"Hi, My Name is Junho"

Forever & Always


“I want my teddy back..”

“If you want it then go fetch!”


Your eyes began to water as you stood and watched hopelessly as he threw your beloved teddy up in the tree. Before you knew it, you were sobbing, tears rolling down your cheeks at impossible rates.


He began to laugh; they all began to laugh. Pointing their fingers at you and calling you names like ‘crybaby’ and ‘loser.’ All you could do was continue crying, more tears falling with each childish giggle you heard.


“Hey! Leave her alone!”

“You’re not the boss of me!”


Your eyes widened as you watched the scuffle unravel before you. A punch here and a punch there, some little boy nearly half the size of Taecyeon was pummeling him into the ground.


“Don’t pick on her again okay?!” said the small boy.


Taecyeon picked himself up from the ground, dusting the dirt off his clothes, his little posse surrounding him once more.


“You know, I like you! You fight good, you should come play power rangers with us instead of playing with that loser.”


The boy bit back, “She’s not the loser, you are! I’d rather play with her than you!”


With that, Taecyeon and the rest of the boys left, saying mean things at volumes that they were sure we could hear as they walked.


The boy walked over to you, offering his hand. You stared up at him, eyes still watery from having cried just earlier.


“Well, are you going to get up?”


You stayed silent but diverted your gaze to the tree. Up on the lowest branch, yet still high enough to be out of your reach, was teddy hanging by the turquoise bow on his neck.   


Noticing your gaze, he ran over to the tree, jumping in attempts to reach your teddy but to no avail. He jumped on the trunk of the tree, getting himself about two feet from the ground before falling back down. He got a rock and, to your horror, threw it at teddy, but the bear was still stuck. Making his way back to you, he plopped on the ground next to you and sighed.


“I’m sorry..”


You turned to stare at him, eyes questioning, slightly confused over what he was apologizing for.


“I’m sorry I couldn’t stop the water from falling out of your eyes,” he mumbled as he began to sniff.


You turned away from him and wiped your eyes before turning back to him, a timid smile on your face.


“It…it stopped falling,” you stuttered.


 He smiled back at you, eyes disappearing into crescent moons.


“Hi, my name is Junho”

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Chapter 19: Thats was such a cute story!!!!!!!!!! I love it sooo muchhh
Chapter 1: I have yet to read it yet, but I saw the title for the first chapter "Hi,my name is Junho" and Lol'ed because it reminded me of when he was like "Hi, my name is 2pm!" haha, anyways, I'm sure this will be a good & sweet fic ^.^
DreamyFantasies #3
Chapter 17: awww he proposed to her <3 <3 kwaiii *fangirls
soo cute and fluffy and sweet <3~
lazy-ssi #4
I loved this story, it made me so sad when Junho was with another girl.. D:
It was still a really wonderful story.
LOL conspiracy xDDD that part really crack me up and I'm a very very very emotional person so it kinda made me cry :'> nice story Junho is my ultimate bias too ^^
great story but how i wish she was with taec till the end :/<br />
but still a great story :>
shanalol #7
AWWW...I love this story soooo much!!!!
dark37 #8
I'm happy that Taec found a girl to be happy with :)
yuxuan #9
aww this story is so intersting