Chapter 3

You Shake My Heart Up



Chapter 3



You stopped giggling when your cousin, Rap Monster, banged the front door open. You were startled by his action.

"Oh no.. someone isn't happy." You thought while looking at his back. 

The once noisy shelter turned silent. The heads of the boys turned to look at Rap Monster. He was taller compared to you so he's completely covering you up in their view.

"Can someone please explain what's going on in here?!" He yelled and look back at them through gritted teeth. You peek a little to see their faces and reactions. They're looking at each other. If you look closely, They're like throwing invisible daggers to one another. 

Jimin sighed and stepped forward earning all your attention. "I'll tell you everything hyung! Honestly, I'm the only one who finished your assigned task. They wrecked the house and--" 

"Don't listen to this dimwit!" J-hope covered Jimin's mouth. "He didn't even arranged and dusted the cushions properly." J-hope complained pointing at the disarranged cushions on the sofa with his free hand.

Jimin bit J-hope's hand then scoffs. "For your information, I arranged them perfectly but you ruined it!" Jimin then point his finger on the floor. "He spilled milk on the floor, Hyung!"

"I did not! The milk accidentally spilled out of the box!" J-hope defensed hitting Jimin with a cushion. They continued bickering  and throwing cushions at each other totally not noticing you and not paying attention at Rap Monster's annoyed face.

Rap Monster smack his own forehead as a reaction of what he just heard from Jimin and J-hope. He look at Suga.

"Well, I helped Jimin to clean the spilled milk." Suga said while raising his hand. 

"He burned Hana's cake!" Jin blurted out.

"You burned what?!" Rap Monster half asked, half yelled. 

"Damn! It's the oven's fault! Blame it, okay?!" Suga said crossing his arms.


You tried to control yourself not to laugh because you know this is a serious matter for them but it's just too much. You bit your lower lip and covered your mouth with your hands to prevent yourself from laughing.


"Blaming the oven won't save the cake you know." Jin said.

"Then are you saying blaming me will save the cake?!" Jin shrugged and Suga facepalmed himself.

"Guys! You ruined everything I planned--"


But you can't help it anymore! You look at J-hope & Jimin wrestling on the floor like idiots and that made you burst out of laughter.


Everyone stopped.


Jin, who's ready to smack Suga's head with a Spatula, stopped.
Suga, who's ready to run away from Jin, stopped.

Jimin, who's hitting J-hope with a cushion on the floor, stopped.

J-hope, who's biting Jimin's arm, stopped.
Rap Monster, who's ready to reprimand them, stopped.


The boys automatically shifted their attention to Rap Monster's back where your laughter came from.

You peek again and there you saw their shocked faces.

You cough and made a peace sign. "Uhm.. sorry for interrupting."

"HANAAAAAA!!!" The four idiots  boys shouted in unison.

They run towards you literally pushing Rap Monster aside. They enveloped you into a tight group hug.

"O-omo! Not too t-tight! I c-can't b-breathe!" You squealed.

They let go of the hug to let you breathe then they look at you from head to toe. They can't believe that you're really actually here infront of them now.

J-hope can't take off his eyes on you. "Wow! Hana? Is that really you?" J-hope asked you and you nodded with a smile. 

"Woah! Our ugly duckling had transformed into a beautiful swan!" Jimin said with shining eyes.

You hit his arm. "Yah! Are you indirectly telling me that I'm ugly before?!" Jimin nodded and laughed.
You kick his leg in return which made him flinch in pain.

"Aww! Hyung, she kicked me!" You all just laughed at him.

J-hope stepped beside you and compared your height with his. "It's a miracle! You grew an inch taller, Hana."

You hit J-hope's hand that's comparing your height. "Correction! It's inches not inch, Hoseok (J-hope) oppa!" 

You heared Suga chuckled beside Jin. "What's funny?" You asked him.
"You're still the same old Hana." He answered with a teasing smirk.

"Of course. I wouldn't change that much after a year." You place your hands on your hips.

"Oh you didn't get me dear, I mean you're literally the same oooold Hana." Suga emphasized the word 'Old' and that made the boy's laughed hard.

"Yahh! I hate you Yoongi (Suga) oppa!! Did you forgot that you're older than me which technically makes you look older too!" You hit his arm hard while pouting.
"Excuse you, I have a baby face~" Suga teasingly sang and they laughed more. You glared at him.

