Chapter 7

You Shake My Heart Up

Chapter 7



"Please don't leave me again..." 
Those words that he said replayed in your mind.


"Did he just ask me not to leave him again?" You mentally asked yourself.

You softly called him in a whisper while looking at the ceiling. "T-taehyung?"

He's still sleeping soundly at your side so you didn't get any response.


You closed your eyes and it repeated again in your head.

"Please don't leave me again..." 


"I won't leave you again.." You just felt like saying it because a voice in you is telling you that those words are for you. You sighed and stayed quiet for about 5 minutes.

"Ottoke?" You asked yourself.

You don't know what to do now. You're still trapped in Taehyung's tight yet so warm embrace. 

If you move away, he'll just pull you closer again but you really need to wake him up now without making him mad & before the food gets cold.

You tapped his left arm softly which is located on top of your waist.

"Wake up juseyo..." 

Taehyung groaned but you didn't stop.

"Wakey wakeyyy~ Taehyu-oh!" 

You gasped when he suddenly hovered his left leg on yours. He's holding you securely close to him.

You blinked at his leg on top of yours and snorted out of frustration because now you really couldn't escape him. You're starting to get more frustrated so you tried to wiggle your legs away from his leg but failed.

You heard Taehyung groan again and whispered inaudible words on your neck. You can't understand what he just muttered, the only word you heard clearly is 'bubbles'.

"Is he dreaming about bubbles?" You asked yourself.
You remembered what he whispered a while ago.

"Please don't leave me again..." 

"Then he's telling the bubbles not to leave him again and not me?" You said trying to connect his incoherent words.

You mentally facepalmed.

"This weirdo... I almost thought he was referring to me." You said shaking your head a little.

Taehyung felt your movement and that made him pull you even closer to him if that's even possible. You're literally stuck in his embrace.

He unconsciously snuggles on your neck. You were tickled by his action because his pointed nose brushed along the side of your neck and it made you giggle unintentionally. 

Taehyung shifted his head a little bit back when he heard someone's giggle. You covered your mouth quickly.

His brows were creased for a few seconds then he relaxed again. He's still facing you though.
You successfully moved your head a bit away from him this time and now you can see his sleeping face clearly. 

You looked straight at his face. 

"Taehyung-ah wake up, please.. open your..." You paused when you notice the features of his face.

You never had the chance to look at him this close in the past so y
ou inspected each one of it now.

First, his eyes with beautiful long lashes that were closed.

Second, his pointed nose that's breathing in and out.

Third, his pinkish lips are slightly parted.

Fourth, his flawless skin that even a girl like you will envy.

And lastly, his messy hair suits him during his sleep.

You traced every feature of his good-looking face using your eyes and you unconsciously smiled to yourself.

"I never thought my best friend would be this handsome up close." You whispered.

The sides of Taehyung's lips slowly move upwards after you said that.
You were taken aback when you saw him forming a sweet smile while sleeping.

"Did you h-hear me say that?" You nervously asked him.

You blinked at him while waiting for a reply. You were relieved when he didn't reply but after a few seconds, your eyes widen when he softly whispered something.


You tense up when he said that.

"B-baby?" You nervously whispered back what he said.

His smile grew wider. You felt like your cheeks heat up.

"Baby..." He repeated & you blushed more.



"Baby... baby lions-hmmzxcvhnmzzz" He continued to whisper then drift off to sleep again.

Your jaw literally dropped after you heard him say 'baby lions'.

Your eyebrows creased in annoyance. You keep on mentally asking yourself if you heard him right. 

You can't believe you thought he was calling you baby! But the truth is he's really referring to baby lions in his dream. It's not like you wanted him to call you that but it made you assume in the wrong way which caused you to get a little pissed. You closed your mouth and tried to control yourself not to do any disturbing & impulsive action. 

You wanted to hit his face right now but you restrained yourself despite the fact that you felt like you just got pranked by a sleeping idiot.

You also wanted to hit yourself too for being such a pabo. You really thought he called you with that sweet endearment. You don't want to lose your temper so you just mentally think you're hitting his handsome face now.

"I really want to punch you. Ugh!" You unconsciously blurted out on his face while imagining.

Taehyung's eyes slowly opened. He heard your rant.

Your jaw dropped again for the second time in front of him.

He's now awake. You watch him open his eyes and you really wanted to scream at this moment but you can't explain why you can't. It's like your own voice got lost inside your throat.

Once he opened his eyes, he didn't leave his gaze on you. 
You just stared back at him while his eyes are fixed on yours.


