Adventure in Seoul Pt. 2 !

Forever & Always


“There is so much food here,” you said, a look of awe on your face.

“Don’t just stare at it! Let’s gogogo before Chansung wipes this place clean!” Nicole practically shouted.


And off you went; you filled your plate with a mountain of food that you intended to enjoy thoroughly.


“So how was your date with Junho yesterday” teased Chansung.

“Oh yeah, tell me all about it!” chirped Nicole.


“It wasn’t a date, it was a friendly reunion of sorts”


Chansung and Nicole looked at each other and then back at you, “mhmm” they said in unison.


“Yah Nicole! I didn’t bug you the last time you and Jinwoon went out together!”

“That’s because you KNOW we’re together, that’s different!”


Just then your phone rang.


“I bet its lover boy right now!”


You lifted your fist at Chansung and scowled, but laughed it off right before you picked up the phone.



“Hey, when do you want me to drop by?”

“Anytime, I’m free starting now!”

“Haha okay, I have a surprise for you! I’ll see you in 5 minutes!”


“Another date with your dear prince?”


You chucked a biscuit at Chansung, who skillfully caught it and ate it; that wasn’t exactly the reaction you were hoping to get out of him. You were sort of hoping the biscuit would hit and bounce off of him, and then hit Nicole after. That’s the least they deserved for picking on you. Ugh, what great friends you had.   


“Whatever, I’m leaving now, I’m sure Junho will be nicer to me than you guys are right now!”

“Have funnnn” they both sing songed.


You walked outside to find Junho leaning on a shiny red car.


“Did they change the minimum age for driving around here or something..?” you asked questioningly.


“Oh, you’re SO funny” he said as he rolled his eyes, “just get in”


You weren’t joking though. You really were confused. Since when were eighth graders allowed to drive?

You got in anyways; Junho must have been a good driver if he could get a license at this age!


Wait…why was Junho following you..didn’t he have to drive?

‘Don’t tell me you can drive from the backseat now..’ you jokingly thought in your head, okay maybe you were half serious.


“Hyung, meet my friend ______”


A guy who looked like the older version of Junho turned around and smiled at you.


“Hi _____, I’m Jihoon, I’m Junho’s older cousin”


“Hyung bought four tickets for him and his friends to Lotte World, but two of them couldn’t go, so he’s giving the tickets to us!”


You soon arrived at Lotte World.


“Oh my gosh, this is amazing!!” you exclaimed.

“Come on let’s go!” replied Junho.

“Shouldn’t we wait for your cousin?”

“Nah, he doesn’t want us around anyways, he wants alone time with Hyori noona.”


“And I want to spend time with you, so let’s go!!”



“Come on it’ll be fun!”

“No, Junho, N-O NO!”

“You’re a party pooper you know that right?!”


He was giving you a stupid puppy face.

‘It wasn’t going to work,’ you thought, ‘Nope. Not at all. Oh but he looks really cute. And those adorable eyes. Ugh, and what is with that pout?!’


“Fine, I’ll go!”

“I promise it won’t be too bad, I’ll protect you” he said with a wink.


You were shaking.


“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so so so so so sorry. I didn’t think you would be that terrified. Come here.”


He hugged you tightly.


The ride had been too extreme for you. Your stomach was currently screaming at you for putting it through so much torture. And your brain just about collapsed when you reached the top, it had  hard time comprehending the fact that you were actually going to be plummeting all the way to the bottom.


You pressed yourself closer to him.


“Hey come on, I know how to make you feel better, wait right here!”


You sat on the bench, trying to calm yourself down.




You smiled. Icecream, the perfect snack for a person who was already shivering, but it gave you a warm feeling anyways; I mean, Junho was the one who bought the icecream for you.


After several rides and some snacks here and there the two of you had your final ride in the hot air balloon.


“I’m going to miss you a lot Junho…”

“Why? We’re going to see each other in highschool, you’re going to Shin Hwa School right?”


You looked and him, nodded, and smiled.


“Yeah, I will.”

“But just in case I can’t wait until highschool to give you this.”


He gave you a quick kiss, right on your lips.


You blushed.


Just then his phone rang.


“Okay, we’ll be there in ten minutes” he said before he hung up.


The two of you sat silently on the ride home.


“Thank you Jihoon oppa for the ride, bye you guys!”


You started to walk towards the hotel.




“Hey, ___ where have you been?! I thought you were going to miss curfew..”


You sneezed again.

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, come over here..”


He brought his lips to your forehead.


“I knew it, you’re sick. You should’ve worn warmer clothes. Why do I always have to take care of you..” he sighed as he hugged you. “Come on, let’s go inside.” 


I'm sorry I've been gone for so long ): 

I've been so busy with school, which, I should be focusing on now since I have an APUSH test tomorrow

Anyways, the next update will be pretty slow too, I have tests each day of the week and I'm going to be busy this weekend to 

I will now stop making excuses for myself x-x 

Hope you guys still enjoy reading this though ! 

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Chapter 19: Thats was such a cute story!!!!!!!!!! I love it sooo muchhh
Chapter 1: I have yet to read it yet, but I saw the title for the first chapter "Hi,my name is Junho" and Lol'ed because it reminded me of when he was like "Hi, my name is 2pm!" haha, anyways, I'm sure this will be a good & sweet fic ^.^
DreamyFantasies #3
Chapter 17: awww he proposed to her <3 <3 kwaiii *fangirls
soo cute and fluffy and sweet <3~
lazy-ssi #4
I loved this story, it made me so sad when Junho was with another girl.. D:
It was still a really wonderful story.
LOL conspiracy xDDD that part really crack me up and I'm a very very very emotional person so it kinda made me cry :'> nice story Junho is my ultimate bias too ^^
great story but how i wish she was with taec till the end :/<br />
but still a great story :>
shanalol #7
AWWW...I love this story soooo much!!!!
dark37 #8
I'm happy that Taec found a girl to be happy with :)
yuxuan #9
aww this story is so intersting