13 D.O: First Love

Kpop-Imagines (Requests Open~)

//Requested by The Forgotten Promise on Quotev// I hope you like it ☺️☺️🙆💓💖👌 i'll get to the other requests as soon as possible~ XOXO thank you for supporting me ❤️❤️❤️ much love~ 😘


Chiao Er:

Until now my heart still hurts even when I don’t think about him, every minute every second of every day there’s still feeling of emptiness that overwhelms and takes over my body. It’s that aching feeling in my heart that sends a pang of pain through my body as if someone was stabbing my heart, it was stuffy and suffocating more me than I’d like to admit.

To be honest, I was still missing him, missing his big brown eyes the way he always had his eyes on me, the way he would then smile a heart-shaped smile to himself after looking at me. The way the sun rays shone on his face tracing his perfect features as he looked into my eyes, the way the cool breeze would blow through his hair and his baby hair would fly around making me laugh all the time. The way our hands would perfectly intertwine with each other as we walked down the streets of Hongdae, how he would gently put his arm around me and pull me in closer to his warm body then kissing the top of my head enough for my heart to flutter. The way he would look like a little kid as he saw all the delicious food and buy almost everything in sight but even so, he would blow onto the food and feed me before feeding himself even when he was dying of starvation. But what I missed the most was simply having him by my side, holding me in his arms and lying on his shoulder as he would pat my back as I fell asleep just like that.

But that wasn’t what hurts me the most… what hurts me the most was wondering every single day whether he was missing me the way I was missing him. I was spending every waking moment thinking about him, replaying it in my head to relive those memories but was he doing the same or had he completely put his past behind him and moved on. We both had a common dream, a common dream of becoming a world renowned singer and artiste that stood on the stage, to do what we love to do which was to sing and perform, it was our passion and we would stop at nothing just to achieve this very dream of ours. However it came back to bite us, we both auditioned for different companies way before we came to know each other and on one day he told me he needed to meet me. “Chiao Er, there’s something I need to tell you” I replayed those words in my head along with his serious face expression that was now filled with sadness. “I got accepted into SM and I’m going to debut in three months’ time” he held my hand as he said it. We both knew what this meant for the both of us, it was an obvious ending that we saw coming yet we still headed down this treacherous heart-breaking road. I wasn’t going to ask him to choose between two of the things he loved most in this world because I know how much singing means to him just like how it means to me.

I hated myself for thinking this but I wished that he would never get accepted just for my own selfish reasons, I didn’t want to hear these words, the words that would mean the end for the both of us. “I don’t want to hear it Kyungsoo” I covered my ears “I can’t hear you” I closed my eyes as well not wanting to face this harsh reality. “Chiao Er… please you need to listen to me I need you to listen to me, I love you and I don’t want to let you go too but-“ “stop!” I stood up and cut him off knowing what would be the next few words that he was going to say. “I know what you’re going to say so don’t you dare say those three words.” Tears started to fall and he stood up to wipe my tears away “I know this hurts chiao er, but believe me it’s hurting me more because I’m the one saying it” he held me close as I rested my head on his warm chest “this can’t be happening kyungsoo-ah, why us… why now” I sobbed “let’s quickly get over with this if not I don’t think I can ever bring myself to say these words again” he started to sob as well “let’s break up” he broke out into tears just like I did and that was the last time I ever spoke to him or saw him again.

But many things have happened since he said those three deadly words, I received news that I was accepted into YG Ent and I was going to debut in a month’s time it was great news, it was amazing news just that I didn’t have him to celebrate with which made me feel upset all over again. Well other than that, my brother Tao debuted alongside with 11 boys in a group called EXO in SM Ent and I was proud of him, glad that he had also achieved his dreams that he worked so hard for. I had also made a lot of good friends in YG as well, Taeyang and the 2ne1 sunbaes were the people I was the closest to, they were people that mentored me and helped me achieve my dreams, they were practically my best friends so I trusted them and shared my life story with them like why singing was my passion why it was so important to me and even about my first love.

“You sure you don’t want me to ask D.O hyung to come here?” Tao came into my room and sat on my bed beside me “yep I’m sure don’t worry about me” I closed my eyes pushing my flashing memories back into my head “you’ve been having some nightmares and only he can help you get over them remember last time when you dreamt that you died in a car crash?” I nodded “that was before Tao, it’s different now” I faked a smile “I know but you need him and he needs you anyway I’ll be here if you need me okay?” he patted my head “thanks tao but I think I’ll be fine on my own.” He left the room, I got ready to head over to YG to practice for the monthly evaluations.

