Goodbye Seoul!

Forever & Always




“Mm, still warm..I don’t think you should go out today _____”

“But it’s our last day here in Seoul!”

“I know, but health comes first!”

“Channie, come on!”

“You’re staying here ____”


You pouted.


“I’m immune to your pouts” he tossed you your phone, “just call him and tell him you’re sick, I’m sure he’ll understand.”


You huffed, but did as you were told. Anyways, you didn’t want to get Junho sick, and this extra day of life without Junho just made you want to work harder to get into Shin Hwa.




“I don’t think I can go out today, I’m sick”

“Oh, sick huh..? That’s too bad then, you should have your friend take care of you.”


Something was up, his tone wasn’t right.


“Yeah, uhm I will. It’s my last day though, I’m sorry we couldn’t hang out, Bye Junho. I’ll miss you a lot.”

“Okay, bye.”


Something was DEFINITELY up. Mr. Super-flirty-who-totally-kissed-you-on-the-lips-yesterday just gave up the chance to draw you in with sweet words? What?!


You curled into a ball and remained there motionless. You heard steps and then the bed dipped and there was someone poking at your ribs.


“Stop it Chan.”


-poke poke poke-


“Seriously stop it”


-poke poke poke-


You began to giggle.


“Come on Channie! I’m serious”

“Laughter is the best medicine you know!” he laughed.


You sat up.


“Chan, can you promise me something?”

“What is it?”

“That we’ll always be friends, and that even if we someday lose each other, we’ll always find each other?”



You froze.


“We’re never going to lose each other silly, but yes we’ll always be friends.” He ruffled your hair.

“Why the sudden question though?” he asked.


“I don’t know, I guess I just thought of how I found Junho again and it made me think about what would happen to our friendship..” you said a bit distantly.

You suddenly brightened up and smiled at him.

“Wait, if we’re never going to lose each other, and we’re always going to be friends, does that mean you’re going to Shin Hwa with me!!!” you squealed.


He rolled his eyes, “it should be the other way around you dummy, you’re going to be the one who needs to work on getting into Shin Hwa with me, as we both know, my grades are way above par, and yours…well..”


You thumped him on the head.


“So are you going or not?!”

“Get through highschool without my best friend? How will I ever live! Of course I’ll go with you” he said right before he hugged you.


The two greatest friends you could ever have both in your life? Things couldn't get any better.



tchhhh, I'm sorry this chapter is so short and lame and lateeeeee

I guess it's a little bit of a filler, I dropped one or two hints in there though~

The transition is going to happen soon! Hopefully in the next chapter! 

Thank you all for reading ^^

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Chapter 19: Thats was such a cute story!!!!!!!!!! I love it sooo muchhh
Chapter 1: I have yet to read it yet, but I saw the title for the first chapter "Hi,my name is Junho" and Lol'ed because it reminded me of when he was like "Hi, my name is 2pm!" haha, anyways, I'm sure this will be a good & sweet fic ^.^
DreamyFantasies #3
Chapter 17: awww he proposed to her <3 <3 kwaiii *fangirls
soo cute and fluffy and sweet <3~
lazy-ssi #4
I loved this story, it made me so sad when Junho was with another girl.. D:
It was still a really wonderful story.
LOL conspiracy xDDD that part really crack me up and I'm a very very very emotional person so it kinda made me cry :'> nice story Junho is my ultimate bias too ^^
great story but how i wish she was with taec till the end :/<br />
but still a great story :>
shanalol #7
AWWW...I love this story soooo much!!!!
dark37 #8
I'm happy that Taec found a girl to be happy with :)
yuxuan #9
aww this story is so intersting