The boys suddenly shouted in unison. "Welcome back, Old Hana!" and continued laughing. They really love and missed teasing you. You whack Suga on the head and he yelped.

"Yah! You're still a sadist. Hitting there and everywhere!" Suga chuckled while rubbing his head.

"Cut it out guys! Don't make our Hana cry." Jin told them while patting your head. He's trying to comfort you from all their teasing.
You look at Jin with thankful eyes. "Thanks Seokjin (Jin) oppa! You're still the kindest and the only normal oppa I have~" You hug him tight and he hugged you back.

"YAH! WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN?!" They all protested & even Rap Monster joined in the objection. You stick your tongue out as an answer to their raging question.

"Showing your favoritism to us, aye? How rude!" J-hope crossed his arms.
"And Jin hyung likes it. Ugh!" Jimin said rolling his eyes.

Jin chuckled while still hugging you. "I feel special now~" Jin sang.

"You shouldn't feel special, Hyung. We all know who's Hana's real favorite in our group." Suga said as a matter of fact to Jin.

Everyone understood Suga's statement. He's referring to your best friend, Taehyung.

You flinch a bit and mentally smack yourself for not looking for him.

"By the way, where is he? Is he upstairs now? Call him! I wanna see him too!" 

"See? She's even searching for him now hyungs!!" Jimin stomp his feet on the floor like a kid.
"My kokoro..." J-hope put his hands over his chest, acting like he's going to have a heart attack.
You laughed at their silliness.

"Noonaaaaaa!!!!!" You stop laughing then look inside. There you saw Jungkook running towards you with open arms.

"Jungkook!" You beamed. You release Jin and open your arms wide, ready to catch him. He was about to hug you but Jimin blocked his way which made Jungkook hug Jimin instead of you.

"Hyung! Let me hug noona!!" Jungkook groaned and tried to push Jimin aside but his hyung is stronger than him.
You hit Jimin's head which made him whimper.

"Come here Jungkook!" You told him and you both hug each other.
"Did you saw that?! She hit me again! This is unacceptable!" Jimin said in horror. You all ignored Jimin. 

"I missed you noona!" Jungkook said smiling at you. "I missed you too!" You answered back.
"Ouch! Only him?!" J-hope acted hurt again and pretended to faint.
"How 'bout me?" Jimin asked still rubbing his head.
"And me?" Jin asked pouting.
"Don't forget about me, Ajumma." Suga added.
"You should've miss your own cousin you know." Rap Monster tapped your shoulder lightly.

You released Jungkook from the hug and look at them one by one.

"Listen. I missed you all, okay? Like really madly crazy missed you guys! Words aren't enough to explain what I'm feeling right now! But I'm sure I feel complete again that now I'm back here & I think there's no more reason for me to leave. I'm excited to continue my life again here in Seoul like I used to before! And that includes living happily again with my best buddies in the whole wide universe that I really reallyyyy missed so much!" You told them with pure sincerity and with a warm smile on your lips.

No one dared to reply, they just stood there with heartfelt smiles on their handsome faces. With does simple words you just uttered, you already touched their hearts. 

Too bad Taehyung wasn't around while you said those words. 

The boys slowly step closer to each other and you got the signal that they want a group hug. You smiled and open your arms...

...But your wonderful & warm moment with the six boys was interrupted by a loud cough coming from the living room.





You unconciously whispered his name to yourself when you saw him standing there with his innocent face. You smiled wholeheartedly at him, feeling the longingness for your own best friend that you felt for almost a year now. You can't believe he still look the same. 

You waited for him to smile back or to say something to you as a signal that you can run to him and give him a bear hug but he was just standing there looking at all of you  them with his bored eyes. 


"Are we having a staring contest here? It's lunch time, aren't we going to eat?" Taehyung asked while rubbing his tummy. No one answered his question. 

He sighed. "Fine, Suit yourselves there." He said then started to walk like a lazy bun towards the dining room.

You felt a slight pang on your chest.

You're confused why he didn't utter any welcoming words for you, even a greeting like Hi or Hello would be fine but no, you didn't received any. 

You're confused why he didn't smiled back when you smiled at him.

You're confused why he acted like he didn't even saw your presence.

