08 Kris: The Decision

Kpop-Imagines (Requests Open~)

//Requested by @Krayhun on quotev// hope you all like this! please send in more requests i would love to do more of your requests hahhahahah 😆💫😘💞 but honestly my heart broke when i wrote this story... 💔 Okay moving on~ vote/ comment/ share please hahahhaha XOXO~ thank you for reading and supporting my work much love!



“Dayana… helloooo earth to dayana~” Sehun was waving his hand in front of my face “oh erm do you want something?” I looked over at Sehun who was now in the seat next to me when he usually sits next to Luhan at the other end of the classroom. I think Sehun mentally facepalmed himself “no dayana, I was asking you if you wanted to go with me to the canteen to get bubble tea!” I made an ‘O’ shape with my mouth and nodded my head “let’s go!” Sehun stood up and offered his hand, me and Sehunnie were close friends so holding hands for us was like breathing air, it came naturally to us, even though there was a point in time where he confessed to me but I just laughed at him thinking that he was just fooling around, I had already gotten over it. “I want caramel bubble tea” I pointed at the display menu “ok then I will get chocolate for myself” “how about Luhan aren’t you going to get taro for him?” “nope Luhan took a week mc and he’s not coming to school so no bubble tea for abandoning me in school” he pouted and folded his arms “well at least I have you right?” he put his arm over me and patted the top of my head.

We walked back to class to see the school’s bad boy Kris sitting in the seat Sehun was sitting in which was next to mine. Both of us looked at him and he gave us his stare “what, problem?” his gaze was scary I couldn’t look into his eyes it was way too intimidating for me “we can sit somewhere else” I told Sehun and went over to take my bag and books to move but Kris caught onto my wrist “you’re not moving anywhere, I want you to sit here with me” he looked me in the eye but this time he didn’t have the same intimidating stare at he had before, it was now soft but strong. I just nodded and awkwardly sat down as Sehun looked at me using his ‘what are you doing’ stare so I just shrugged and used my eyes to point at Kris. “Hello class, take your seats now” Mr Park walked in with his head in the book. I was honestly curious about the mysterious bad boy, he was always putting up a brave front I wonder why, but at that moment when he asked me to sit here, it was like all his walls that he put up came down.

“Kris can I ask you a question?” I quietly and awkwardly ask “you just asked one…” he turned to look at me trying to be funny as I rolled my eyes playfully before adding “why are you always pushing people away?” this time Kris turned back to the board and never answered my question. I heard rumours that it was because that his friend Tao betrayed him and stole the girl he liked, another said that it was because his girlfriend cheated on him and others said it was obviously due to the stress of school but I didn’t honestly believe that such minor and insignificant things could make Kris put up such walls, I think it could be something else more serious.

Afterschool, I didn’t walk home with Sehun because he had to stay back for some club thing but before I left school I asked Sehun more about Kris. He said Kris used to be in his club as well but simply just stopped attending, Kris according to them always made jokes and laughed he was a happy virus almost like Chanyeol but one day he built walls so no one could approach him. This only made me more curious about why and I was determined to find out, when Sehun saw my determined face he warned me not to, he said he has reasons why he acts in such a way and it was wise to stay away but when do I take advice from Sehunnie. I was waiting at the bus stop and it started to pour, but I felt an arm pull me under what seems to be a shelter and I looked up to see Kris with his arm around my shoulders holding an umbrella sheltering me from the pouring pelleting rain. “Come in closer your shoulders are getting wet” the arm he had around my shoulder pulled me closer to him until I could smell his scent on his clothes. We continued to stand there at waiting for the bus that didn’t come, then I heard sobbing sounds coming from him as I looked up to see his eye all red and tears rolling down from his face “Kris…” I was shocked at the cold city man’s sudden action. I moved my hand to clean the tears rolling down his face and pulled him in for a hug, he leaned down to rest his head on my shoulders, tears still not ending “what happened Kris, tell me so I can help you, I don’t want to see you hurting on your own, share your burden with me… please” I was moving my hand up and down his back to comfort him. “My mother… she went into coma” I slightly gasped “Kris… it’s okay, she’ll be fine I’m sure of it!” I hugged him tighter.

