
GTOP One-Shot Collection

Jiyong scratched his head, stumped. “Then how about this one?” he asked looking back at Seunghyun.

Seunghyun shook his head, amused.


They were sitting in the living room, Jiyong sat cross-legged on the floor in front of the coffee table with his laptop in front of him, while Seunghyun sat on the couch reading a book with a cup of coffee on the table next to him.

Seunghyun’s birthday was near and Jiyong was trying to pick out a birthday gift for him. But he was stumped. He couldn’t find anything that Seunghyun liked so far. He tried everything, from clothes to jewelry to Be@rbricks, Seunghyun had shot down every suggestion.

“Can you at least tell me what you want?”

“You should know what I want,” Seunghyun replied, not lifting his eyes from his book.

Jiyong let out a groan of frustration. He tried to think back, to think of anything Seunghyun said that might have hinted at what he wanted for his birthday but his mind drew up banks. They’d seen each other so little lately, and when they did see each other it was never a private matter. There were always people there. These past few days were the only days they had spent in the company of each other alone.

If he were honest, Seunghyun didn’t want anything for his birthday. Just the two of them sitting together like this was enough. But Jiyong didn’t get that yet. So Seunghyun let him open one site after another, asking if Seunghyun would like this or that, but he turned down every single one of them in hopes that he would understand that what he needed couldn’t be bought.


After a few minutes, Jiyong threw his hands in the air, a sign of giving up, before getting up from his place on the floor and heading towards the kitchen.

He returned a few minutes later with a mug of hot chocolate. He sat on the couch, cuddling next to Seunghyun and nursing his mug against his chest.

Seunghyun lifted his arm and draped it over Jiyong’s shoulder, pulling him closer in the process, eyes still on his book.

They stayed like that for a while, Jiyong drinking his hot chocolate, Seunghyun setting his book every now and then to take a sip of his coffee or turn a page of the book he was reading. Jiyong breaking the silence every now and then, asking Seunghyun a few questions or telling him some random information, then falling silent again and turning his focus to his hot chocolate.

After a while, Seunghyun realized that Jiyong hadn’t spoken for a few minutes, so he turned to face him and an endeared smile tugged at the corner of his lips. Jiyong had the mug of hot chocolate held loosely on his lap, his lips forming a slight pout. Seunghyun set down his book and turned towards the sleeping boy, tugging the mug from his hands to place it on the coffee table.

Jiyong awoke at the movement. “I’m up!” he exclaimed, looking a little disoriented.

Seunghyun chuckled as he stood up and pulled him up with him. “No it’s been a long day and you look tired. Let’s go to bed.”

“No,” Jiyong whined stubbornly, “I still haven’t found you a birthday present,” he said, quickly pulling his hand out of Seunghyun’s and resuming his seat in front of the computer. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes then proceeded to click away on the keyboard.

“Jiyong!” Seunghyun said sternly.

Jiyong ignored him and continued browsing the website he just opened—a furniture site of all things—then pointed towards a chair. “This looks good doesn’t it hyung? Should I order it for y—?”

Jiyong’s words were cut off by Seunghyun, who smashed their lips together, effectively turning Jiyong’s attention to him.

“Seung…hyun,” Jiyong breathed out after he broke the kiss.

“Let’s just go to bed, Jiyong,” Seunghyun pleaded.

“But….your gift,” Jiyong said pointing distractedly at the laptop. “I need to find you a gift. Your birthday is in a couple of days and I still haven’t gotten you anything.”

Seunghyun kneeled down next to Jiyong and held both of his hands between his. “This is all I want. Just you and I, together, is the best present I could ever get from you.” Seunghyun leaned forward and placed a sweet, chaste kiss on Jiyong’s lips, hoping Jiyong would understand his feelings. “Please,” Seunghyun whispered.

“But I wanted your birthday to be special. I wanted to get you something to make it more memorable,” Jiyong sulked.

“Well,” Seunghyun drawled, causing Jiyong to lift his head and meet Seunghyun’s gaze. Seunghyun’s lips formed an amused smile. “There are…other…ways to make that day memorable you know.”

“Like what?” Jiyong asked innocently.

“You know what,” Seunghyun replied, waggling his eyebrows causing Jiyong to break down in a fit of giggles.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Jiyong said innocently. He got up and started walking backwards towards the bedroom, a coy smile on his lips.

Seunghyun smirked. “Are you sure you don’t know or are you just pretending?” He got up slowly and stalked after Jiyong, matching each step.

“I guess you’ll have to wait a couple of days to find out,” Jiyong said shamelessly, twirling on his heel and walking into the bedroom, swaying his hips from side to side.

Seunghyun ran in after him, grabbing him and lifting him up in his arms and throwing him on the bed before towering over him.

“I want you to show me now,” he demanded, his eyes suddenly filled with lust.

Jiyong smiled mischievously at his hyung before whispering a husky “Okay,” before proceeding to give him a little preview of how he was going to make Seunghyun’s birthday more...special.


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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 18: LOL this was hilarious!!!!!!!
"icicle toes" that was funny :P
thank you for the collection, authornim!! i really enjoyed it :D :D :D
Dragon63 #2
Chapter 17: GOD!!!! why are all your fanfics all so good??????
Dragon63 #3
Chapter 16: awww this was really sweet ^^
i loved it :D :D
Dragon63 #4
Chapter 14: this was really good too!!!!!
yongie works too hard :(
the pics were hilarious though :D
Dragon63 #5
Chapter 13: LOL poor ji, he works TOOOO hard :P
Dragon63 #6
Chapter 11: LOL this was the best!!!!
flustered panda is soooo cute!!
i love how my ri is all protective over minhee
and minhee is ADORABLE!!!!! so cute!!
Dragon63 #7
Chapter 10: oooohhhh this one was super good :D
don't worry authornim, you did great on this fanfic!!!!!
Dragon63 #8
Chapter 9: awwww this chapter was so sweet :D
my little ji is hurtttt hyunnie >:(
lol no im kidding :P
(am i commenting too much?? lol sorry)
Dragon63 #9
Chapter 7: woahhh this chappie is just making me blushh ^//////^
but it's really good :D
i wonder what seunghyun's gonna do to my little dragon :P
Dragon63 #10
Chapter 6: god this was funny too XD
im laughing so hard right now
poor seunghyun ^^