Deleted Parts

Forever & Always


This scene was supposed to be a conversation between the main character and Junho about that last day with each other on the main character’s trip to Seoul.


“I didn’t mean to hurt you that way.”


“Then what were you trying to do…”


“I….I don’t know. All I know is that I needed to move on. Because this girl I loved, she was in love with someone else.”


You knit your brows together.


“That night after we dropped you off at the hotel, I told hyung to drive back because I wanted to give you one more kiss, but then I saw you standing there with him. He pressed a kiss on to your forehead. The two of you looked so comfortable with each other. You might have been pouting at him at the time, but yet you looked so happy. I couldn’t get in the way of that…”




He continued, “and then Eunji came along. She was there for me when I needed her. For a while, I really thought I had found someone who could finally make me forget you. But it didn’t last. She didn’t love me, I was just something to show off. Everything I thought I knew about her, all gone. But I guess that was alright, because in the end, it’ll always be you.”


You laughed softly, “So all of this, all because of one misunderstanding…”


“That boy you saw me with that night, he’s my best friend. Nothing would have ever happened between us. And that night, he was just checking for a fever, nothing more.”


“If only I knew that then, if only I could turn back time,” he said.


You shook your head, “But then we’d never go through these experiences that have ultimately made us who we are today, we might not even love each other as we do right now. To be honest, being with Taec just made me realize how much I loved you. It made me realize how even if I felt like the happiest person on earth, with a person I loved so much, nothing could compare to the love I feel for you…”


“I’m sorry though, for the misunderstanding I mean” you said apologetically.


“No, don’t, as you said, it’s only made us the people we are today. Made us realize how much we love each other.”


These are small scenes between Taec and Eunjung, they don’t necessarily have specific spots in the story.


“I love her” Taec said.


Eunjung bit her lip.


“But I don’t want to force her into this. I just feel that she’s so occupied with Junho that she isn’t seeing the people around her, she isn’t living.”


“Well, if its any consolation, if ____ were to like anyone other than Junho, I’m sure it’d be you. You’re nice, caring, funny, and you’re pretty good looking.” Eunjung said with a smile.


“You really think so? Do you think I’ll ever have a chance?”


“Of course.” She said, that fake smile still plastered.




“I don’t know what happened, me and ____, we’re together now”


“I told you so~”


“I’ve never been happier”


Eunjung’s smile faltered just a bit.




“She’s falling through the cracks. I thought I’d already sealed those, but they’re still there. She still loves him.”


“And you still love her…”


“Which is why I think…I think I should let her go…”




“Please Taec, please just move on. You let her go because you loved her, you wanted her to be happy. Then why are you still waiting here moping around? Do you think she’d be happy to see that?”


“Don’t tell me what to do, you’ve never been in love like I have!” he practically yelled.


“What?” she whispered, “never been in love?”

“How can you say that? I HAVE been in love. In love with someone who didn’t love me back. With someone who was happiest with someone else. I love you. I’ve loved you since before you and ____ were together. Because I love you, I gave you over to her. I told her that I could see her with no one better than you, even if the only person who I wanted you to be with was me. I love you.”


This part was supposed to be well…right before Chansung learned the word conspiracy! (there really is no point to this part; just some random crack for the story)


“Oh banana, how I love you. The light of my life. The bane of my existence. Banananananananananananananana.”


“Dude, you’re a freak, you know that right?!”




“Nah man, I’m not insulting the banana, it’s you fool!”






Chansung scoffed, “You’re like a midget compared to me.”




“Pft, no, I don’t lie, you’re the one fooling yourself. Admit it, you’re short.”




Just at that moment, you heard a voice over the speaker, “PARK JAEBEOM TO THE MANAGER’S OFFICE PLEASE, PARK JAEBEOM TO THE MANAGER’S OFFICE PLEASE.”


“Aw , I used the word again” Jay mumbled before trudging to the manager’s office.


A/N: So yeah that's it then

It's up to you what happens with Eunjung and Taec (although in my head, they end up together! Second fav OTP after Jinwoon/Nicole, so I'm biased !)

And if anyone wants to think about Eunji..well, I didn't have a happy ending for her

Anyways, thank you so much for reading !! 

I hope to come back with a new story some time soon ^^ 


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Chapter 19: Thats was such a cute story!!!!!!!!!! I love it sooo muchhh
Chapter 1: I have yet to read it yet, but I saw the title for the first chapter "Hi,my name is Junho" and Lol'ed because it reminded me of when he was like "Hi, my name is 2pm!" haha, anyways, I'm sure this will be a good & sweet fic ^.^
DreamyFantasies #3
Chapter 17: awww he proposed to her <3 <3 kwaiii *fangirls
soo cute and fluffy and sweet <3~
lazy-ssi #4
I loved this story, it made me so sad when Junho was with another girl.. D:
It was still a really wonderful story.
LOL conspiracy xDDD that part really crack me up and I'm a very very very emotional person so it kinda made me cry :'> nice story Junho is my ultimate bias too ^^
great story but how i wish she was with taec till the end :/<br />
but still a great story :>
shanalol #7
AWWW...I love this story soooo much!!!!
dark37 #8
I'm happy that Taec found a girl to be happy with :)
yuxuan #9
aww this story is so intersting