
Forever & Always


Algebra 2







“The school hates me, how is it that I only have one class with you?!”

“Well, we can still hang out during lunch, and afterschool, and on the weekends.”

“I’ll still miss having you in my classes though”

“I’ll miss you too Chan, ugh time for class, I’ll see you later okay?”


You began to walk to your first class, hoping to find a good seat before everyone else got there, but someone stopped you.




You turned. Oh god, there he was.


“Hey you ran off before we could talk yesterday! It’s been quite a while, how are you?” asked Junho.


“Uhm, I’m fine..”

“Oh hey, can I see your schedule? I’d love to have some classes with you.”


He scanned your schedule, a small frown on his face.


“Aw what, not even one class?! Lameeee! Well I guess I’ll see you in the halls or during lunch, I’m gonna go now, bye !”



Well now, your first day of school was off to a poor start.


You got into your first class and chose a seat near the front but off to the side. Ten minutes in and it was already dull, you were currently going over your teacher’s credentials. ‘Sorry Kim sonsaengnim, but I could care less about which school you came from or the fact that you studied overbroad before.’ You thought.


Just then a flustered looking boy rushed in, breathing heavily. “Sorry, I went to the wrong class”


“Ah yes, Ok Taecyeon right? Please don’t be late again”


Your eyes widened. Ok Taecyeon?! The bully?!!!!!


His eyes scanned the room, you were panicking. The only empty seat in class was next to you. Oh no, he was walking towards you, great just great. You looked to the other side, pretending to busy yourself with the syllabus.


“Hi, uh, I never got to catch your name the other day, I’m Ok Taecyeon.”


What was this kid talking about. The other day? The last time you saw him, he was still persistently bullying you!


You turned to answer him but ended up going blank. Oh, it was the guy who saved you from bruising yourself on the stairs the other day.


“Oh, Hi, I’’m ____”

“OH! Hey we used to go to school together, you remember?!”

You laughed weakly, “haha uhm yeah…”


Wait, was that a blush creeping up his cheeks? “Don’t worry I’m not a bully anymore..” he said sheepishly.


“Mr. Ok and Miss _____, am I interrupting your conversation?”


“Sorry” you both said in unison.


Class was soon over and you were making your way to PE, with Taecyeon who strangely enough, had a schedule quite similar to your own.


“You look a lot prettier now,” he said as he stared off in front of him.

“Uhm thanks…”


Silence ensued, and honestly, it was much too awkward for your taste. Just because your reason for living now belonged to somebody else didn’t mean your whole life had to be awkward and miserable.  If Junho wanted to move on, then you should too. Anyways, he seemed like he wanted to be friends again, and as a fiend, he’d probably be happy to see that you were doing well.  So you decided that you would try to be happy, for him.


You turned to Taecyeon, “Yah, does that mean I was ugly before?”

“Wait, what? No, I didn’t’ mean that ! I’m just saying you look really pretty today, yeah..”


You lauged.


“What?” he asked.

“You’re a lot more flustered than I last remembered.”

“Well, I’m not usually like this…and anyways you’re a lot more well..social then I last remembered”

“Uhuh sure! And is me being more social a bad thing?!”

“Nononono..it’s uhh good!”


And then after that, you had no more breath to continue talking. Running a mile after not exercising for a whole summer was torture.


You walked to orchestra and ended up seeing Junho talking to a girl, probably his girlfriend, at the door.


“Oh! Hey ______!”


The girl turned to look at you. She didn’t’ look too happy.


“Uhm, Hi Junho…”

“This is my girl friend Eunji! Remember her? We all used to go to the same school together back then.”


Great, out of all girls, he gets with the one girl who hated your guts.


“Hi Eunji,” you said, a warm smile plastered on your face.

Her expression brightened up, “Hi _____, I haven’t seen you in a long time! I’m so glad you’re back, I’ve missed you so much!”


Okay, so maybe you were wrong about her. Maybe she, just like Taecyeon, changed.”


