My Vampire Prince

My Vampire Prince
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“WHERE are you going, Eun Hee?” Kiseop’s voice from behind stopped her from opening the door. She closed her eyes, hoping it’s just a dream. “You’re leaving?” It’s not a dream, it will never be so she opened her eyes and turned to face him. He walked towards her.

“You’re leaving me.” He said knowingly. “Is this because I didn’t believe your fuzz about Jae In hurting you?”

“No.” She said. “This is isn’t about her. I’ll leave because I wanted to.” She can’t say straight to his face that she’s hurt, deeply hurt.

She opened the door and was about to go outside when he grabbed her arm and slammed the door shut.

“There’s something you’re not telling me, Eun Hee.” He said.

She tried to free her arm from his grip but he’s stronger than her. “Let me go Kiseop. Let me go!” She snapped but it didn’t affect him. Instead, he lifted her up with her bag and sped off to her room.

He slammed the door then he put her down on the bed. She ran towards the door but even before she could touch the door knob, he swayed her back to the bed.

“Why are you so eager to leave this house Eun Hee in the middle of the night?” He said between his gritting teeth. He’s mad.

She hopelessly sat on the bed. She covered her face with her hands as she started to cry.

“And now you’re crying? What’s with the drama Eun Hee?! Whatever is your reason, I’m not gonna let you leave this house even if it means to lock you up her

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14 streak #1
Chapter 13: Even though it was short, it was a great story~
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 13: Damn! That was good! I feel so sorry for EunHee

Great job authornim :D
lovelyme23 #3
Thank you, thank you :)
You know what, your story is too great for you to say sorry. XD I love it!!
Sarapyon #5
New reader and read it in one go ^~^ I totally love it *O* This is awesome and you don't need to apologize O.O

Anyway I'm off to read the sequel ^^
i love the ending~ <3
YEAH, they should be together like that~
p.s. to the author:
no need to say sorry~ your story was daebak~!
vipkissmeMariA #7
^.^ so nice story~
sseungra #8
Haha~you don't have to apologize...You wrote the ending perfectly fine...I love the story...Keep writing. =)