My Vampire Prince

My Vampire Prince
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JAE IN was stunned. Who’s this girl? Isn’t this Kiseop’s house? She eyed the girl in front of her from head to toe. She’s sure that this is Kiseop’s house.

“Uh… is Kiseop living here?” She asked. She didn’t miss the girl’s shocked look.

“Yeah, b…but he’s out.” The girl answered.

“Please tell him, I went here. My name’s Jae In.” She said as she turned her back. She bit back the ‘thank you’. She didn’t like that girl.


THE sun was starting to set and Kiseop was not yet returned again. She’s sure that he’s with that girl who knocked on the door this morning. What was her name again? Jae In?

So, that was the girl he wanted to be with the rest of his life. Ouch. But that is, if fate would agree.

She heard footsteps outside. She ran to the door and opened it, hoping it’s Kiseop. But she was dumbstruck when she saw who it was. “If you’re here for Kiseop, he’s still not around.” She said to her. To Jae In. Speak of the devil, she thought.

“Where could he be?” She asked as she sighed. She bet she asked herself, not her. But good breeding dictated her to respond.

“I don’t know.” She said. “I thought he’s with you.”

“I wouldn’t be here if he’s with me.” She said sarcastically. It made her eyebrow arched.

Jae In crossed her arms. “By the way, why are you living with him? Oh, you’re a maid.” She said as she sneered at me.

She was about to say something when she saw

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14 streak #1
Chapter 13: Even though it was short, it was a great story~
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 13: Damn! That was good! I feel so sorry for EunHee

Great job authornim :D
lovelyme23 #3
Thank you, thank you :)
You know what, your story is too great for you to say sorry. XD I love it!!
Sarapyon #5
New reader and read it in one go ^~^ I totally love it *O* This is awesome and you don't need to apologize O.O

Anyway I'm off to read the sequel ^^
i love the ending~ <3
YEAH, they should be together like that~
p.s. to the author:
no need to say sorry~ your story was daebak~!
vipkissmeMariA #7
^.^ so nice story~
sseungra #8
Haha~you don't have to apologize...You wrote the ending perfectly fine...I love the story...Keep writing. =)