Chapter 12

Take Me Back

''So...what does the kiss make us?''

''What do you mean?''

''I mean, what are we? Friends? More than that? Enemies?'' Krystal asked.

Kai didn't answer to that. He himself didn't know what they were. He wanted her,

he loved her but that meant that he had to break Naeun's fragile little heart. He

was never really the playboy type. He did not approve of fooling around with others.

''I don't know. I don't know how to break it to Naeun.'' Kai rubbed the nape of his

neck. Krystal sighed. As much as she hated it, she couldn't blame him. It was

hard to just break someone apart like that and then have fun with another

person. All of a sudden, the doorbell rang. Krystal gave Kai a confused look.

Who could it be? Kai opened the door and was shocked to see Naeun with her

mascara and eye makeup running down her face, dissolved in her tears.

''Naeun ah...'' Kai was rendered speechless.

''Naeun shi...'' Krystal greeted her with an unsure look. She might have hated

the lady but she always got weak whenever someone cries in front of her. Especially

in Naeun's state. To give you a better description, her hair was dishevelled and her

makeup was smeared all over her face. The face that once looked so innocent and

goddess-like, now looked almost similar to a witch that had been living for centuries

without any baths. Krystal pitied the girl immensly.'

''You.'' Naeun frowned at her Krystal. The other replied by asking,


''Of course you. Who else would steal someone else's boyfriend? I don't care if you

didn't cheat, don't you think that it's a bit unfair for me? I hate you! Can't you just

get out of our lives? Kai and I were fine when you were not around. So Just.Get.Out!''

Naeun started shaking Krystal's body violently. She was panicking. To the point of

insantity. She didn't want to leave Kai. She didn't want another girl to get him. But

she could no nothing at all.

''Yah, Son Naeun!'' Kai yelled. He tried to pry the crying mess of a girl off Krystal.

''Kai, are you really going to leave me? You can't do that. You love me right?'' Naeun begged.

''I'm s-sorry. I know it's cruel to say this, but my heart has been stolen by her again.''

Naeun's hands fell limply to her side as she walked away.

Guess there was nothing more to be done.

''If you're sure that you won't regret it...'' Naeun knew that Kris and the rest were right.

She just thought that she would have a chance. As she left the house, Naeun looked back

and saw the two of them hugging with a smile on their faces. She never thought that she would

give up so easily. The moment Krystal had arrived, she told herself that she would

fight for her own man. In the end, she wouldn't be able to break them apart.


''Naeun ah, are you okay?'' When the Kai and Krystal left, Kris asked Naeun.

''Of course I'm not. Do you think you would be alright if it happened to you?''

Naeun spat back. The others looked at her in shock. The angelic girl was gone,

in her place was a . Her true colours had shown. As she surveyed the look

of disgust and disbelief from the rest, she widened her eyes as she realised that

she had ruined her chance of being the nice one. They were all going to hate her

now. Kris had been nice enough to ask her and she answers rudely.

''I didn't mean-''

''It's fine Naeun. It's understandable.'' Kris replied kindly. Although Kris

decided that it was fine, it seemed that Sehun and some of the others did not.

Sehun glared at the girl and scoffed.

''Hey, I don't mean to burst your bubble, but with that attitude, I think I know

why Kai is going to choose Soojung over you. Even when all of us were turning

against her, she has never talked rudely to someone else before. She probably

was mean to you because you did something wrong to her.''

''Sehun ah, I didn't do anything wrong to her! She was the one who came and

ruined everything! Why can't you guys see that?'' She protested. A few years

ago, everyone liked her. They all acted nice towards her. But there was a

difference. They acted nice towards her, like how a friend would ,

towards Krystal, however, they treated her like a sister, joked with her.

It was evident that they were more comfortable around Krystal than they

were with Naeun.

''Naeun ah, I don't want to come off as rude, but I think it will be best if you

handle this with professionalism. We all know that Kai loves Soojung, he

probably never stopped loving her. He might have had some feelings for you,

but Soojung is the one he truly loves. I think we all can see that in his

eyes. So I suggest you go over to where they are and end things. You know,

to make it easier for Kai. Knowing him for a long time now, he does not 

like to hurt innocent people.'' Jessica said.  And so with everyone looking

expectantly at her, Naeun left to do what she had been told.

End of Flashback

Naeun entered her car, gave one last glance at the house and drove off with

a sad look on her face, knowing that it would be impossible to get him back. 

She might have been really determined not to let Krystal have Kai, but she knew

her limits. She knew that if she did anything to hurt their relationship, she would

face the wrath of their friends.

With Naeun gone, Kai looked at the girl in front of him with such love in his eyes.

He felt so bad and guilty for treating her badly when she did nothing wrong at all.

All this time, he had convinced himself that she had not loved him and run off with

some guy when in reality, she had never stopped loving him.

