Chapter 12

You Shake My Heart Up

Chapter 12



"I can take care of myself, okay? Let me do this."

You've told him this line for a couple of times but still he keep on insisting that he'll be the one to clean up the wound on your knee.

He shook his head no.

You sighed. "Aish! I gave up. You're so hard-headed, you know that?"

He made a faint laugh before kneeling down infront of you. He opened the first aid kit and began to treat your knee.


"Same to you." He replied without looking at you.



You just watch him while you're sitted on a sofa at his dorm. Yes, you're at his dorm now. Alone with him.

He brought you here because when he asked you on where do you live, you refused to tell him. You didn't tell him why and he kept silent even if his confused and curious about it. He suggested that he'll take you to a near clinic but you also refused so you leave him no choice but to take you to his home.


"Ouch!" You yelped. You bit your lip as you endure the sting and pain that you're feeling. He stopped for a second then continued to apply medication to your knee.

"It isn't that big and the bleeding already stopped. You should be more cautious next time." He informed you.


After a few minutes, he was done cleaning up.



While he was fixing and closing his first aid kit, you were fidgeting on how would you thank him.


You admit that he's really kind for helping you despite of you being a total stranger to him. Yes, he was a jerk awhile ago for making fun of you but realizing his actions now shows that he has a good side.

You part your lips, ready to thank him when he suddenly look at you and spoke.


"I'm Hanbin. Kim Hanbin but you can call me B.I." He introduced himself while smiling cheekily.  "And you are?"

You hesitated for a moment whether you'll tell him your real name or not but he's not that bad after all so you told him.


"Jung Hana."


He nodded and repeated your name.

"Jung Hana? Wow! You have a nice name, Hana." You slightly smiled when he complimented your name but then-

"But mine is nicer." He cockily said. You automatically glared to him, making him laugh.

You hit his arm hard. "You're so annoying! Ugh!"

"Well, you got yourself an annoying friend then." He said before sitting beside you. You look at him confused.


"We're friends now."

"What? No-"

"You know, Hana. I like people who can make me smile and laugh effortlessly."

"So?" You raised a brow at him.

"That makes your name 'Jung Hana' on my friends list." He said then he winked at you.

You rolled your eyes at him. "Find yourself another friend slash entertainer, Mister Hanbin."

"Don't get me wrong here." He chuckled. "Besides I've been good to you which makes me a friend material, right?"

You crossed your arms. "No, you're still a stranger-" He cut you.

"But we already know each other's names."

"Only that."

"Then let's get to know each other more." He grinned.


You  mentally facepalmed. "You're crazy." You sighed.


It's not like you don't want him to be your friend. Hanbin is good yet really annoying. Bangtanboys are also good and annoying which makes you used to having friends like him but it's just that his timing isn't good. You're currently having friendship issues with your bestfriend and you don't know if having a new found friend is good or bad now. You're confused.


He snapped his fingers infront of your face when he noticed that you're spacing out.

"So? Is it a yes or a super yes?"

You shook your head which made him groan out of frustration.

"You're really something." He rub his chin using his thumb. "Let's put it this way, You'll agree to be my friend as a repayment of my good deed to you."

"Yah! A 'thank you' should be enough!" You yelled.

"Na-uh! Not for me, Missy." He stick his tongue out at you. "And you haven't thank me, for your information."

You held on your temples before smacking his forehead. "Fine! Ugh!"

"Yes! Hahaha I know you'd fall for it in the end." You hit him again but he dodge your hand.

You were about to smack him again when you stopped because his doorbell rang.

You both look at the door at the same time.

"Maybe it's Bobby." He said while standing up from the sofa.

"Bobby?" You asked.

He rushed infront of the main door and held it's knob.


"My best friend." He told you then he slowly opened the door.


His expression changed after he saw the person behind the door. It's like his excitement to see his bestfriend immediately drained.


"Who are you?" Hanbin asked.

You tried to peek on who it was but you can only see their silhouettes from your spot.

"Where's Hana?" You didn't heard it clearly because it was said too low but you're sure it's a guy's voice.

"Hana?" Hanbin asked again and slightly look at your way.

You look back at him confused. "I'm sorry, there's no Hana here."

"I know you took her! Where is she?!" You heard another guy's voice shouted infront of Hanbin. The voice is full of rage.


You stood up from the sofa.

Hanbin look back at you and signalled you to stay put.

"What? Hey guys, maybe you got the wrong room numbe-- Sh*t!"

You gasped out loud when the guy behind the door abruptly punched Hanbin right on his face. Your eyes pop wide open as you witness Hanbin fall on the cold floor, you look at him while he wipes off the blood on the corner of his lips.


"What the !" Hanbin cursed at the guy infront of him.

You glared at the bastard who attacked Hanbin but then your eyes widen and your mouth hang open when you saw who it was.


You can't believe who that bastard is. You froze on your spot not knowing what to do.


Then a group of familiar guys entered the scene too.

They're all standing infront of Hanbin.


The one who punched Hanbin stepped forward and squatted infront of Hanbin and harshly grabbed his collar.

"Where's Jung Hana?" He asked Hanbin coldly with his piercing gaze.

Hanbin look at your way which made them all look at you too. You bit your lower lip as you look back at them.


The others called you but you fix your eyes at Hanbin and to the person holding him.

The guy immediately released Hanbin when he saw you standing near the sofa. He ran towards you without hesitation.
He pulled you into his arms and crashed you into a tight hug.


You flinched.



He hid his face on your neck. Your tears run down your cheeks when you heard his soft cries.
You gently patted and rubbed his back before whispering his name.











Author's Note:

This chapter is for you, junghyolin

Thanks for your upvote!

- btsvbabylove


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simple99girl #1
Chapter 14: my god ! i almost couldn't breathe at the moment i saw that green " updated ! "word !
but .. it's toooooo shoooooooooort onni !!!! whhhhhhhy ?! are you trying to kill us !
btw .. we miss you and miss hana and v
Vtae84 #2
Chapter 14: Aigoo..why hana like that..just tell him..she is thinking about taehyung...
junghyolin #3
Chapter 14: It's been a long time ! Nice to see u back author-nim :D
KimchiCupcakes #4
Chapter 14: I just found this and I love it. Update soon pls
Chapter 14: :oo. I really loved this chapter ;u; your writing is amazing
Chapter 13: girl , when you will update :")? i'm dying here
Chapter 13: update faster pls DDDDx
Chapter 13: PLEASE UPDATE SOON! I really love this story so much >~<
skhusial #9
Chapter 13: ahh i just read all 13 chapters straight >,< love this and great writhing~!