He told me that a few months ago his sister wanted to get married to a man who was 20 years older than her but my mother objected saying that he was too old and another reason was that the man was a loan-shark, she didn’t want her daughter to live such a life. But his sister rebelled, she dried up all our savings and left home to elope with that man, his mother then collapsed luckily that they had a secret account that his sister didn’t know about so he could use that to pay for her medical fees but now that she has gone into coma just scared him. I felt sad as he told me that but I was grateful that he could tell me all these personal things. We just stared at each other after breaking off the hug; his brown orbs staring weakly into mine then flickered to my lips before looking back into my eyes. I bit my lips as he leaned in but the bus came and we quickly moved away from each other. We went to the hospital to visit his mother, I held Kris’s hand as I opened the ward door “it’ll be fine, I’m here with you” I whispered as I turned the knob. I saw her lifeless body lie on the bed with multiple tubes inside of her connected to two big machines that were practically keeping her alive. I broke out in tears, it was scary and I was scared for her “it’s okay, I’m here” Kris hugged me mimicking me and I smacked him as he grinned. I looked at Kris who wasn’t scared anymore “I know she will be fine, she’s strong, at least I hope she will be strong for me, she wouldn’t leave me.” I smiled at Kris’s bravery and strength as I walked to his mother’s bedside “you have a strong and brave son Mrs Wu, now you need to be strong for him and wake up okay?” I held her weak hand that also had tubes sticking out of her fragile pale porcelain hand then wiped my remaining tears away. “Thanks Dayana” Kris joined in, so three of our hands were together, holding each other sincerely wishing and hoping for things to be better.

“You know Dayana you don’t need to stay with me” it had gotten very late and I didn’t realize “but I want to, I can’t let you stay here alone, if you’re worried that my parents will get angry I’ll call them and tell them now” Kris shook his head “no, go home, you can stay with me tomorrow but today you have to go home you’re still drenched from the rain, I don’t want to have another person to worry about” he ruffled my hair “ok, then come with me and change your clothes my house is nearby and you can wear my brother’s clothes, I don’t want to worry about one more person” I laughed and imitated his voice. We walked to the alley where my house was to see Sehun pacing back and forth angrily I presume “Sehunnie? What are you doing here?” I looked at him but he changed his gaze from me to Kris who was walking behind me “what is he doing here? Have you been spending your entire day with this guy? I told you to stay away from him Dayana…” “Sehun please listen, Kris isn’t the person you think he is, he’s different” “different?!” Sehun shouted “he brought you back at 12 midnight Dayana, he could have done something to you, why are you so stubborn can’t you tell he has ill intentions towards you?” tears fell from my eyes Sehun never screamed at me before and it scared me to see Sehun in this light “Dayana… I, I didn’t mean to scream at you” he reached out to hold my hands but Kris pulled me behind him and glared at Sehun “if you’re upset scream and vent your frustrations at me, not her, I’m the reason for bringing her back late it’s not her fault” I heard Sehun scoff “are you trying to be the hero now Kris?” I was really scared now, Sehun sounded so pissed and Kris was just fuelling his fury. “Usually I try not to be but if you’re making Dayana cry then I will gladly step up to be her hero” his words touched my heart.

I heard Sehun walk in front of us and took my hand then pulled me away “Let’s go Dayana” “No” Kris grabbed my other hand which made Sehun stop in his tracks. “What do you think you’re doing?” Sehun was starting to boil “Kris… don’t please” I didn’t want to fight over something so small “I don’t trust this jerk?” “Kris… he’s my best friend I’ve known him since I was a kid we grew up together, I trust him” I patted his hand so he would let go “I like you Dayana and I still can’t trust him” Kris shouted “you what?” i asked a little taken aback at his sudden confession “I like you and I can’t let him take you away” Sehun now stepped up and punched him “who do you think you are?” “Kris!” I let go of Sehun’s hand and went over to Kris’s side. “Dayana… why do you keep going over to him” Sehun held my wrist tightly not letting me go to Kris “what are you doing Sehun let me go, Kris is hurt, he needs me” then Sehun held my other hand then loosening his grip on the other to hold my hand. “I always wanted to say this in a more romantic way but i know if I don’t tell you this now… I’ll lose you” I looked up to look into Sehun’s eyes which was soft and tears were b “I love you dayana, remember when I first confessed and you laughed, I was joking with you every word I said, I meant it. When I said i wanted to be the reason you smile every day, when I wanted to be by your side no matter what, with whatever life threw at us and I wanted to brave it all with you with our hands like this. I mean it, every day til this day I still want to live by those words I said.” Sehun held my hand tighter and I looked at his eyes now with tears trailing down his face “so please…” his voice cracked “don’t go to him… stay, stay here with me dayana please” my eyes started to tear as well I didn’t know what I was supposed to do.

