Chapter 8

Take Me Back

The next day, Krystal came to work with a big smile on her face. The other employees gaped at the smiling girl in shock. She never came to work with a

smile on her face before. Even her own sister raised her eyebrows when she went inside her car with a grin.

''Yah, Jungie, are you okay? Why are you so happy today?'' Jessica questioned.

''It's nothing unnie.''

''It's Jongin isn't it?'' Seeing the smile grow wider than ever, Jessica asked again,

''What happened? Oh and I heard from Yixing that you went to the club alone yesterday. You know better than to go there alone. Nothing ever ends well

whenever you go there.'' She ranted.

''Relax unnie, besides, Jongin actually got angry at me because he saw me with a drunk man. ''

''Seriously? Tell me everything!'' Jessica forgot about warning her sister about the dangers of going there when she heard the good news.  And so

throughout the ride, Krystal told Jessica everything that had happened on that night. You must be wondering, how could she remember the events when

she had been drunk? Let's just say, she has high tolerance. Good for her.


News spread fast. Everybody was talking about the rude girl who would always arrive with a stoic face, coming to work with a completely different attitude.

In fact, what surprised others more was that she had greeted them too.

''Kai, did you hear? It seems Krystal has finally become nicer, I heard she was really happy today.'' Naeun faked a smile.


''It's so weird, do you think that she has another motive?'' Naeun tried to make him think that Krystal was the bad girl.


''Jongin ah, I brought your favourite food for you to eat~'' Krystal barged into Kai's office with a bag in her hand. Naeun stared at her in disbelief.

''What are you doing here Krystal shi?''

''Oh, I just wanted to thank Jongin for saving me at the club yesterday. I made it, so eat it all okay?'' She smiled sweetly and boldly planted a peck on his

cheek, adding fuel to Naeun's fire. Kai couldn't do anything to stop her, the moment she entered the office, as cliche as it might sound, it felt as though the

whole room was lighted up because of her smile. He was so mesmerised by her that he couldn't even move an inch when her lips came into contact with

his cheek. The old feelings were coming back, the dragons that invaded his stomach when he was with her were also back. And this scared him.

''Yah, Kai, why didn't you do anything to stop her?'' Naeun pouted. When he didn't reply, she tapped his arm.

''Don't tell me you are going to eat that, she might have drugged it for all you-''

''Can you stop it? You acted so nice around her before and now just because of this, you bad mouth her?'' Kai groaned.

''Fine then.'' Hurt and angry, Naeun stomped out of his office and went straight to where Krystal was seated.

''Krystal shi, I want to speak to you for awhile, as your superior.''

''What is it?'' Krystal asked the moment they had gone inside the toilet. She was just blindly following Naeun and was shocked when they ended up in a

place that wasn't even for discussing about work.

''I just want to tell you, to stay away from my man. I was trying to be nice to you, but my patience has run out. What exactly to you think you are doing huh?

Giving him food and kissing him on the cheek. Do you think that by doing that, you will get him back?''

''Yes, why else would I do those things? But the difference between me and you is that I am doing it because I love him and I can't live without him, those

actions are from the bottom of my heart, you on the other hand, I doubt you even love him as much as I do.'' With that, she left the other girl.


''Hyung, I have a problem.'' It was break time, but there were two people in Kai's office.

''What is it?''

''I feeling weird things, I shouldn't even be feeling it.''

''Tell me what it is.''

''It's about Soojung. I think my feelings are coming back. I hate it. She cheated on me, but why do I still care about her hyung?'' Kai was burying his face into

his palms. Suho sighed. Because Kai was feeling that way about Krystal, he had no choice but to help him. After all, the only reason why he hated Krystal

was because Kai was in a really bad state and he vowed to hate the girl who left him for the rest of his life.

''I think that if you really love her, you shouldn't deny it. You will only hurt yourself more if you let her go once more. And this time, I think that she is serious.''

Suho advised.

