My Vampire Prince

My Vampire Prince
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KISEOP felt uneasy as he left Jae In’s house. There something’s wrong and boggling his mind. He remembered Eun Hee. He’s still mad at her for attacking Jae In but something’s telling him that he should go home now.

He don’t know why but he went home immediately with preternatural speed.


WHEN he arrived home, he heard a loud thud coming from the unused room. He slowly went to the room. The door was slightly opened so he swayed it fully open.

He was stunned. He saw Eun Hee hanging from the rope with a stool laid down below her. “Eun Hee!” He screamed with horror. He lifted her up so her neck wouldn’t be choked by the rope.

He had gotten her away from hanging and carried her to her room and laid her down to her bed. She coughed but her eyes were close. He’s thankful that he went home immediately. The ropes’ marks were written across her neck. Only then  he realized she was not wearing the Leiko necklace.

He manipulated her accidentally! He thought the necklace was still on her neck.

She was breathing in and out heavily as she moaned. He leaned and kissed her on the forehead. “I’m sorry.” He whispered.


HE was making porridge for Eun Hee in the kitchen. He don’t know why but there’s something inside him scared of losing Eun Hee. When he found her hanging on the rope, fear engulfed him. He can’t afford losing her. “It’s because she’s my assistant.” He insisted inside his brain.

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14 streak #1
Chapter 13: Even though it was short, it was a great story~
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 13: Damn! That was good! I feel so sorry for EunHee

Great job authornim :D
lovelyme23 #3
Thank you, thank you :)
You know what, your story is too great for you to say sorry. XD I love it!!
Sarapyon #5
New reader and read it in one go ^~^ I totally love it *O* This is awesome and you don't need to apologize O.O

Anyway I'm off to read the sequel ^^
i love the ending~ <3
YEAH, they should be together like that~
p.s. to the author:
no need to say sorry~ your story was daebak~!
vipkissmeMariA #7
^.^ so nice story~
sseungra #8
Haha~you don't have to apologize...You wrote the ending perfectly fine...I love the story...Keep writing. =)