I had no idea what I should do… was I supposed to say okay to Sehun? But I didn’t feel the same as how Sehun felt, yes I also wanted to be the reason why he smiles also be the one to help him and be by his side but not in that way, I only treated him as a friend I never ever considered of looking at him in any other way. But I didn’t know how to tell him, I didn’t want to lose him I wouldn’t know what I would do if I didn’t have him in my life. But again, I looked behind to see Kris on the rocky hard floor trying to get up, I could see his skin scraped by the tiny stones and his ankle was dislocated, those few hours a spent with Kris made me realize who Kris is, his personality his character. He opened up to me and trusted me, and some of those moments we had tugged on my heart strings remembering that we almost kissed at the bus stop as he pulled me under his umbrella with his arm around my shoulder “Dayana…” Kris weakly called out from behind coughing and groaning in pain “Dayana!” Sehun shook me with tearful eyes worried I would choose Kris instead. The moments of Kris holding my hand, even if it was at the hospital made my heart race, the way he looked at me, the little tiny grin he had showing his pearly white teeth and pink gums made my heart beat faster than the bullet train. I knew who the one for me, but Sehun… “I’m sorry Sehun-ah but Kris… he… he needs me” I hesitated but gained courage from thinking about Kris and how much I wanted to be with him and by his side, in his arms. I removed Sehun’s hands from mine and saw his arms fall dangling, his face lost its colour like he just got hit by a truck “when I told you id didn’t feel the same about you when you first confessed, that hasn’t change Sehun-ah and it never will, I love you very much just not in that way.”

I ran over to Kris, “Kris, are you okay?” he nodded still coughing “thank you dayana… for accepting me and coming to my side” I was kneeling next to him as I caressed his cheek and he lifted his hand to carress my face. Kris was weak, not because he didn’t exercise or that he lacked strength I know he hadn’t been sleeping for the past few nights and neither has he eaten a complete meal ever since his sister eloped, he was weak to the extent that I wondered why he hasn’t collapsed yet. He looked me in the eyes and used all his remaining strength to move to kiss me, I felt his soft lips reach mine and weakly move before pulling away then lying back onto the floor. I panicked and quickly called an ambulance “hello 911? Yes someone just fainted…” my voice trailed into the silence of the dead night as I told them about the location leaving out the fighting parts, I’ll let the officers presumed he got beaten up by a gang. “Will he be fine?” I asked the doctor worried as we reached the hospital, “he should be, nothing serious just abnormally weak from insufficient amount of sleep and food but other than that he’s fine” I nodded and thanked him as he walked away.


“You’re gonna be fine Kris” I caressed his face and took a seat next to his bed. “Quickly wake up so you can ask me out on a proper date” I held his hand “then we can also see your mum, she must have been worried sick about you, we need to tell her that you’re fine” I kissed the back of his hand. Then he started to move his hand “Kris!” I yelled excited and stood up from my chair “Dayana…” he smiled weakly at me “you’re here…” he then looked at our hands and then he intertwined them and pulled it and put it on his chest “you’re here” he repeated “I love you Kris” I leaned down to kiss his forehead knowing he was still weak and this was the first time he has slept properly in a long time so I didn’t want to wake him or disturb him so I pulled my hand away “no… stay with me” he whispered “stay by my side, don’t leave me” I smiled and went back to hold his hand and he gripped my hand tightly not wanting me to go and I chuckled “I’m not going anywhere” I sat down and laid my head down on the bed with my head facing him “I’m never ever going to leave your side, don’t worry.” He managed a smile then held my hand still tightly “I’m never leaving yours” he replied. His words tugged at my heart strings and I closed my eyes to fall asleep “I love you Kris” “I love you too Dayana.”

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lemonjong #1
Name of character: Kim Eunjung
Your Bias & Group: Kevin + U-Kiss
Basic Storyline: Kevin is trying to help Eunjung for her big English final, but ultimately fails and gets really frustrated
Anything extra stuff you'd like me to take note off: Maybe Eli, Eric Name, and AJ help out a little? (after Eunjung gets frustrated)
Additional Characters: U-Kiss' Eil & AJ, Eric Nam