“Oppa, you’re going to be late for your next class if you don’t leave now!” she gave him a small hug and waved. She then turned back to you “Come on ____, let’s go in!”


You nodded and followed her.

You walked into class and Eunji ended up ditching you.


At the end of class, Eunji called you over again and you walked out of class together. Junho was walking towards the two of you when Eunji suddenly pulled you into a hug.


“I’ll see you later okay?”


You smiled and waved at her before walking to art.

It was strange, but for some reason, people kept pointing at you and laughing.  You looked down at yourself to see if anything was wrong, but everything seemed alright. You shrugged it off and kept on your way to class.


“_____! I’ve missed you soooooo much” Chansung said as he hugged you. “Oh and hey, why do you have this stuck to your back?”


You gave him a confused look and he showed you a post it with the words, “I’m an idiot.”


You took the post it and crumbled it up. Nope Eunji hadn’t changed at all.


Lunch was next and you, Chansung, Jinwoon, and Nicole managed to snag a table.


“Did you hear? There was a problem at Eunjung’s school and she’s going to transfer into Shin Hwa next week!” squealed Nicole.

“Really!! I can’t wait to see her!” you shouted in glee.


A throat cleared, and you turned around. “Uhm, do you mind if I sit with you guys?”


Your friends all looked at Taec with puzzled looks on their faces.


“Sure” you said, patting the spot on the bench next to you.

“You guys, this is Taecyeon, we used to go to school together!”


Taec was right, he wasn’t all that flustered like he was earlier. In fact, he was a pretty great people person, cracking jokes and pretty much carving his way into the group.

The bell rung and you walked with Taec to English. You saw Junho and Eunji again. Eunji waved at you.


“Hi _____! You have english this period too? I’m so happy we have classes together!”

“Sure, you are. So happy that you’ll tape another sign to my back again?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You know what I’m talking about,” you said with malice in your voice.


Junho cut in, “don’t talk to Eunji that way ______”


You were shocked. Taecyeon tugged on your arm. “Come on ___, let’s go in”


You overheard Eunji talking to Junho, “Wow, I don’t know what’s up with her! I’ve been so nice to her today”


The whole time in English class, your mind was completely occupied by the fact that Junho had just called you out. What happened to the Junho you used to know? Who’d stand up for you no matter what? Times had changed, he must really love Eunji…

“Hey, earth to ______! One more class to go!”


You left for your last class.


Biology class ended before it even started. You weren’t even aware of what happened in class, all you knew was that he loved her so much more than you wanted to believe he did. 


Hi guys ! I'm sorry this chapter is sort of everywhere; I just wanted to have one chapter where I actually go over her whole school schedule

and uhh, yeah the two character's are back (:

and I'm going to pull Eunjung into this later on :D 

So yeah..thank's for reading ^^

edit: I can't believe I made Taec so unbelievably awkward ;-; 

edit: I apoglogize for making Junho a again TT_TT I'M SO SORRY BIAS 

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Chapter 19: Thats was such a cute story!!!!!!!!!! I love it sooo muchhh
Chapter 1: I have yet to read it yet, but I saw the title for the first chapter "Hi,my name is Junho" and Lol'ed because it reminded me of when he was like "Hi, my name is 2pm!" haha, anyways, I'm sure this will be a good & sweet fic ^.^
DreamyFantasies #3
Chapter 17: awww he proposed to her <3 <3 kwaiii *fangirls
soo cute and fluffy and sweet <3~
lazy-ssi #4
I loved this story, it made me so sad when Junho was with another girl.. D:
It was still a really wonderful story.
LOL conspiracy xDDD that part really crack me up and I'm a very very very emotional person so it kinda made me cry :'> nice story Junho is my ultimate bias too ^^
great story but how i wish she was with taec till the end :/<br />
but still a great story :>
shanalol #7
AWWW...I love this story soooo much!!!!
dark37 #8
I'm happy that Taec found a girl to be happy with :)
yuxuan #9
aww this story is so intersting