My Vampire Prince

My Vampire Prince
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Eun Hee walked to the window and peeked outside. Kiseop hadn’t returned yet since he left when they argued this morning. And now the sun was starting to set.

            She sighed as she sat on the couch, her fingers running through her necklace. “Be thankful that you have that necklace. I might compel you to kill yourself.” Kiseop’s words echoed in her mind. The Leiko necklace was her only protection against Kiseop’s manipulation. It was once owned by her father who was the assistant of Kiseop’s late father.

            When her father died, he passed the necklace on her since she’s the only child. And now here she was, assistant of a hot-blooded vampire. Worse, she loved him. For God’s sake, she’s human!

            She stood again and walked to the door. She opened it and the red sunset greeted her. The only way Kiseop can walk to the day was that because of the Rorshack ring. It was their family’s antic ring. It was a silver ring with a ruby stone in the middle which glittered when hit by the sunlight.

            She closed the door gently. He was still probably with that girl he met two weeks ago. She climbed upstairs. She decided to take a shower while Kiseop was out there, enjoying the girl’s company.


            SHE was wiping her wet hair as she walked out of the bathroom. She didn’t hear any signs of Kiseop downstairs so he was probably not around. Where on earth could he be?

            She decided to eat something because her stomach was growling. She went downstairs and headed to the ki

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14 streak #1
Chapter 13: Even though it was short, it was a great story~
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 13: Damn! That was good! I feel so sorry for EunHee

Great job authornim :D
lovelyme23 #3
Thank you, thank you :)
You know what, your story is too great for you to say sorry. XD I love it!!
Sarapyon #5
New reader and read it in one go ^~^ I totally love it *O* This is awesome and you don't need to apologize O.O

Anyway I'm off to read the sequel ^^
i love the ending~ <3
YEAH, they should be together like that~
p.s. to the author:
no need to say sorry~ your story was daebak~!
vipkissmeMariA #7
^.^ so nice story~
sseungra #8
Haha~you don't have to apologize...You wrote the ending perfectly fine...I love the story...Keep writing. =)