Chapter 4

Take Me Back

''Yah, did you hear the news?''

''What news?''

''It's on the bulletin board!'' 

As soon as Krystal stepped into the company building, she heard so many giggles and excited squeals from everyone. She walked over to the bulletin

board and saw a piece of paper with an exciting news for everyone.

Company Bonding Time:

Attention everyone, I, Mr Kim, is pleased to announce to you that we will be having a bonding session as a company. Every employee is welcomed. No

matter how small your role may be, please do come. The session will be in a form of a camp outdoors. It will take place on the 14th, Friday, until Monday.

Thank you.


Krystal was supposed to be pleased, just like everyone else, however, she was apprehensive due to the amount of hate she had been receiving these

days. Although, there might be someone that would accept her after all. She smiled as she remembered the note and the sandwich from the other


''Hey, are you going? '' A male employee asked her after he had suddenly tapped her rather harshly on the shoulder, which startled her.

''Uh, yeah. Why?'' She looked at him, wondering if she should smile at him or not.

''We-'' He pointed to the other employees who were looking expectantly at him.

''-would rather that you don't attend. I mean, come on, you have barely stayed a week here, and everyone hates you already. So why bother going?''

As he said that, the rest chorused in agreement, making Krystal roll her eyes at the amount of ''professionalism'' they were showing.

''Forgive me for asking, but do you perhaps require some glasses?'' She tilted her head.

''Why do you ask?''

''Well, you seem to not have read the notice clearly. It is stated there that everyone is welcomed, no matter how small their role is. So do you need

glasses?'' She smirked after seeing his reaction. The poor guy who tried to be all ''macho'' in front of all his friends, eventually got burned with 

everyone watching. He cleared his throat and hurriedly went back to his seat. While Krystal was snickering at her victory and setting up her laptop, she

didn't notice someone watching her from afar with an amused smile on his face.


''Oh my gosh, Jungie, aren't you excited for this trip?'' Jessica shook her younger sister's arm. Their personalities were so alike, yet so very different.

While Jessica stayed up all night trying to squeeze everything into her luggage, Krystal barely took half an hour. Jessica was excited, Krystal was 


''I'm more of nervous unnie. Jongin will be there too.'' She whined.

''Don't be. Even though I heard that everyone in your department hates you,which is weird, I still think that you might melt Jongin's heart once more.''

''Hey, Jess, wanna sit with me?'' Yoona, Jessica's best friend, asked her. Jessica glanced at her sister, mentally asking if she would be alright sitting with

someone else, or should I say alone, seeing that she was practically hated. Krystal understood the meaning behind her eyes and nodded.

''Okay! '' 

And so Krystal was left alone. She was seated at a seat near the back, while everyone had someone to chat with, she could only listen to music. At this

point, Kai, Naeun and his group of friends entered the bus.

''Thank you everyone for coming. I hope we have a great time.'' Kai smiled. His eyes darted to the back where Krystal was seated, headphones in, focus

out. She tried so hard to hide the emotions that she was feeling, the hurt from seeing Kai and Naeun together, the pain she felt when everyone was against

her, last but not least the regret. She tried but Kai could see it. He was more than happy that she was getting hurt. But regret? What was she so regretful

about? He convinced himself that she was regretting the fact that she left him and now when he was successful, she couldn't get him back. Yeah that was

probably it. However, there was more to it than it meets the eye,but Kai didn't know what it was. Naeun saw him staring at someone and followed his

gaze. She rolled her eyes when she saw who he was staring at.

I didn't expect that to come.

She clenched her fists and dragged Kai with her. She chose a seat that was horizontally opposite Krystal's. From her peripheral vision, Krystal could see

that the seat near her was occupied. She turned her head and immediately regretted it, for she had turned just in time to see Naeun kissing Kai while

smirking at her, if that was even possible. Tears could have filled her eyes if not for her determination to get him back. 


Halfway through the ride, Kai had been thinking. About Krystal. He stole glances at her from time to time and was reminded of their past. She had fallen

asleep and looked so peaceful, just like when they were togehter. He was deep in his thoughts but got interrupted when Naeun started blabbering to him, 

obviously because she noticed that he kept on staring at Krystal with a small smile on his face. Which she didn't like. She kept Kai busy by talking 

nonstop for the rest of the ride. He was somewhat relieved when the bus jerked to a stop and the door opened, signalling their arrival. Krystal, who was still

in deep sleep, got surprised when the bus halted suddenly, causing her to move forward and hit her head on the seat in front, making her yelp. Her dolphin-

like yelp was heard by Kai and he chuckled to himself when he was her rubbing her forehead with a cute frown.She never changed, this was still the

Krystal that her knew from back then. But then he remembered what she did and got angry all over again. He stood up, pulling Naeun rather harshly and

exited the bus.