No one dared to move between the two of you. It seems you both have lost your minds & consciousness while staring at each other. And it's like the time had stopped for the both of you. 

You two were enveloped by a comfortable silence and he was still closely holding you near him.


Then out of the blue, He smiled at you and you don't know why you smiled back.

His smile is just too perfect that it made you smile along. It's contagious.

Then you realized, It was the first time he look and smiled at you since you arrived and maybe that's the reason why you smiled back at him. You felt good & serene, to be honest. You feel like you finally received what you've been asking for from him. You admit that you feel contented and at ease right now.

"You finally smiled at me, I thought you'll keep on ignoring me on purpose." You told him with a warm smile plastered on your face.

Taehyung's expression changed when you said that. His smile disappeared at a slow pace. He blinked 3 times and then rub his eyes. You just watch him do that.

Taehyung stared at you.

You anticipated his reply.

He opened his mouth and asked.


"I'm still in dreamland, right?"


"Pfft--" You covered your mouth to prevent yourself to laugh at his unexpected silly question. He tilted his head a little waiting for your answer. He scratched his head in a cute way and looked up.

"Where did the bubbles go?" He innocently asked. You uncovered your mouth and let out a giggle.

"I can't tell him his bubbles left him after he told it not to leave him again in his dream or else he'll sulk." You thought.

You moved your hand to his cheek to pinch it while giggling.

"Aw! W-what's that for?" Taehyung touches his cheek and rub it. You pinched him because you find his gestures & reaction cute & adorable.

He stopped rubbing his cheek and he watched you giggle. Your actions made Taehyung confused. He's expecting you to answer his question seriously because he's deadly serious about his bubbles' whereabouts.


Then suddenly...



"My baby lion.. b-baby lion! where are you?" He asked in panic while looking around the room.

And that made you burst into laughter. "Hahahahaha o-oh my-hahahahaha! s-seriously?! Pwahahaha!"

Taehyung gives you his judging look.

"Why is she laughing at me like a retarded woman? 
Is she going insane or something? Oh no! This is a nightmare!!" He thought in fear.


"W-where am I?" You just laugh more at his other silly question.

He roamed his eyes around the place again with knitted brows and realized he was in his own room & not at the zoo where he is in his dream. He put back his gaze on you, you're still laughing because you can't help to laugh at his funny question & weird reaction, It seems like he just woke up from a coma & he's not totally aware of his surrounding.

Your body was quivering while laughing hard and he notice he was slightly quivering along with you.

"Why am I shaking?" He mentally asked himself.

His eyes widen when he finally notices your position. He was surprised to see you this close to his body. He looks at his arm that's tightly hugging your petite waist and his leg that's securely wrapped along your legs.

"I-I'm awake!? What the- How on earth did we end up this close?! And we're in my freaking room! Specifically on my freaking soft bed?!" He yelled in his mind.

You were catching your breath now, you're halfway finished laughing.

At first, he doesn't know what to do. Taehyung is panicking inside and you're unaware of it. He thought of pushing you away from him but he's afraid you'll fall from the bed and get hurt.

He quickly removed his arms from your waist and moved backward, getting away from you.

You were surprised at his actions.

You tried to reach for him and ask him what is he doing but you stopped when he unexpectedly fell down on the bed with a loud thud.

"Taehyung!" You gasped and get up immediately from the bed.

You run to him on the other side of the bed and there you saw him on the floor yelping like a hurt little puppy while holding his back. He fell hard on the floor and got his back hurt badly. The thing he didn't want you to experience just happened to him. How unlucky he is.

You squat near him and you help him rub his back too. "Aigoo! You should be careful next time, Taetae."

Taehyung immediately removed your hand from his back. You looked at him confused.

He coughed. "W-what are you doing i-in my room?" He stuttered with a painful expression on his face but he isn't looking at you.

"Uhh.." You slowly stood up. "I brought your lunch here."

You pointed at his side table and he followed where you were pointing at.

"But why a-are y-you on.. my.. why.. how?. b-beside" He confusedly said searching for the right words to say.

"Eh?" You looked at him with your puzzled face. You didn't get him.

"Aish! Forget it."

"Uhh... Okay? Anyways..." You hesitated for a moment then continued. "Now that you're awake, go eat!"

He look at you with an unreadable expression and you just grinned at him.

He composed himself first before replying to you in a cold tone.

"I'm not hungry."

You were a little shocked by his sudden coldness.

"Oh.." You awkwardly replied. You just stood there in front of him while watching him rub his lower back.

You stayed still in your place. You still feel the coldness in his voice.


"You can leave now--aw!" He was about to tell you to leave his room but he cut himself when he failed to stand up.

