Chapter 7

Take Me Back

What did she mean by that? Who was she talking to?

It was already night time but instead of sleeping, Kai was laying in his tent that he shared with Yixing and was deep in his thoughts. He was not

only thinking about what Krystal was crying about, but also why Yixing and Sehun suddenly started caring about Krystal.


''No please, I can't leave h-him, I l-love him...'' The four people's eyes widened, just what did she mean by that? There was no time to ponder

over that though, for Krystal had starting sweating profusely and tears were coming out of her eyes. Before Kai could rush to her side, Yixing

was already cradling her in his arms and caressing her hair.

''Shh, it's okay Soojung ah, don't cry...'' Kai and Naeun frowned at this. One wanted to be the one to be in Yixing's position while the other

wanted the crying girl to disappear. Under Yixing's comfort, Krystal eventually stopped crying. Sehun, who was in a state of panic when she

was in tears, calmed down once her tears had stopped flowing. He moved closed to her and wiped the sweat off her pale face. Once again,

the other two had their brows in a knot.

''Why are you all here?'' Krystal questioned once she had woken up.

''Soojungie, you should seriously take care of yourself. You get sick too many times.'' Sehun chided her, making Krystal glow in happiness. 

Why, you ask? Well, Sehun had unknowingly used the name he used to call her, meaning he had begun to warm up to her already.

''I'm fine. Jongin, you should take a rest too, you carried me all the way here and not to mention you got drenched yesterday.'' She shooed

him away. Kai wanted to say that he was fine and that she herself should rest but seeing the glare that Krystal gave him, he left.

That night, Kai did not have a good night's sleep.


'' Well guys, today is the last day of the camp. I hope that you all have had fun and most of all, gotten closer. The last game that we are going

to play is a couple game. Cliche, I know but maybe some of you will benefit from this. This game will make you guys more alert. You all will be

split into two groups, each with equal amount. One group will be the seekers and the other will hide and look for the key that can unlock your

handcuffs. BUT, you guys will choose your partners in a unique way. See those strings over there? There will be people on each side and

lift up the strings. Whoever has the other end of your string will be your partner. Good luck.'' Howon said on the very last day.

Everyone looked at the strings and realised that they were concealed by loads of sand, making it impossibel to make out which was the other

end of the strings. They had been split in half before hand and to Krystal's joy, she was to be in the group that would hide, along with Kai. 

However, the joy did not last long, for she noticed that Naeun was in the same group. Why does she always have to be in the same group as


''Okay, please lift the ends.'' Krystal lifted the end of the string and felt a strong pull from the opposite side. The taut string was slanted to the

left and she could have jumped for joy when she saw Kai holding the other end.

''I can't believe we're partners. It's fate.'' She squealed as the two of them were being handcuffed together.

''Your clue is, where the water falls.'' After hearing the pretty obvious clue, the two of them set off.

''Ugh, I seriously want to kill that .'' Naeun muttered under her breath. She had been paired up with Chanyeol, lucky for her, Chanyeol

still disliked Krystal and didn't disagree.


''Jongin ah, doesn't this remind you of the past? When we were still in love and went hiking together?'' Krystal attempted to start a

conversation. Unfortunately for her, Kai just wanted to uncuff them.

''Why won't you talk?''

''Jongin ah, can you please slow down? I can't keep up.'' Although they were handcuffed together, Krystal managed to lag behind. She was

losing her strength, probably because she talked too much.

''Then can you stop talking? Because no matter how hard you try to get me back, you never will, I am engaged and I love Naeun. More than I

loved you. You know why? She doesn't pretend to love me.'' Krystal blinked back her tears. He had been kind to her a few days ago and now

he shouted at her face. She breathed deeply and continued walking. Kai suddenly regetted what he said. He was about to apologise when

he felt the handcuffs unlock. He looked at Krystal who was forcing a smile.

''We're free. We better get going.'' With that, she walked off, leaving Kai to stare at her, confused. He had vowed to make her miserable,

but why was he the one getting hurt instead? Whatever he was feeling, he needed to forget it. He loved Naeun and that was it.


''Miss, you are very drunk, I don't think you should drink anymore.'' The bartender advised a girl who was dressed in killer heels and a black

dress that hugged her body, showing off her curves.

''It's okay. I can handle it.'' She held out her hand and groaned when the guy did not hand the drink to her.

''Hey, Kai, isn't that Soojungie?'' Sehun pointed to her. Kai's eyes enlarged. What the hell was she doing here?

He kept his eyes on her. They turned into slits when he saw a man approaching her. He immediately stood up and followed her. Due to the

crowd, he lost track of her. All of a sudden, his heart started racing.

''Where are you? You know better than to go to a club dressed like that.'' He muttered.

''Get off me.''

''I promise you, you will love it.'' In a corner, Kai saw her being kissed by another man, on the lips. It hurt him, the sight squeezed his heart

but he knew that he should get to her.

''Wanna come with me to a hotel?'' He asked her , while smothering her face with disgusting kisses.

''No, get off me please.'' She was panicking now, she was about to give up when she felt the man being pulled off her.

''I think she doesn't want to come with you.'' She heard a familiar voice say. It was filled with anger. And Kai was angry. He hated the fact that 

she was harrassed by a man. The fact that another man touched her. The man, seeing his scary face, scurried off. Kai then turned to face

Krystal, eyes ablaze with anger. He trapped her head in between his arms and spoke so close to her face that she could feel his breath.

''What were you thinking? Are you a fool? Why would you come here by youself? '' He scared Krystal. She has never seen him so angry


''Why would you care ? You don't want anything to-'' She was shocked when Kai punched the space beside her head and shouted.





























Well, hello again, been quite a while since I last updated. Sorry for the short update but I hope you guys like this and hopefully you all comment. subscribe and upvote!! I hope that this is meeting your standards hehe. ^^ BYEEEEE!!

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Chapter 12: wow nice ending and a happy one i really lovexmd it also thank you for making time to finish this story and i wish you will end the other story Collision of broken heart it's been 2 years for me to wait for an update to that story
Chapter 11: wow that what i really wanted it
Chapter 10: wow hope he will know the truth
Chapter 9: wow so is that mean that he will broke up with naeun
Chapter 8: omg will she die ?? i'm really worried i hope my krys will be a strong
Chapter 7: wow finally hr showed some signs
Chapter 6: i really enjoyed it and i'm really curious about the secret of krys that made her leave kai
Chapter 5: omg what would happrn to krys that really making me worry but i hope something bad will happen so they will regret all what they did
Chapter 4: woah i see that you used some of their real personality and that make it seems real
Chapter 3: wow who is really that kai friend who is worried about krys