
Forever & Always



“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to ______, happy birthday to you!”


You smiled shyly as the class continued to clap for you.


“____” Junho nudged you.  “I got this for you!”


There in his hands was a teddy bear that looked almost exactly like your old teddy.


“Thank you Junho!” you said and hugged your new teddy.


You heard a scoff behind you and you turned around.


“That bear is ugly.”


It was Eunji, the new girl who just so happened to have joined class today. She wasn’t very nice, she wasn’t very nice at all.


You looked to your side and saw Junho frowning.


“I think it looks nice…please don’t be mean” you said to Eunji.

“My toys look wayyyyy better!”


You turned around and ignored her, looking back to Junho and offering him a weak smile.


That was the first day you met Eunji and the first day you decided that you didn’t like her.

Three years later, you still didn’t like her, and she didn’t like you much either.


“You look stupid!”


You stared down at your feet, unsure of how to respond. You began to sniffle and tears began to form.

“Stop being such a bully Eunji, back off” said Junho as he stepped in front of you.

“Why do you keep protecting her, is she your girrrlllfrieeeennddddd?” retorted Eunji.

“Yes! She is! I like her a lot so leave her alone before I tell on you!”


With that Eunji stalked off, stomping angrily across the field.


Without a word, Junho grabbed your hand and brought you over to sit on the bench. Still holding your hand, he wiped away your tears.


“Please don’t cry again, I hate it when you cry. It makes me want to cry too.”


“Are you okay?”

“I thought people would stop picking on me after Taecyeon left.”

“I’ll..never let anyone hurt you again ______. I’ll always be here to protect you, forever and ever. I promise” Junho said, turning to you and smiling that brilliant smile of his.


You grinned at him and gave him a small peck on the cheek. That’s what mommy does whenever Daddy makes her smile. It only seemed right to do the same to Junho.


He grinned back.


You loved that smile, you didn’t know why but it made you feel all warm inside. You were glad to have met Junho that day years ago. You were glad that he was your friend, you didn’t need any other. You loved that he liked you. You loved that he would always be here for you, forever.


But forever is a long time, and always is a big promise. 



Bwahh, I know its really short and uhm sort of lame, but this was just to introduce Eunji into the story and another transition

hopefully double chapter today if I have time !

thank you guys for reading ^^ 


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Chapter 19: Thats was such a cute story!!!!!!!!!! I love it sooo muchhh
Chapter 1: I have yet to read it yet, but I saw the title for the first chapter "Hi,my name is Junho" and Lol'ed because it reminded me of when he was like "Hi, my name is 2pm!" haha, anyways, I'm sure this will be a good & sweet fic ^.^
DreamyFantasies #3
Chapter 17: awww he proposed to her <3 <3 kwaiii *fangirls
soo cute and fluffy and sweet <3~
lazy-ssi #4
I loved this story, it made me so sad when Junho was with another girl.. D:
It was still a really wonderful story.
LOL conspiracy xDDD that part really crack me up and I'm a very very very emotional person so it kinda made me cry :'> nice story Junho is my ultimate bias too ^^
great story but how i wish she was with taec till the end :/<br />
but still a great story :>
shanalol #7
AWWW...I love this story soooo much!!!!
dark37 #8
I'm happy that Taec found a girl to be happy with :)
yuxuan #9
aww this story is so intersting