“Yah Chiao Er you okay?” Taeyang shook me, looking at me full of concern “oh taeyang-ah when did you get here?” I tried to force a smile so I could cover up my hidden pain that was eating me alive. “the door was wide open and I saw you sitting on the floor so I was worried about you and don’t lie I know you’re not alright” he pinched my cheeks and took a seat next to me on the practice room floor “I’m fine just go practice, the others are waiting for you” I pushed him weakly but he didn’t even budge “they can wait, you on the other hand is way more important than practicing tell me are you thinking about him again?” he put an arm around me to comfort me “um well…” I handed him my phone and he took it “what’s this?” he scrolled to see that I was looking at recent news about D.O which was the stage name that he picked up. There were some of his concept photos for overdose and pictures of when he filmed ‘It’s okay that’s love’ but what caught Taeyang’s attention and made him look to me was an interview where D.O mentioned that he is someone that he likes. “Chiao Er-ah…” his voice full of concern “I know this is hard for you but you need to pick yourself up and work hard on your debut, remember how much this means to you? Use that as your strength to pick yourself back up where’s that strong willed girl I know?” Taeyang ruffled my hair “thanks oppa but I want to be alone now” I pushed his hand away “you know what later on we should all go for drinks with 2ne1 then you can drink your sorrows away!” he pecked the top of my head “you’re gonna be okay trust me” he patted my head and left me alone to mourn in sadness.

It hurts, I can’t even begin to say why it does, I finally had the answer to the questioned I asked myself every single day, he doesn’t miss me like the way I do. All along it has just been me missing everything we had, he was my world, my life, my heart…. my love and apparently I wasn’t his. He had moved on and happily might I say as I looked at his photos he was living his dream, doing what he loves. It hurt me to see that he could be so happy without me, the selfish part of me wanted him to hurt as much as I was, I wanted him to be dying on the inside because all that we used to have was now gone. Long gone.

“Let’s drink the night away!” Bom shouted as she pulled me to sit next to her, Taeyang had told them about it so I wouldn’t need to, we went to the nearby drinking place that was two streets away from YG Ent it was somewhere we used to go to celebrate when either Big Bang or 2ne1 had won awards, this place was filled with beautiful memories but now this place was only filled with heartbreak and meaningless tears. Taeyang sat next to me followed by Dara and Minzy then CL sat on the other end next to Bom, we were sitting at the bar so the bartender who was mixing drinks came to us and handed me a shot glass of bourbon whisky. “This one’s on the house, don’t beat yourself up.” We became friends with him since we were regulars, he probably saw my red puffy eyes and was concerned about me even though he had no idea what it was about. I know this was strong whisky but right now it was the least of my concerns as I downed the alcohol down closing my eyes as the bitterness kicks in “Chiao er-ah slowly” Dara said and we ordered a round of Vodka for all of us, I was pretty sure all of them had something to get of their chest. “why aren’t you drinking Taeyang-ah?” I looked to him “because someone needs to take care of your five when you’re all drunk right?” he smiled.

I felt assured as I continued to drink my pain away, but it didn’t seem to work at all I wasn’t even getting drunk not even a little tipsy but strangely my surroundings started to change around me, I looked around and I was in a familiar setting but taeyang, cl, bom, minzy and dara was nowhere to be seen. “Taeyang? Bom? Minzy, Dara, CL you there?” I shouted and my voice echoed off the walls. This place was somewhat familiar like I’ve been here before, it was a room so I walked towards the bedside table to pick up a wooden photo-frame, it was… a picture of Kyungsoo and I when there was a carnival and we were all wet because there was a water balloon fight. My hand hovered over our faces the memory of it still fresh in my mind and I trailed my fingers along his face in the photo then clutching the photo-frame close to my heart wishing that we could go back. Then I heard the front door unlock and I quickly put the frame back down and wiped my tears away but before I could hide, someone had opened the door. “Oh my god!” I shouted and just stood there shocked to see Kyungsoo walk into the room but it didn’t seem like he noticed that I was here. He closed the door and walked pass me then sitting on his bed, he took a look at the photo and then a sorrow look crept onto his face as he threw a brown envelop onto the floor then lied backwards falling onto his bed with one arm covering his eyes. “D.O…” my heart ached as I took a step towards him and saw that a tear trailed down his cheeks. He bit the bottom of his lip and started to sob, soon more tears were streaming down his cheeks before hitting his white sheets. “Kyungsoo-ah” I reached out to touch him but my hand went through him “what on earth” I started to panic and tried to grab him but I couldn’t.