You looked at guys around you with questioning eyes. "Is there something wrong with him?" You mentally asked them.

"V's right. It's lunch time, we should eat now." Rap Monster said.


"V?" You asked Rap Monster confused.

"Taehyung." He simply answered.

"It's his nickname now, Noona." Jungkook added.

"He already have one, right?" As far as you remembered Taehyung's nickname is TaeTae not V.

"V is his new nickname slash stage name." Suga informed you.

"Stage name? For what?" You asked again tilting your head to the side. 

"I'll tell you later." Suga winked at you and lead you all towards the dining room. You follow them to the dining room while you're still filled with mixed emotions.



You saw Taehyung sitted already on the table, staring at nowhere and you guess he's unconsciously thinking right now.

"Maybe he's on a bad mood today that's why he's acting like this. Aigoo~ He's still unpredictable as ever." You smiled lightly at that thought. You really missed your best friend.

"Okay, take your seats now while I get the food from the kitchen." Jin said and he goes to the kitchen

You all went to your respective seat. You were going to sit beside Taehyung basically because that's your original seat since the day you lived with them... but you were stopped by a hand.

You blinked as you look at Taehyung's hand blocking you from the chair.

"This seat is taken." He said without looking at you.


"J-hope hyung sits here." 

"J-hope? Who's J-hope?" You asked him.

"It's okay V, Let Hana eat on her original place." J-hope said while settling himself beside Jimin. 

"You're J-hope, Hoseok oppa?" You asked Hoseok and he nodded. 

"But hyung~" Taehyung whined. "Aren't you going to feed me?" He pouted. You giggled at his side as you witness his forced aegyo for J-hope. 

Taehyung immediately stopped pouting when he heared you giggling. His hand stayed still for a couple of seconds on the chair but when he saw J-hope's piercing stare, he removed his hand afterwards with a sigh. 

"Thank you." You told Taehyung shyly then took your seat.  


You kinda feel uncomfortable beside him which is new to you because everytime you sit there, it doesn't feel this way. Everything seems awkward now.

You glance at Taehyung and saw him sulking, you instantly felt guilty.

"Hyung, stop sulking. You look horrible!" Taehyung looked gloomier when Jungkook said that.

"If you want someone to feed you then let Hana do it!" Jimin suggested.

"Yeah V! We know you missed her, your sudden attack this morning says it all--" J-hope was cut when V stood up & turned around. All of you looked at him.

Jin entered the room and saw V leaving. "Yah V, where are you going? The food is here." 

"Sorry Jin hyung, I lose my appetite." Taehyung said and continued to walk upstairs.

"What? You never lose your appetite!" Jin backfired what V said but he didn't receive any response from him. Taehyung continued to walk out.

Jin looked at the people sitted on the dining table. "Did I miss something?" 

"Nope, Diva V just found a new annoying hobby." J-hope answered.

"What is it?" Jin asked not knowing what J-hope is pertaining to.

"Walking out from us."




Author's Note:

16 awesome subscribers already? Wow!

Thank you for subscribing:

JazzyRenee, CherryTotomatoZELO96, Mablyss, shairamae3997, mariarosavo_, VbabyKookmyBaekon,

ifiey84, Samchoe23, yingjun & Meena_78!

Thanks for the additional comments. Whether it's short or long, I still appreciate it.
I'll try to reply when I have the chance. More comments to come please!

I'll update again tomorrow.

- btsvbabylove


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simple99girl #1
Chapter 14: my god ! i almost couldn't breathe at the moment i saw that green " updated ! "word !
but .. it's toooooo shoooooooooort onni !!!! whhhhhhhy ?! are you trying to kill us !
btw .. we miss you and miss hana and v
Vtae84 #2
Chapter 14: Aigoo..why hana like that..just tell him..she is thinking about taehyung...
junghyolin #3
Chapter 14: It's been a long time ! Nice to see u back author-nim :D
KimchiCupcakes #4
Chapter 14: I just found this and I love it. Update soon pls
Chapter 14: :oo. I really loved this chapter ;u; your writing is amazing
Chapter 13: girl , when you will update :")? i'm dying here
Chapter 13: update faster pls DDDDx
Chapter 13: PLEASE UPDATE SOON! I really love this story so much >~<
skhusial #9
Chapter 13: ahh i just read all 13 chapters straight >,< love this and great writhing~!