Chapter 6

Take Me Back

Whilst Kai was desperately searching for Krystal, his heart was pounding. He was so worried, having seen how bad Krystal's fear of being alone in the 

rain and dark was. He was praying that she was alright but the sound of weeping made him think otherwise. His heart rate picked up as he ran to the

direction of the cries. There, in the middle of nowhere, was a girl, hunched over. He ran to her.

''Soojung ah!'' The girl looked up, relieved to see someone there. She was so terrified that she couldn't even recognise the person before her. She

mumbled some incoherent words. Kai cradled the weak girl in his arms, rubbing circles on her back to soothe her.

''Let's go Soojung, we need to find shelter.'' He stood up.

''Don't leave me please...'' 

''Shhh, it's okay, I'm not leaving you.'' Seeing that the fright had made her legs so weak that she couldn't even stand up, Kai immediately lifted her up,

bridal style and walked around. There was no doubt that they were lost, the rain had made it impossible to see. Luckily for them, Kai had found an

abandoned hut. He brought her inside and lay her down on the floor. Krystal shivered and he realised that she had only worn a thin short sleeved 

shirt. On an impulse, he took off his windbreaker and put it around her. To make her feel warmer and safer, her put his arms around her too.

''Are you okay?'' He asked her softly.

''Yeah,are you? Why did you take off your jacket? You will be cold. '' She took off his jacket, only to be stopped by him.

''It's okay. Between the two of us, you are more likely to get sick. Remember the last time you took a swim and didn't dry your hair immediately? You

were sick for three days.'' Krystal was surprised yet happy that he remembered it. Maybe she has a chance after all. 

The rain didn't stop, so the two stayed there in each other's arms all night.


Naeun was beyond furious when Kai ran to look for her. Why does he care so much for her? Does he still love her? No matter what, she had to get

rid of Krystal. Even it if meant getting Kai to fire Krystal.

''Naeun, where are Kai and Krystal?'' Although Sehun didn't like Krystal because of what happened to his friend, he still wanted her safe. After all, he

was the closest to her. He was the person who took care of her like a brother would. Those protective feelings couldn't possibly go away very fast.

''I don't know, I was walking in front of her, when I looked back, she wasn't there anymore. I am really worried about her.'' What lies.

''I think that I should go look for them. I have known Krystal for a long time and not only is she deathly afraid of the dark, the rain, lightning and

thunder, but she also gets sick really easily. I'm scared something happened to her. Though Kai must have found her, I think they're lost.'' 

Just as he was about to walk away, Naeun pulled his arm.

''D-Don't go. Please. It's late and I'm scared to sleep alone.'' She lied. For 1 and a half years, she has been used to getting all of their undivided

attention. Now Krystal was in danger and her ex boyfriend who claimed to hate her, went to look for her. Naeun definitely didn't want Sehun to be

friends with Krystal again. It would mean that they would have no more time for her. Sehun sighed.

''Fine, until Krystal comes back with Kai, do you want me to stay in your tent?'' Naeun nodded meekly. Her plan worked. Now all that's left is to get 

Kai and Yixing to hate her more.


'' I miss you Jongin ah.'' While the two of them were in the shelter, Kai hugging her for warmth, Krystal took the opportunity to talk about them. Maybe

to try to convince him that she never really cheated.

''I don't want to talk about the past, Soojung. Just go to sleep. The rain is too hard, we won't be able to find our way back. We have to go in daylight.''

He would have said it in a meaner way, but seeing the way that she looked so fragile and weak, he stopped himself.  Krystal sighed, knowing that Kai

still stood firm on his ground, believing that he was cheated on. But who could blame him? Even Krystal herself would react that way, had their

positions been reversed. She told him she was never unfaithful, on the other hand, she couldn't tell him the reason why. Of course that would leave

him with no choice but to stick to his theory that she found another man. She inhaled his scent and unconsiously snuggled up to him. At this adorable

action, he smiled. Within a few minutes, both of them were sound asleep.


''Oh my gosh, what happened to you guys?''

''Why didn't you come back yesterday?''

''Soojung ah, are you okay? Do you feel ill anywhere?'' Yixing asked the last question, eyebrows knitted in concern. Kai eyed him. Surely, he couldn't

be falling for Krystal right? He didn't know why, he just felt like he would hate it if it happened.

''I'm fine oppa. Just a bit giddy.'' She stumbled and fell forwards, landing smack into Sehun, who reached out his arms just in time to catch her.

''Hey, what happened? You okay?'' Sehun shook her, only to get no response from her. Carrying the limp girl in his arms, he brought her to the tent

that she shared with Naeun, who had just woken up. Trust me, waking up to see the person she hated being carried by someone who was supposed

to hate her, was not good. For the sake of maintaining her image, she quickly made space and moaned.

''Oh no, why is she like that? ''

''She was drenched yesterday so she got sick and fainted just as we got here.'' Sehun was about to answer her when Kai spoke up instead if him.

Unkown to them, the whole of his group of friends, and him, were standing outside the tent, all concerned about Krystal. Seeing this, Naeun felt

furious. She smiled sweetly at them.

''Why don't you guys leave first. I'm pretty sure Krystal would feel uncomfortable if she saw all of you crowding here the moment she wakes up.''

The boys nodded, finding sense in her words. They left but to Naeun's dismay, three people stayed.

''Hyung, why are you staying? '' Kai asked Yixing.

''Can't I be worried for her? The rest left because they still feel some hatred towards her, I stayed because I have never hated her all along and I want

to take cae of her. Same goes for Sehun, right?'' Actually, yes, Yixing was worried, but he stayed there because he knew that Naeun had a motive.

As for Kai, he stayed too, but he didn't even know why. Maybe he just felt sorry for Krystal? Either way, he was confused. Sehun stayed because he

still feels that brotherly love for Krystal that has never really decreased.

''Oh, okay. That's fine I guess. As long as-'' Kai's sentence was cut off by Krystal's cries. The three boys looked at her in alarm. 

''Soojungie, what's wrong? '' Sehun immediately went to her side and tried to soothe her. The problem was, she wasn't awake. What she cried out

next made Kai's heart drop.

''No, please, I can't leave h-him, I l-love him.''




















Oh my gosh. I can't even. Why did I right such a crappy chapter. Forgive me if this disappoints you, I just really wanted to update as much as I could

during the holidays. Hope you enjoy this chapter and please don't forget to comment, subscribe and upvote!! I would really appreciate it!

Oh and can I just say that this is the first time that I got 1000+ views in five chapters. It usually take me like 8 chappies. So thank you guys! Please

continue to show this LOVE!! <3


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Chapter 12: wow nice ending and a happy one i really lovexmd it also thank you for making time to finish this story and i wish you will end the other story Collision of broken heart it's been 2 years for me to wait for an update to that story
Chapter 11: wow that what i really wanted it
Chapter 10: wow hope he will know the truth
Chapter 9: wow so is that mean that he will broke up with naeun
Chapter 8: omg will she die ?? i'm really worried i hope my krys will be a strong
Chapter 7: wow finally hr showed some signs
Chapter 6: i really enjoyed it and i'm really curious about the secret of krys that made her leave kai
Chapter 5: omg what would happrn to krys that really making me worry but i hope something bad will happen so they will regret all what they did
Chapter 4: woah i see that you used some of their real personality and that make it seems real
Chapter 3: wow who is really that kai friend who is worried about krys