Chapter 10

Take Me Back

That night, Krystal tossed around in bed. As much as she liked the way Kai was treating her, she was still confused. Were those actions out of love or

because he just didn't want her to go with another guy? She was still a girl, she needed some confirmation on whether he had feelings for her or not.

''Soojungie, what happened yesterday ey?'' Jessica wiggled her eyebrows at her sister the next morning.

''What do you mean?''

''Jongin called me, asking where you were, so I told him you were with Howon. He sounded so mad and jealous.'' Jessica chuckled.

Krystal smiled secretly. She had a chance after all.

''Oh yeah, Yixing and the boys are coming over for lunch. I'm cooking.'' 

''Is Naeun coming too?''

''Yeah, she wanted to, sorry about that.'' Krystal frowned. She was happy that they were coming but it had to be ruined by that girl.


''Unnie! You're going to make it too salty! I'm telling you! You don't need to put that much salt in it.'' The two sisters were cooking together and the

younger of the two was getting frustrated. Jessica was a walking kitchen disaster.

''No no. Trust me Soojungie. This will turn out fabulous.''




''Eww unnie! This tastes horrible! Not only is it too salty, but it also tastes like armpit.''

''How do you know that? You don't go around  other people's pits, do you?'' Jessica asked her in bewilderment.

''No I don't. I just happen to know how armpits smell like.''

''Okay, you're right. This is horrible. I don't even know whether this is edible.'' The older Jung gagged, making the younger one scoff.

''Of course it's not edible. No species would even want to eat that. Okay, unnie, how about, I cook while you clean the house? As far as I know, I am

better in the kitchen than you are haha.''

In the end, Krystal whipped up an impromptu dish in time. She had just finished cooking when the doorbell rang. Jessica ran to answer it.

''Hi guys! And Naeun.'' She greeted cheerfully.

''Hi Jess, we actually brought some food, you said you were going to cook so we thought that there wouldn't be any food edible.'' Yixing sheepishly

told his girlfriend.

''Where's Soojung?'' Kai asked, looking around.

''Why? Are you excited to see her?'' Jessica smirked. Everyone stared at him, smiling. That is, everyone except for Naeun. She had a feeling that Kai

had feelings for Krystal, and she certainly didn't like that. Not one bit.

''N-No. I'm just wondering.'' Kai stuttered.

''Oh well, if you are wondering, she's on a date with a guy.'' Jessica laughed inwardly. The reaction was hilarious. Kai choked on his own saliva and his

eyes went bigger.

''Who's on a date?'' Krystal walked towards them, wiping her hands on her shorts. Seeing her, Kai's eyes lit up and he smiled. It was a relief to know

that she wasn't with a guy.

''No one. Let's eat! The food I made was terrible so Soojungie here saved us all.'' Jessica clapped her hands  and went to the dining area, where the

food was placed.

''Kai, let's go.'' Naeun tapped her boyfriend's arm. Krystal stared after the two lovers who had their arms around each other. It hurt her so badly. This

was why she needed confirmation. He acted like a boyfriend towards her yet he says he loves Naeun.

''Wow, it actually looks good!'' Xiumin exclaimed once he saw the food on the table.

''Of course.'' Krystal jokingly flipped her hair, earning a laugh from the rest.

''Don't get arrogant now missy, we have to taste it first.'' Suho wagged his finger while spooning some of the food.

''How is it?'' Krystal had her hands clasped together and she was biting her lips. Kai looked at her adoringly. She had always been like that, getting

all nervouse whenever people tasted her food.

''It's good. At least you cook better than your sister.'' Suho said, making Krystal squeal in delight. The rest of the guys proceeded to sit down and 

helped themselves to the food.

''Kai, eat more.'' Naeun placed some side dishes on his rice and he ate it happily.

