Chapter 2

Take Me Back

As Krystal was walking in the company, she kept thinking about Naeun. She was really pretty and seeing how she reacted to her spilling coffee on her shirt,

it seemed that she was as nice as what Jessica said. She tried getting it off her mind by immersing herself into the pile of work that she had to do. It worked.

Meanwhile, in Kai's office,Naeun was talking to him about the new friend she just made.

''She looks mean but she's acutally quite nice Kai.''


''The new girl, Krystal Jung I think.'' Hearing her name, Kai stared at her, shocked.

''Did she do anything to you?'' He asked anxiously. He was worried that Krystal had done something to hurt his sweet girlfriend. Naeun innocently pointed at

her white blouse that had a huge coffee stain on it.

''Well, she got coffee on me but it was-'' Naeun got cut off by him. He stood up angryily and stomped towards where Krystal was seated. When she saw

him, she smiled but it faltered when he pulled her up harshly. Everyone gaped at him. It had been years since they saw the ruthless side of him. Naeun

was shocked too but she couldn't do anything to stop him.

''B-Boss, what are you doing? It hurts.'' She winced.

''I told your sister to tell you that I wasn't going to pay attention to anything you do, but now you pour your coffee on my girlfriend?!'' He snapped at her.

''It was an accident.'' She reasoned out, wiggling her arm, trying to free it from his grasp.

''Don't lie to me! It was enough that you ran off with some guy before, now I am successful so you want me back, but you better stop. I am not the same 

person who gets cheated on.'' What he said made everyone, including Naeun, surprised.

''She was the reason that Boss was like this?'' 

''How dare she cheat on him and come back?''

''Tsk, Boss should never have hired her. Look, it's only her first day and she already gets into trouble.''

''Poor Naeun, first she gets coffee on her, now she might get her boyfriend stolen.''

All kinds of lies were made up in that short amount of time. Naeun stared at Krystal in a daze. She too believed that she cheated on Kai. She just realised

that what the workers were saying was true. Of course she would come back after running away when he wasn't successful just because he earns a lot of

money. And that would mean that she has to keep Krystal away from her boyfriend. Although she knew that the coffee spill was an accident, she wanted

everyone to hate Krystal so she didn't defend her ''new friend''.

''Naeun shi, p-please tell him what really happened.'' The girl was now whimpering, her arm was red and it felt numb, Kai's grip cut off the blood circulation

in her arm.

''Babe, is it true? That it was all an accident?'' Kai asked her.

''Don't believe her, this was the shirt that you gave me for my birthday and now it's ruined.'' She whined. Krystal's eyes widened as Kai pushed her back in

her seat way more harshly than how he pulled her up.

''From now on, if I catch you near my girlfriend again, I will not hesitate to make you suffer.'' He warned. The couple took their leave while Krystal sat there,

staring into space. Tears rolled down her face, now everyone hates her. She looked around and realised that everyone indeed hated her, for they were

glaring at her. She hurriedly looked down and continued to work. For the rest of the day, the stack of papers on her desk piled up rapidly. The employees

of the marketing department kept giving her so much work because of what happened with Kai and Naeun. It was already evening and the last person

from the department gave her some more work and a dirty look then smirked,

''Finish this all by tomorrow. I want to see it on my desk the moment I reach here. Okay?'' Krystal sighed and nodded, knowing that she couldn't do

anything about it. 

''I guess I have to stay here all night.'' She huffed and went to get her third cup of coffee to keep her awake. It was no doubt that she was tired and sleepy,

she didn't sleep on the way back to Korea. The last time she slept was before her flight.

''Jungie? What are you still doing here?'' On the way back to her seat, she ran into her sister who was planning to go home with her.

''I have loads of work to do. Unnie, I think it's better if you go home first.'' Jessica eyed her.

''Have you been crying?''


''Don't lie to me.''

''It's really nothing. Unnie, you should get some rest.'' Krystal told her, trying to smile.

''Okay, don't stay too late Jungie. Love ya, bye.'' Jessica kissed her cheek and walked off.

Krystal continued her work which never seemed to decrease. Little did she know, Naeun had seen the whole thing with Jessica. She quickly ran to Kai's


''Kai, you didn't tell me that Jessica was the sister of Krystal.'' She pouted.

''I forgot, sorry babe.''

''What happened between you and her anyway?''

''She accepted my proposal and the next day, I waited for her in the rain for 3 hours but she never showed up. She must have met a man better than me.''

''That's impossible. She seems so nice.'' She faked a smile. Actually, she hated Krystal too, but she had to maintain her angel-like image by acting like 

she likes her.

''You're really nice babe, no wonder I fell for you.'' He kissed her on the lips. Naeun blushed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ears.

''Let's go home babe.'' Kai held her hand and they exited his office together. Outside, they saw Krystal trying so hard to keep her eyes open. It was

obvious that she lacked sleep and looked like she was about to faint. Kai suddenly remembered the day when she was admitted into the hospital because

she fainted due to exhaustion. He was about to go, telling himself that he shouldn't care about her, when Naeun pulled away and walked over to her.

''Krystal shi, are you okay?'' She shook the girl lightly.

''Oh-'' She was about to say thank you but, saw Naeun's face and remembered the way she lied in front of her.

''Yeah, I'm fine. You should just go home and wash off the coffee stain that I purposely poured on you.'' She said, voice dripping with sarcasm. Kai heard it

and briskly walked over.

''Yah, she was just trying to help you. Why do you have to be so mean to her? Let's go babe.''

Krystal stared after them sadly. Just what did she do to make him treat her like this? She really wanted to tell him what really happened that night but she

knew that if she did, it would make his relationship with someone worse. No, telling him can't be an option. She should just continue to act like a .

Maybe then Naeun would get tired of her and leave. She sighed for the thousandth time that day and did her best to finish the work. She stood up to put

the completed ones on the respective desks. She then walked off, clutching the engagement ring on her neck, heart hurting. As she was exiting, she

noticed a name on a door.

Park Chanyeol-Head of Marketing Department

Hmm, maybe she could ask for his help. She had been great friends with Kai's friends back then, surely they would help her?

What Krystal didn't know was that they hated her too.




























Oh my gosh...please don't hate me for this chapter...><...Things will happen soon but for now, please bear with this boring chapter. Please comment,

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Chapter 12: wow nice ending and a happy one i really lovexmd it also thank you for making time to finish this story and i wish you will end the other story Collision of broken heart it's been 2 years for me to wait for an update to that story
Chapter 11: wow that what i really wanted it
Chapter 10: wow hope he will know the truth
Chapter 9: wow so is that mean that he will broke up with naeun
Chapter 8: omg will she die ?? i'm really worried i hope my krys will be a strong
Chapter 7: wow finally hr showed some signs
Chapter 6: i really enjoyed it and i'm really curious about the secret of krys that made her leave kai
Chapter 5: omg what would happrn to krys that really making me worry but i hope something bad will happen so they will regret all what they did
Chapter 4: woah i see that you used some of their real personality and that make it seems real
Chapter 3: wow who is really that kai friend who is worried about krys