“What’s happening?” I held my wrist, my hands shivering in fear was this a dream? Was that why I couldn’t touch him? D.O was sobbing harder and harder and my heart ached for him so much, when did this happen why was he crying like this? I bent over to pick up the envelop, there was something inside and I took it out to see what it was. It was a congratulations letter from SM Ent notifying him on his acceptance into this company along with a contract attached to it. Was this what he was crying about? This must be the day where he found out the news, the day we broke up… “Chiao Er-ah” Kyungsoo screamed “this can’t be!” shocked I stood up to look at him wondering if he saw me. He wasn’t which broke my heart into a million pieces, he was crying out loud, he hated crying but yet he was crying… miserably. “Please this can’t be, this isn’t it, why!” his voice cracked with every word he screamed out. “D.O-ah…” I sat on the bed and let my tears stream down, he was hurting as much as I was. I caressed the top of his head even though my hand just passes through but then I noticed he was clutching something tight in his hand. It was a ring, it was the ring we saw two days ago at a shop he must have secretly bought it after I said that it looked pretty he even made me try it before saying that it looked ugly so I would leave. Liar, he wanted to buy it to give it to me. “Pabo D.O, why didn’t you just give it to me” I sobbed and then he sat up, wiping his tears away.

He cleared his throat and tried to get himself together as he punched some numbers into his phone and pressed the green call button. “Chiao Er, there’s something I need to tell you” he clutched onto the ring and looked at our picture in the photo-frame “what is it oppa?” I heard my voice say from the other line “let’s meet at the café” he bit the bottom of his lip trying not to cry which broke my heart that he was hurting so much “now?” “yes, it’s important” he ended the call. He sighed as he stood up to wash his face. I was going to stand up and follow him to make sure he was okay but the surroundings changed back to Taeyang and Bom sitting next to me. I was holding an empty shot glass confused with what that had just happened, was that a hallucination? I must have drunk too much “Chiao Er?” I heard a voice say from behind and we all turned around.

“Kyungsoo?” my tears welled up not wanting to fall “wh-what are you doing here?” I stood up then looking over at Taeyang “did you call him?” I asked and he nodded “I couldn’t stand to see you hurt like that, what kind of best friend would just leave you crying and hurting? I had to do something Chiao Er…” Taeyang smiled and pushed me towards D.O. “Taeyang told me you were crying yourself to sleep, not eating not even getting 2 hours of sleep, getting nightmares, why didn’t you tell me why did you suffer alone?” Kyungsoo stepped towards me and held my hand in his. “We broke up so I didn’t think it was a good idea to call you and and and… I didn’t want to bother you cause you’re busy now and I would be a burden to you.” “and why would you be a burden to me Chiao Er? We may have broken up but i still love you and as long it concerns you it will never be a burden” he tugged one of my strands of hair behind my ear. “b-but I thought in the interview you said there was someone you liked? How could you love me then?” I pushed his hand away and turned around my tears now falling, I was losing all sense of control. D.O’s hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me to him and then turned me around to face him “yes, I said there was someone I liked but don’t you see… Chiao Er that person is you” he leaned in and kissed me his soft lips embracing mine, the person I’ve been longing to see, the person I’m longing to be with. To create new memories to be by his side, that longing disappeared with just one kiss because he was now here with me, the words I longed to hear that I was that person he liked not anyone else but me.


“I love you Chiao Er, don’t ever cry because of me again, don’t ever suffer alone please I can’t stand to see you like that, I promise I’ll never leave you I won’t ever hurt you again even if it’s hard I will keep going knowing that you’re with me, you’re my strength the only reason why I can get up and sing without you I’m nothing. Without you I’m just another boy with a dazzling dream, but with you… I become someone great because you bring out the best in me” He wrapped his arms around me bringing me into a warm hug. “I love you too Do Kyungsoo, you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to hear these words” I snuggled into his chest remembering how much he was hurting when he found out about his acceptance into SM. “Don’t ever leave me again.” “I won’t. Ever.” He smiled.

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lemonjong #1
Name of character: Kim Eunjung
Your Bias & Group: Kevin + U-Kiss
Basic Storyline: Kevin is trying to help Eunjung for her big English final, but ultimately fails and gets really frustrated
Anything extra stuff you'd like me to take note off: Maybe Eli, Eric Name, and AJ help out a little? (after Eunjung gets frustrated)
Additional Characters: U-Kiss' Eil & AJ, Eric Nam