''Thanks Naeun ah.'' All of them, including Naeun herself gaped at him in shock. Usually he would call her 'Babe' but why did he suddenly call her by

her name? Hearing this, Naeun clutched at her fork in anger. If it weren't for that cheater, she and him would still be madly in love.  She was the only

one angry though, Yixing ,Jessica and Krystal were happy, while the rest were the just shocked. Naeun bore holes into Krystal's skull by glaring at her

all the time. She decided that she needed to make Kai hate her so that she would be out of his life completely and the two of them could live happily

ever after. But how? While the rest were chatting happily, Naeun was silently eating by herself, thinking of a plan. How in the world would she make Kai

hate Krystal? She has to think, the reason why Kai hated her before was because she cheated on that means, to make him hate her again,

she has to find the guy whom Krystal had an affair with! Man, Naeun was smart. Or so she thought. What she didn't think about was that, what if

Krystal had not cheated on him, then how would her plan start? She didn't think about that detail at all, she could only think about looking for the guy.

Get ready for hell, Krystal. I will do anything to make Kai hate you again.


After the meal, they were all huddled around the huge sofa in the living room, looking at the Jung's baby pictures and cooing at how cute they were.

''Oh, look, Soojung was so cute here...Whatever happened to you now?'' Chen joked. Krystal gave him her best death glare only to receive a peace

sign from the troll.

''Why, I think Soojung looks cute now too, okay wait, she's not only cute, she got pretty too.'' Sehun pinched the girl's cheeks.

''Thank you Sehunnie~''  Krystal said in a nasal voice. She didn't realise that a certain someone was glaring at her. He was ruffling his hair in

frustration and trying to direct his attention away from the adorable girl by using his phone. It wasn't working. After a few seconds, he would look up.

When he looked up for the thousandth time, he wished he hadn't, for Krystal was talking with Kris and sitting beside Sehun, who had his arms around

her. The worst part was that, she didn't even brush his hand away! Kai couldn't take it anymore and stood up quickly. All eyes turned to him. He walked

towards the girl and took Sehun's offending arm off her shoulder, squeezed in between them and sat down. Jessica and the boys were smiling 

sneakily at him, pleased.

''What? I want to join the conversation okay?'' Kai protested. 


Meanwhile, Kai's girlfriend was watching the whole scene. She gritted her teeth and told them that she needed to go to the bathroom, which was on

the second floor. She didn't actually have any urge to pee, she just wanted to enter Krystal's room and rumaged through her things. She found a door

with a red sign that said,

Duddungie's Room

Naeun scoffed at the childish name. As quietly as she could, she pushed the door open and saw various strings of twine that had polaroid pictures of

Kai and Krystal hung with some clips. All of a sudden, Naeun felt a sudden wave of sadness wash over her. The two of them had never taken any

pictures as sweetly as they did. In almost every pictue, Kai had his arms wrapped around Krystal's waist protectively, as if he didn't want her to go.

There was one picture where Krystal was looking at the camera, smiling widely while he stared at her. There was something different about Kai. His

eyes were full of love. His eyes were smiling and he looked satisfied by just staring at her face. Naeun wanted to run out of the room right there and

then, but she forced herself to continue looking.. On Krystal's bedside table was a picture with Kai's family. The couple was smiling along with his

mother and father, but there was one person who didn't look pleased. She was an elderly lady and had this elegant aura around her. Naeun guessed

that she was the grandmother of Kai. She had never met her before. They wanted to arrange to meet, but she was too sick to go. She had been

hospitalised for about 3 years. Sadly, she died that year, before they even got to meet. Naeun didn't want to meet her too, she heard that she was

an intimidating woman who had high standards for her grandson's bride-to-be. Moving on, she found a mint green book on Krystal's bed. She opened

it and read many entries about how in love she was with Kai and how well his parents treated her. Naeun stopped at one page. It was the last entry

but there was a letter stuck on the next page. The letter was dated 5 years after the last entry. The last entry stated,

