Chapter 11

You Shake My Heart Up


Chapter 11



You walked out of the house with a heavy heart. All you want is to get away from this place for now and get some fresh air to ease the pain you are feeling.


Everything is slightly blurred in your sight because of your tears but you kept on your tracks, not showing any care about where on earth will you end up to.


You keep on walking without knowing where to go. You just let your feet take you wherever it will lead you.




As you walk, you can't stop thinking about all the hurtful words you received from Taehyung.

He might not tell it to you directly but you're not that dumb to not get what he wants to convey.



He wants you to leave him alone.

He wants you to get away from him as far as possible.

He wants you to stop bothering him because he doesn't need you in his life.

He wants you to stop acting as his best friend because he didn't ask you to be one anymore.



You shook your head from left to right trying to get rid of the painful happenings a while ago.


"Does he really wants our friendship to just fade away like it's the easiest thing in the world?"



It hurts.

It hurts a lot even if it's indirectly said by him.


But you can't blame him, right? It was clearly your fault in the first place on why he's being like this towards you.

He changed because of your own mistake.

You start to run away as fast as you can turning on every sidewalk you see. You run and run until you accidentally tripped on your way and hurt your knee.

"Ouch! Pabo!" You yelp and smack your forehead as you reprimand yourself for being clumsy and stupid.

You slowly stood up, not bothering to check your knee. You step your foot forward and you felt the sting on your knee. You paused for a moment and endured the pain then you tried to take another step. You shut your eyes and began to cry again.


"Why do I feel so hopeless now? Am I really this weak?" You asked yourself.


You were about to break down and slump down on your spot like a helpless puppy when suddenly a pair of hands grip on both of your arms which is holding you firmly & making you stand still.



You look up at that person and saw an unfamiliar face.


You were going to ask him who he is and what he wants from you but you stop yourself when you realized that he's checking on your arms and legs right at this time. You started to panic.



"Oh my god! Please don't tell me this guy is a maniac! I'm too young and cute to be harassed!!" You yelled inside your head.


You planned on pushing him away when he suddenly spoke.

"Your knee... It's bleeding." 

You look down and saw that he was telling the truth. Then you realized something again.


Why do you sense that there's a hint of worry in his voice? He's a stranger, right? Why would he bother worrying about someone he doesn't know too?

Oh no.

Of course, He must have seen you when you tripped and also witness your devastating state. He might be feeling pity for you by now.


Gosh! And you can't even imagine what you look like! But you don't care whether you look horrible or adorable now, All you care about is your friendship with Taehyung. It's the only thing that matters to you.

You shut your eyes tightly because you feel embarrassed. You tried to smack your forehead again but he stopped you.

You heard him chuckle.


"Do you like hurting yourself that much, Miss?" He joked.

You look at him weirdly then he mouthed a 'sorry' to you.

You scoffed out of irritation.

How could he ask and tell you that you like getting yourself hurt? Who does he think he is? He doesn't even have a hint on how much you're going through!

You clenched your fists. "Can you please let go of me, Mister? I need to get away from here. Now." You told him.

"But your knee-"

"My knee is fine!" You yelled. He was taken aback for a second. He let go of your arms then he raised his hands up.

"I wasn't informed by my grade school teacher that a bleeding knee was fine until a feisty girl told me now." You glared at him. He's obviously making fun of you again.

He chuckled while looking at your face and mouthed a 'sorry' again. You mouthed a 'jerk' back at him then you faced the other way.

You wanted to walk away from this irritating creature as soon as possible, you took your first step and tried to endure the pain in your knee. Then the second step, and the third. You feel frustrated trying to walk normally when it's obvious that you can't so you try skipping rather than walking.

You heard another chuckle behind you. You stopped and look back at the jerk.

"Don't laugh at me, Jerk!" You shouted angrily at him then continued to skip away again.

You heard his footsteps towards you so you double-timed your skipping session. He might be up to something again that will make you more pissed off so even if it's hard you tried your best to get away from him.

You were doing fine getting away through skipping when suddenly you saw a group of people walking in such a rush towards you. You stopped again and braced yourself for some major bumping and pushing that you're about to encounter. You closed your eyes and hugged yourself, praying that you'll not get hurt too much.


Then suddenly you felt yourself being lifted up from the ground. You opened your eyes and saw that irritating jerk face again.

"Yah! What are you doing?!" You shouted and smacked his chest hard. He's carrying you in his arms in bridal style.

He didn't reply, not even bothering to shift his sight to you.

"Put me down! Where are you taking me?! Help!! Anyone! Help!!!" You cried out loud making him stop and look at you. You gulp as you saw his dark eyes fix on yours.

"I'm trying to help you here so if I were you, I'll shut my cute big mouth and behave." Your jaw dropped literally in front of him after he said that.

He continued to walk again while carrying you in his arms. You're still dumbfounded and a bundle of thoughts piles up in your head.

You know you're hurt mentally and physically at this very moment that you did not wish for another headache and pain in the but fate must be really playing games with you. You wanted some alone time and peace of mind but what the hell is happening now?!





Author's Note:

Thanks for your upvote, kpoprockstar.

This chapter is dedicated to you.

- btsvbabylove

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simple99girl #1
Chapter 14: my god ! i almost couldn't breathe at the moment i saw that green " updated ! "word !
but .. it's toooooo shoooooooooort onni !!!! whhhhhhhy ?! are you trying to kill us !
btw .. we miss you and miss hana and v
Vtae84 #2
Chapter 14: Aigoo..why hana like that..just tell him..she is thinking about taehyung...
junghyolin #3
Chapter 14: It's been a long time ! Nice to see u back author-nim :D
KimchiCupcakes #4
Chapter 14: I just found this and I love it. Update soon pls
Chapter 14: :oo. I really loved this chapter ;u; your writing is amazing
Chapter 13: girl , when you will update :")? i'm dying here
Chapter 13: update faster pls DDDDx
Chapter 13: PLEASE UPDATE SOON! I really love this story so much >~<
skhusial #9
Chapter 13: ahh i just read all 13 chapters straight >,< love this and great writhing~!