Chapter 1

Take Me Back

---5 Years Ago---

People who passed by him stared at him. After all, he was standing out in the open, no shelter, no umbrella, just roses. Kai checked his phone. No

messages. What was he doing you ask? Well, he was waiting for his fiance, Krystal Jung, who accepted his proposal just yesterday. They had agreed

to meet today to go on a date. Kai had prepared for it a lot but now he was fully drenched, his feet sore from waiting for 3 hours. He was getting anxious, what if she didn't show up? Well he was right. That night, there was no sign of Krystal Jung.


Meanwhile, in a plane to America, was girl whose face was streaked with dried tears. Everytime she wiped her tears away, a fresh batch of tears would

flow down. Her heart hurt, knowing that she would leave behind the love of her life.

I'm sorry Jongin...I have to do this. 

She thought as she forced herself to sleep.





A woman walked out of the airport , smiling to herself. She didn't really draw attention to her. She was only dressed in a grey polo shirt that she tucked

into a pair of black pants. Her normal style. As she was walking, she passed by a newspaper stand. A familiar face caught her attention.

Mr Kim Jongin or Kai, shares about his tips on how to be successful in his recent interview.

 The woman smiled, excited that she would finally see him again. What she didn't know was how much he despises her now.




''Hi, how may I help you?'' The lady at the counter of Kim Coorperations asked.

''I'm here to see Kim Jongin please.'' The woman, Krystal Jung, smiled politely.

''Do you have an appointment with him?''

''No I don't.''

''Sorry, no appointment, no visits.'' The lady replied smugly. She must be thinking that Krystal was one of those girls who came here everyday just to

see the CEO, claiming that they were childhood friends or that they were in a relationship.

''Sorry, but I know Jongin.'' She said, thinking that she will be allowed to visit.

''So do the 100 other girls who come by to see him. Have a nice day miss, but if you don't leave, I think I will have to call the security.''

Krystal sighed in frustration. She whipped out her phone to dial someone.

''Jessica unnie, I am outside your office building but this lady here won't let me in.'' Turns out, she had called her sister who was working for the

company as one of the department heads. The receptionist lady's eyes widened as she realised that she had been rude to the sister of THE Jessica

Jung of the Financial department. Seconds after she had made the call, Jessica came running towards her.

''My baby sister! You're back!'' She squealed and hugged her sister. She brought her inside the company and asked,

''What brings you back Jungie?''

''Unnie, you know what happened a few years ago right?'' Jessica's smile faltered as she nodded.

''I'm here to apply for a job so I can get back together with him. Also I just earned my marketing degree in America so...''

''Jungie, being your sister, I know why you left him, but he doesn't know it. I saw the change in him. He was cold and ruthless, never speaking in a 

nice way, until he met her a year and a half ago. Suddenly he was happy,he joked a lot. He's engaged now Jungie.'' Her sister explained.

Hearing that, Krystal could almost hear her heart breaking. She came back to find out that he was engaged? She gulped and forced herself to look at

her sister in the eyes.

''Does she work here?''

''Yes. She is liked by almost everyone. Including Kai's friends.''

''That is okay. I am determined to get him back unnie. I could barely survive a day without him. If I don't get him back, how am I supposed to live?''

''Alright, unnie will help you get a job here. But I'm afraid you have to start off as his secretary of one of the department head's secretary.


The two sisters walked into the Kai's office. 

''Boss, I have someone who badly needs a job. I was wondering if you could hire her.'' Usually, the employees aren't allowed to enter his office without

permission but the two of them had been great friends ever since he had dated Krystal so she was an exception.

''Who is it?'' He asked without looking up. It was a good thing, because if he did, he would get the shock of his life when he saw his old flame.

''Erm, someone. She is really good. She got her marketing degree recently but if there isn't any opening, she could start off as a secretary.

''It's okay. I just fired someone from the marketing department yesterday so there is an opening for her. You sure she is good noona?'' He asked as 

he finally looked up.

''Hi Jongin. I'm back.'' There she was. The girl whom he waited for in the rain for hours, the girl who accepted his proposal then broke his heart the

next day. Seeing her face made him so angry. The only emotion he felt was anger.

''Get. Her. Out. Of. Here.'' He gritted his teeth. Jessica whispered for her sister to wait outside while she tried to persuade Kai. She agreed and went

out. She tried so hard not to cry when she saw the hatred in his eyes. And it was all because of her. She was determined though. She had suffered

enough for the past five years. She deserved some happiness for once. Inside his office, Kai was glaring at Jessica.