14 July 2009

Dear Diary,

I love Jongin, I really do. So much that I can't imgaine what it's like to live without him. But I must do this. Mom is sick and we have no

money to pay for her treatments. His grandmother has offered me loads of money for her treatment, more than enough actually. She has

agreed to help, on one condition. She wants me to leave Korea and Jongin. She has never liked me before, she always thought that I was

not good enough for Jongin. Just because my family isn't as rich as hers. Help me, I don't know what to do. My mom is going to die if I

don't leave him, yet I will die if I do. What did I ever do to deserve this? I'm sorry Jongin ah, I have to leave you, for my mom. You will find a

better girl, one who can meet the standards of your grandmother. One who will make you happier than me. Although I can't guarantee that

she will love you more than I do, no one else will. I'm sorry I have to leave you without saying anything, I'm sorry for succumbing to your

grandmother's efforts into driving me away. I promise I will come back. It's sad that I can't show you this entry that I am directing to you.

I love you Jongin ah.

Jung Soojung.

Naeun gasped. So Krystal didn't cheat on him. But...if Kai's grandmother didn't approve of her, why is she back? Her fingers lingered over the letter.

She picked it up and read it. It was dated five years after Krystal left.

28 September 2014

To: Jung Soojung

Soojung ah, it's me. Jongin's weak and fragile grandmother. The one who chased you away because I claimed you weren't good enough.

Now that I am dying, I think it's time to tell you what I have felt for the past 5 years. Ever since you left without a word, Jongin changed.

His eyes were lifeless and he looked like a zombie. I thought to myself, he is going to forget you after a few weeks. But I was wrong, he

became worse. He stopped communicating, only talking when he needed to. My heart hurt seeing him like that, but my pride was too big.

I couldn't call you back and admit my mistake. A few years later, he told me that he had found another girl. I was happy for him, but he

didn't look that happy. I could tell he still loved you. He was angry thoug, he thought you cheated, so he convinced himself that he was

going to hate you for life. My time on earth is short Soojung ah, I ask of you to come back. Come back to him and make him happier

than he has ever been. I am sorry. If only I didn't care so much about financial status, you guys would have been happy. Please forgive

me Soojung ah. Please come back to him.


the woman whom commited a grave mistake, Choi Miyeon


So that was why she left and came back. Naeun was trembling. She was scared now. Scared of losing Kai. She knew that if he found out about what

had truly happened, he would leave her and go to Krystal. She decided to keep it a secret. Suddenly, she heard footsteps. She fumbled quickly and

tried to hide the book and letter before the person reached the room but it was too late.

''Naeun ah, what are you doing in Soojung's room? And what is that book in your hands?''


























































Okayyyy. I think this is pretty long. Good news guys. I got a laptop for Christmas, so that means I can update without anyone competing for the

computer. Bad news thoug, school is starting next week on Friday, so I will probably have wayyyyy lesser updates. I am going to try to finish this before

school starts. Then when I have the June holidays, I will have a new story coming right up. I have the description and poster ready. I just want to

finish this first. Just so you guys know, I get stressed super easily, then when I get stressed , I get gastric pains. So please understand that if I don't

finish my story by the end of next week, it will take some time until I update because I can't cram everything in. But I think I will finish this by next week.

DON'T LOSE HOPE GUYS! I am determined to finish this no matter what it take. Please enjoy this and don't forget to comment, subscribe and upvote!

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Chapter 12: wow nice ending and a happy one i really lovexmd it also thank you for making time to finish this story and i wish you will end the other story Collision of broken heart it's been 2 years for me to wait for an update to that story
Chapter 11: wow that what i really wanted it
Chapter 10: wow hope he will know the truth
Chapter 9: wow so is that mean that he will broke up with naeun
Chapter 8: omg will she die ?? i'm really worried i hope my krys will be a strong
Chapter 7: wow finally hr showed some signs
Chapter 6: i really enjoyed it and i'm really curious about the secret of krys that made her leave kai
Chapter 5: omg what would happrn to krys that really making me worry but i hope something bad will happen so they will regret all what they did
Chapter 4: woah i see that you used some of their real personality and that make it seems real
Chapter 3: wow who is really that kai friend who is worried about krys