggles. “You know what? Fine. You can be the dad. I’ll love watching you struggle on TV,” Jiyong sniggered.

Seunghyun punched him lightly on his arm. “Well, it’s gonna be your loss. You won’t get to eat any ice cream with us.”

Jiyong just laughed, hoping that that day will come.

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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 18: LOL this was hilarious!!!!!!!
"icicle toes" that was funny :P
thank you for the collection, authornim!! i really enjoyed it :D :D :D
Dragon63 #2
Chapter 17: GOD!!!! why are all your fanfics all so good??????
Dragon63 #3
Chapter 16: awww this was really sweet ^^
i loved it :D :D
Dragon63 #4
Chapter 14: this was really good too!!!!!
yongie works too hard :(
the pics were hilarious though :D
Dragon63 #5
Chapter 13: LOL poor ji, he works TOOOO hard :P
Dragon63 #6
Chapter 11: LOL this was the best!!!!
flustered panda is soooo cute!!
i love how my ri is all protective over minhee
and minhee is ADORABLE!!!!! so cute!!
Dragon63 #7
Chapter 10: oooohhhh this one was super good :D
don't worry authornim, you did great on this fanfic!!!!!
Dragon63 #8
Chapter 9: awwww this chapter was so sweet :D
my little ji is hurtttt hyunnie >:(
lol no im kidding :P
(am i commenting too much?? lol sorry)
Dragon63 #9
Chapter 7: woahhh this chappie is just making me blushh ^//////^
but it's really good :D
i wonder what seunghyun's gonna do to my little dragon :P
Dragon63 #10
Chapter 6: god this was funny too XD
im laughing so hard right now
poor seunghyun ^^