- Two

Stage Thoughts

Dasom P.O.V.

Oh... A tall male in a checkered red and black blazer hovers me, wait.

Isn't he Chanyeol ...from Exo? 0-0 Wait why is he here? I had a small interest in him, mainly because he was good looking and caught my eye out of a few members I've seen. Soyou unnie would tease me about Henry from Super Junior ever since I had mentioned being a fan on Happy Together, so that's why I kept my thing for Chanyeol a secret, well I don't really know much about the others Exo members though.

"Excuse me could you please move..." He mentions again

I snap back to reality, in a daze "So-sorry" I slide over to the other side "sorry" I say again.

"It's alright." Chanyeol brushes it off and walks toward s 

He just talked to me, oh my god I sound like a fan girl ...no no thanks. I look around for the waiting room, so I could finally sit and take off my killer high heels. I find Soyou unnie talking to some stage crew, judging by her expression she's upset about the way they did something, earlier they filmed a leg shot of Soyou unnie and she said it made her thighs look bigger. Honestly her legs looked fine, but every eye is different.

I end up leaning against the wall waiting for Soyou unnie to finish up and show me to our waiting room, uh... I think my feet are bleeding! I start to panic a little and try to walk to the bathroom.

Shuffling over I feel the strap digging into my feet, I crumble to the floor giving up on walking. I see some people coming my way but I don't bother to look up. 

"Hey, are you okay?"

I glance up, he's wearing the same blazer as Chanyeol did, an Exo member?

"Er yeah I'm alright could you call a stage crew or someone here?" I cautiously say

"Here" he looks around before sticking his hand out "I guess I can help you, you're from Sistar right?"

"Sistar? Oh uh yes I'm the youngest, Dasom" I reach for his hand and he helps me lean onto him.

"Sorry, let's hurry to the waiting room before some people see us." He practically drags me to the waiting room.

Wait a sec. Sistar is sharing a waiting room with  Exo!? That means Chanyeol...and he'll remember what happened earlier, I walk into the waiting room with my hand on ...oh I didn't get his name...this is awkward what do I call him?

"Thanks..." I wait for him to say his name.

"Yeah." He walks off to the other side of the room.

Well then. "Dasom-ah where were you? Are you ok?" Bora unnie turns around and comes toward me, I guess she didn't see me arm in arm with that guy...

"My foot is bleeding and I can't use these heels for long." I sit down and pry my heels off of my aching feet.

A stylist walks over and wraps my foot up and puts the same heels back on my feet.

"Wait but I can't dance in these, they're really painful!" I compain

"Sorry Dasom-shi but if we brought another pair then I would change them but please deal with this. You should be more professional you know." She walks off to fix Hyorin unnie's dress.

"Don't worry about it Dasom the staff here aren't that friendly take my word for it, Kay?" Soyou unnie walks over to Sistar's side of the waiting room folding her arms. I'm guessing that she finished 'explaining' her concerns about the camera angles to the staff...

I wonder what that guys name is, now that I think about it. 

"Woo!! We're done with rehearsal!! I'm tired hyung can we eat something!" "Yeah let's eat something!!" "Someone please fix my eyeliner!, I'm sweating and its messed up!" 

Looks like the Exo members came back...

"Guys shut up there are girls here." Their leader tells them.


...why are they staring at me. I look around and Bora unnie is sleeping, Soyou unnie is in the bathroom, and Hyorin unnie is getting her dress fixed, leaving me the only member, not doing anything to greet Exo... Great.

-=- hope you all like this so far :) Kai's P.O.V. Next chapter!! I'm sorry if these chapters are short TAT-=-

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52 I finally updated, I apologize for my absence.


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gyutrash #1
I LOVE THIS STORY ~~~ keep it up!
jungera25 #2
Chapter 54: hi! you might not remember me but i really like this story but i understand you are busy. i hope the best for you!
xerzaxx #3
Chapter 53: ohh nice fanfic i really like it :D upload soon pls :)
michellehappy123 #4
Chapter 53: Ok pls update soon again
myatakari #5
Chapter 53: I am still here author-nim waiting patiently for ur updates. What you found out about Kaisom? Plz share us too ♡_♡
xMakorra #6
Chapter 53: Yesss I am still here since you are one of my fav writers! *-*
Can I ask which things you found about Kaisom??? ;o (curious >.<) and yes baekyeon is cutee! did taeyeon really confirmed it? ;o

And please take care of yourself! it's alright, it's worth it (:
xMakorra #7
When are you gonna update again? ;-;
michellehappy123 #8
Chapter 52: Update soon
Susanseii #9
Chapter 52: Woo update! I don't think I would ever get sick of your story, take your time though!