''Okay guys, welcome. I am going to be your instructor for today. Okay, not really instuctor but I planned all the activites and stuff. My name is Lee Howon.

First up, I have paired you up with a person of the same gender to share a tent. I will read out the names below.''

''Mr Kim Jongin and Mr Zhang Yixing.''

''Mr Oh Sehun and Mr Kim Jongdae.''



''Ms Jessica Jung and Ms Im Yoona.''

''Ms Krystal Jung and Ms Son Naeun.''

As soon as they heard that, their eyes widened. Not only the two females, but Kai, his friends and the rest of the employees.

''Omg I feel so sorry for Naeun.''

''Yah, Kai, what if something bad happens to Naeun?''

Lee Howon took no notice of the whispers and continued reading the pairs aloud. When he had finished, he issued out tents for each pair and told them

to start pitching. Kai and his friends walked over to the two girls and scowled.

''Yah, you better not hurt our little angel.'' Chen pointed accussingly at Krystal who was obviously taken aback.

''I have no intention-''

''We don't care about what you say, we just want to make it clear that if you ever lay a finger on our precious girl, you will suffer.'' Luhan huffed.

With that, they walked off.

''See that? They all love me. So whatever you are planning in that delusional mind of yours, you can stop it. '' Naeun crossed her arms.

''I don't care. I never cheated on him and I am going to do whatever it take to get him back.''

''Whatever. You can start pitching the tent. I have something important to do.'' She smiled and took something out of her back.




''Seriously?! That important thing you had to do was file your nails?! Can you at least help?'' Krystal sighed.

''I can't. I might break a nail.''

Krystal stomped and tried to put up the tent. After what seemed like hours of waiting, Naeun glared at her.

''Yah, pig, can you be any slower? I think my grandmother, who by the way is bed ridden, can do that faster than you.'' Krystal had enough. She breathed

heavily and shouted.

''THEN CAN YOU DO IT INSTEAD?'' Hearing her shouts, everyone came out of their tents or stopped what they were doing. Seeing the opportunity,

Naeun ducked her head and trembled. She even managed to squeeze out a few tears.

''What's going on?'' Krystal stiffened at Kai's stern voice. She groaned inwardly. She was going to get into trouble now.

''Kai...I was just asking if she needed any help since she was having a hard time then she shouted at me.'' Krystal couldn't believe her ears.

''Jongin ah, that wasn't what happened.'' She tried to explain but it was too late. The other boys had already taken Naeun away after shoving her hardly.

Great. She made the rest hate her even more. She felt like she was being suffocated at the sight of Kai cupping Naeun's face and her hair.

Literally. She couldn't breathe and she was sweating profusely. Oh no, this had happened before when she was overly stressed and hurt. She staggered

for a few seconds bafore running of somewhere. What she didn't realise was that one of them had been watching her all the time and followed her. He

ignored the shouts of protests from his friends.

''Hyung! Why are you following that girl?''

He eventually found her sitting down in front of a lake. He sat dwon beside her.

''You never cheated on him right?'' He asked. Krystal looked up and gasped.
























Hey hey its actually LAY!! I'm sorry if many of you were rooting for Sehun or Chanyeol. I chose Lay because he gives that quiet and reserved

aura. So I thought he fit the role perfectly. Please don't be so disappointed...I hope you enjoy this chapter and don't forget to comment, subscribe and

upvote!! Byeeee!


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Chapter 12: wow nice ending and a happy one i really lovexmd it also thank you for making time to finish this story and i wish you will end the other story Collision of broken heart it's been 2 years for me to wait for an update to that story
Chapter 11: wow that what i really wanted it
Chapter 10: wow hope he will know the truth
Chapter 9: wow so is that mean that he will broke up with naeun
Chapter 8: omg will she die ?? i'm really worried i hope my krys will be a strong
Chapter 7: wow finally hr showed some signs
Chapter 6: i really enjoyed it and i'm really curious about the secret of krys that made her leave kai
Chapter 5: omg what would happrn to krys that really making me worry but i hope something bad will happen so they will regret all what they did
Chapter 4: woah i see that you used some of their real personality and that make it seems real
Chapter 3: wow who is really that kai friend who is worried about krys