''You know what? You're right. I shouldn't deny it, but that doesn't mean that I am going to accept her fully. I admit, I still have feelings for her. If she wants

to get back together with me, she's going to have to fight for it.'' He smiled in satisfaction and went to the cafeteria,, where the rest were waiting.

Oh Jongin, you're so dumb. Just accept her will ya. At least he knows that he loves her.

Suho chuckled.

Kai and Suho were more than shocked when they saw that seated at their usual table, was Krystal.

''I told her to eat with us. She was lonely because Jessica went to meet a client.'' Sehun shrugged. The rest of them just had no emotions written on their

faces. It was clear they still disliked her.

''Krystal shi, why aren't you eating the apples on your plate?'' Naeun pointed out to the apples that were being put aside from the other fruits in the fruit

salad that she was eating.

''She's allergic to them. She likes them but if she eats them then she would have dificulties breathing.'' Before Krystal could answer, Luhan had already

nonchalantly answered for her. Krystal smiled in secret. No matter how much the others deny it, they will always care about Krystal.

''It's not that serious. I usually eat them because it is easy to get my lungs working as per normal . I just have to drink lots of water and get plenty of air.''

''Then why aren't you eating it?''

''She just recovered from her flu so her immune system is still a bit weak.'' Luhan once again in, earning teasing stares from everyone except Kai.

''It seems that our hyung has a crush on Soojung here.'' Chanyeol wiggled his eyebrows. He didn't notice the glare that Kai was giving him. Suho tried his

best to hold his laughter. It seemed that Kai's plan wasn't going as expected. Instead, he was the one getting jealous.

''Don't believe him Soojung, he's crazy.'' One by one, the rest of group warmed up and started cracking jokes and talking to Krystal.

''Soojung ah, later we will be having dinner at a beef restaurant. Do you want to come along?'' Suho asked.

''Will it be okay?''

''Of course it will. We all know how well you and beef goes together. Naeun, come along too.'' Chanyeol grinned.


''Leave the ordering to me.'' Naeun smiled at the rest. Shrugging, they all became engrossed into one of the stories that Kris was telling. They did not

pay attention to the whisper of Naeun, requesting for more applesauce. When she had finished ordering, she leaned back and smiled in satisfaction.

Meanwhile, Krystal was sitting beside Kai and Sehun, oblivious to the jealous stares that Naeun was giving her. When the food came , Krystal's face

lit up, seeing the amount of beef. Naeun wrapped up a piece of meat and put a chunk of sauce then passed it to her.

''Here, I know you really love beef, this is the new sauce that the chef has just created. Try it.'' She smiled. At the mention of beef, Krystal melted and

took the portion gratefully. She put it into . She looked so happy while chewing that the others were shocked when she suddenly gasped and

grabbed Kai's arm. was wide open as she tried to take in some air.

''Soojung, what's wrong?'' Kai immediately looked into her eyes worriedly. He was absolutely anxious, not knowing what was wrong with her. She pointed

to the sauce and Sehun sniffed it.

''Kai, this sauce has apples in it. Lots.''























Hi. It's 12.20 am here and I should sleep but I wanted to update. Hehe. Hopefully you guys dig this and please don't forget to comment, subscribe and

upvote! BTW, I think this is ending soon ahahahaha. BYEEEEE!!!

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Chapter 12: wow nice ending and a happy one i really lovexmd it also thank you for making time to finish this story and i wish you will end the other story Collision of broken heart it's been 2 years for me to wait for an update to that story
Chapter 11: wow that what i really wanted it
Chapter 10: wow hope he will know the truth
Chapter 9: wow so is that mean that he will broke up with naeun
Chapter 8: omg will she die ?? i'm really worried i hope my krys will be a strong
Chapter 7: wow finally hr showed some signs
Chapter 6: i really enjoyed it and i'm really curious about the secret of krys that made her leave kai
Chapter 5: omg what would happrn to krys that really making me worry but i hope something bad will happen so they will regret all what they did
Chapter 4: woah i see that you used some of their real personality and that make it seems real
Chapter 3: wow who is really that kai friend who is worried about krys