You quickly hold on to his arm to help him stand. His forehead creased when you did that. He wanted to pry your hands off him but he saw how you look worried and that made him not do it.

You know he was about to send you out of his room but you set that thought aside. You encircled your left arm on the back of his waist to support him. You're too focused on helping him to stand up and sit him back on his bed that you didn't notice his eyes on you.

After you helped him, you look back at him and he automatically shifted his gaze to somewhere else.

"Does it hurt-" He cut you.

"I'm fine." He shortly replied.

"Are you sure?" He didn't reply, he just kept on rubbing his lower back.

By the looks of him, he isn't okay. You're really worried. You thought of what ifs like what if he unknowingly bruised or cut himself because of that hard impact on the floor. You need to know and if you're right about it, you wouldn't think twice to mend his bruise or wound.

"Lift up your shirt." You told him in a serious tone looking straight into his eyes.

Taehyung's jaw dropped. He looked at you with an unbelievable expression.

"W-what?!" He suddenly shouted.

"I said lift up your shirt!" You impatiently said and grab the hem of his shirt. He immediately pried your hands in panic. Taehyung is slowly having a mental breakdown now.

"No! A-are you nuts?!"
He nervously gulped.

"Yah! Just do what I say!" You shouted back and grab his shirt again.
"NO! Stop it! H-hana! No!" He kept on yelling and blocking your hands away from him. "You're harassing me!!!"

"W-what?!" You stopped grabbing his shirt. "I am not harassing you!! For your information, I just wanna check your back!"
"Woaaah there! So you're going to check me out? I see, you turned into a ert!" He told you while shielding his body with a pillow.

You stiffened at his statement. You can't believe he accused you as a ert!


He whispered. "Wanted to check my back, Tsk! Aggressive woman."

You attacked him instantly after you heard him say that and he yelped. You smack him nonstop after you recovered from what he said.

"Kim Taehyung! Oh my God! T-that's not what I meant! Clean your dirty mind! I AM NOT A ERT!" You're strangling him while shouting in anger.


You released him when you saw him choking on his own words. You scoff at him and pretended to hit him. He closed his eyes in reflex & shielded his face like a poor child being bullied. You laughed at him.

He peeked at you and saw your happy face. He sighed and breathe. He held his neck and gently massage it.


"That wasn't funny," Taehyung muttered & coughed. He's looking in the opposite direction.

You smiled sheepishly at him even if he isn't looking at you and said.

"I missed this..."

Taehyung slowly shifted his gaze to you.

You both intently look at each other.
He saw how sincere your eyes when you look at him.

You continued.

"This kind of petty fights we have... I really missed this." You smiled more.

Taehyung didn't know how to react. But he can't hide the fact he was touched by your words.

He knows to himself that he missed this too as much as you do but of course, he doesn't want you to know about it.

You kneeled on the bed and slowly moved closer to him. He didn't move from his spot, he was still sitting near the headboard of his bed.


When you're finally in front of him, You didn't wait for another second to pass and pulled him into a tight embrace.

Taehyung stiffened. He was shocked by your sudden action.

He didn't do any kind of movement, he just let you hug him freely.

And after a few seconds, you softly whispered in his right ear.




"I missed you, My best friend. I really do."




Author's Note:

Thanks for subscribing:

yingjun, janeylee, AsianDork101, BTSlover59, _sweetblossom, junghyolin, donghaejagiya, TeenEmotioNIEL, HiddenInTheDark, simple99girl & TaeHyungieOppa

This chapter is dedicated to you janeylee. Thanks for your upvote!


Happy 600+ reads to this story.
Keep the awesome comments coming.

- btsvbabylove

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simple99girl #1
Chapter 14: my god ! i almost couldn't breathe at the moment i saw that green " updated ! "word !
but .. it's toooooo shoooooooooort onni !!!! whhhhhhhy ?! are you trying to kill us !
btw .. we miss you and miss hana and v
Vtae84 #2
Chapter 14: Aigoo..why hana like that..just tell him..she is thinking about taehyung...
junghyolin #3
Chapter 14: It's been a long time ! Nice to see u back author-nim :D
KimchiCupcakes #4
Chapter 14: I just found this and I love it. Update soon pls
Chapter 14: :oo. I really loved this chapter ;u; your writing is amazing
Chapter 13: girl , when you will update :")? i'm dying here
Chapter 13: update faster pls DDDDx
Chapter 13: PLEASE UPDATE SOON! I really love this story so much >~<
skhusial #9
Chapter 13: ahh i just read all 13 chapters straight >,< love this and great writhing~!