''I'm sorry.'' He suddenly said, startling the girl.

''What are you sorry for? You didn't do anything wrong.''

''Just...I'm just sorry for everything that has happened. I'm sorry that you suffered,

I'm sorry that I made everyone hate you in the office, I'm sorry that I was mean to you,

I'm sor-''

''Stop that. It's not your fault. Besides, everything is fine now, isn't it?'' She smiled.

''You're right. Everything is great.'' He kissed her lightly on the lips.


--A few years later--

Krystal opened enetered their house full of expectation. It was their anniversary and

she was expecting Kai to greet her with a kiss, just like he had always done. Then they

would have dinner outisde in a restaurant that Krystal wanted to try. You know, they just

wanted to spend their anniversary together. No scattered rose petals, no humoungous

party. Just them. This year, however, was different. The house was quiet and Kai was

nowhere to be found. Krystal pouted. Surely, he couldn't have forgotten...She decided

to go to the room that they shared and change into comfortable clothes first. She was

shocked when she saw a red ballon tied to the bed post. It had a note that said,

'Pop it.' On the bed was a pin. Krystal picked it up and popped the balloon.

A red scroll fell out. Once again she picked it up, opened it and read it.

It stated for her to go to the park. It was a park that they used to frequent a lot. Reason

being was that it always did not have a lot of people in it. Sometimes, some families

would have picnics but that was all. Not even one bit rowdy. Krystal grabbed her phone

then headed for the park. There she saw Kai with his hands in his pockets. He saw her 

immdiately smiled.

''How long have you been out here?'' Krystal asked.

''Not for long. Just a few hours.'' He joked. She couldn't help but smile. He always made 

jokes like that.

''I'm going to be really straighforward here. Do you know what day it is today?''

''Of course I do. It's Friday.'' He chuckled.


''Nah, I'm kidding. I know what day it is today. It's our anniversary...''

''Good. I thought you forgot.''

''Wait a minute Soojung ah, let me finish. It's also the day that I ask you a really 

important question.''

''Oh...Okay. What is it? Do you need any help? Are you in trouble?'' She askedd.

Kai took a deep breath and got on one knee. Krystal stared at him in shock as the

realisation came dawning on her.

''Okay, Jung Soojung. I don't want to make this long and cheesy because you never

liked cheesy stuff. And I love that about you. You're so simple. On this day, I want

to ask you a question that I have asked before. Jung Soojung, will you marry me?''

Hand and knee shaking out of nerves, he waited for her answer. Krystal on the other

hand, didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. It was the second time. The first time she had

accepted. But left him the next day. Would history repeat itself? Krystal nodded and Kai

laughed. He was happy. This time he knew that Krystal would never leave him again.

In pure joy, he slid the simple silver ring onto her slim and long finger.

''I love you Jongin ah.''

''I love you too Jung Soojung.''

--Wedding Ceremony--

''I can't believe my Jungie is getting married.'' Yixing faked a sob. Everyone glared at him.

Jessica nudged her husband. It would have been okay to say it at the right moment

but that definitely was not it. The official was going to ask the two of them the question

and Yixing ruined it. He gave a sheepish look and signalled the official to proceed.

''Do you, Kim Jongin, take Jung Soojung as you beloved wife?''

''I do.''

''Do you, Jung Soojung, take Kim Jongin as you beloved husband?''

''I do.''

''You may now kiss the bride.''






































The End






















It's the end guys! Thank you for all those who have commented, subscribed and upvoted this story!

Thank you for following me hehe. I hope you like this story and once again, don't forget to comment,

subscribe and upvote guys! It's never too late~I didn't think of ending this so early when I first

started but school made me do it. I just started Secondary 2 and I'm so nervous. Why?

Because I didn't do extra work during the holidays lol. When the next round of holiday

comes up, I will have another story out for you. I really want to post it but I'm afraid I can't

continue it until the holiday comes around again. Which is probably in June? Anyway,

please comment subscribe and upvote! I hope you like this!


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Chapter 12: wow nice ending and a happy one i really lovexmd it also thank you for making time to finish this story and i wish you will end the other story Collision of broken heart it's been 2 years for me to wait for an update to that story
Chapter 11: wow that what i really wanted it
Chapter 10: wow hope he will know the truth
Chapter 9: wow so is that mean that he will broke up with naeun
Chapter 8: omg will she die ?? i'm really worried i hope my krys will be a strong
Chapter 7: wow finally hr showed some signs
Chapter 6: i really enjoyed it and i'm really curious about the secret of krys that made her leave kai
Chapter 5: omg what would happrn to krys that really making me worry but i hope something bad will happen so they will regret all what they did
Chapter 4: woah i see that you used some of their real personality and that make it seems real
Chapter 3: wow who is really that kai friend who is worried about krys