''Why did you bring her here when you clearly know that I hate her? She left me noona. She broke my heart. If it wasn't for Naeun, I would still be 

heartbroken by now.''

''You don't love my sister anymore?'' She suddenly thought of an idea.

''Of course I don't. I don't love pretentious girls. They pretend to love you and then they leave you hanging.''

''So if you don't love her anymore, why don't you just let her work here? It's not like she will get in the way of your relationship with Naeun right?''

Jessica smirked at him. She had a point.

''Fine. She's hired. But if she ever tries to get back together with me, you can tell her that I will not pay attention to a like her. You never know,

she might have run off with some guy before to get his money, then he left her so she comes back to me now that I am successful.''

Jessica smiled sadly. She badly wanted to tell him but her sister didn't want him to know. 

''Okay, but you know my sister, she never gives up.'' She went out to tell Krystal to sign the form. When she had signed it, she went inside Kai's

offcie to ask,

''Jongin, when do I start working?'' Kai glared at her and snarled,

''Ms Jung, I believe it is only proper for an employee like you to call me Boss. You start working today.'' He inwardly smirked. He knew that she had 

just come back from a long flight and is exhausted but he didn't care. It was the start of his plan to make her suffer. Krystal nodded and said,

''Yes Boss.'' It will take time to succeed. She told herself.



She was exhausted. The other employees tried to help her to get to know the place more. She was carrying a cup of coffee, trying to get back to her

workplace, when she suddenly bumped into someone. The impact made her spill the entire contents of the cup on the person. She looked up and 

expected the lady to scream and yell at her for ruining her outfit, like what she would have done but no, she smiled at Krystal and asked, 

''Are you okay?''

''Yeah, sorry for staining your shirt.''

''Nah, it's okay, I'm Son Naeun by the way.'' She held her hand out for Krystal to shake.

''Krystal Jung.'' She only knew that Kai was engaged, she didn't know the name of the person. Lucky for Naeun, because if Krystal knew about it,

she will suffer. See Krystal is a nice girl, but since young, people always mistakened her as a rude girl, as she grew up, she realised that she couldn't

change the way that others thought of her, so she just ignored them, thus making more people think badly of her. When she met Kai, she finally

thought that there was at least one person who didn't think that she was rude. But now, it seemed that the one who used to love her, hates her.

''So Krystal shi, you are new right?''

''Yes, I just got employed today.''

''You must be so confused, this IS a big company after all.'' As Naeun was speaking, Krystal was suddenly reminded of what Jessica said. Kai's

fiance worked here.

''Naeun shi, do you perhaps know who the CEO is dating?'' Hearing this, Naeun chuckled and said,

''It's me.''

Krystal's eyes widened. How could she be compared to her? Naeun was everything she wasn't, she had a pleasant face which was likeable,she was

friendly and nice. She on the other hand, was seen as cold and rude because of her facial expression and she wasn't liked by many. Only those who

bothered to get to know the real her, behind her cold facade.

Son Naeun, you seem nice, but I have to get him back or I will die. Sorry, but for my happiness that I sacrificed years ago, I have to steal him away

from you.


























Hey hey hey...I am back after finishing my other fanfic, and I hope that this will receive as much love as it. Please comment , subscribe and upvote!

You can also check out my other stories if you'd like! Hehe, once again, please comment, subscribe and upvote! I would so appreciate it you could.

I hope that you guys enjoy this! Byeeee~


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Chapter 12: wow nice ending and a happy one i really lovexmd it also thank you for making time to finish this story and i wish you will end the other story Collision of broken heart it's been 2 years for me to wait for an update to that story
Chapter 11: wow that what i really wanted it
Chapter 10: wow hope he will know the truth
Chapter 9: wow so is that mean that he will broke up with naeun
Chapter 8: omg will she die ?? i'm really worried i hope my krys will be a strong
Chapter 7: wow finally hr showed some signs
Chapter 6: i really enjoyed it and i'm really curious about the secret of krys that made her leave kai
Chapter 5: omg what would happrn to krys that really making me worry but i hope something bad will happen so they will regret all what they did
Chapter 4: woah i see that you used some of their real personality and that make it seems real
Chapter 3: wow who is really that kai friend who is worried about krys