My Vampire Prince

My Vampire Prince
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              THE chirp of the birds outside made her awake again. The sunlight shone through the window, but she closed her eyes trying to get back to sleep. Her body ached all over especially her neck.

“Good morning!” A voice said. She opened her eyes and saw Kiseop hovering through her. He was flashing her a smile.

“Good morning.” She muttered and closed her eyes again.

“Wake up, sleeping beauty.” He said as he pulled her up. “It’s breakfast time, c’mon. Be good to your master now.”

 She forced herself to stand. “Okay.” She said.

“Take a bath now. I’ll wait for you in the kitchen.” He patted her head gently before he disappeared in her room.


              THE scent of bacon and sunny side-up egg greeted her as she walked down on the stairs. She smiled inwardly. That’s one of the many reasons why she loved him. He can cook very well.

“Breakfast is served.” He said proudly when he saw her. She smiled at him and ate her specially-made breakfast.

Kiseop smiled as she saw Eun Hee’s eyes sparked.


               “YOU don’t have plans of going somewhere?” She asked. Both of them were watching a movie while popcorn, sandwiches, pizza and chocolate mousse cake were on the table in front of them.

He turned to look at her. “Why?”


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14 streak #1
Chapter 13: Even though it was short, it was a great story~
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 13: Damn! That was good! I feel so sorry for EunHee

Great job authornim :D
lovelyme23 #3
Thank you, thank you :)
You know what, your story is too great for you to say sorry. XD I love it!!
Sarapyon #5
New reader and read it in one go ^~^ I totally love it *O* This is awesome and you don't need to apologize O.O

Anyway I'm off to read the sequel ^^
i love the ending~ <3
YEAH, they should be together like that~
p.s. to the author:
no need to say sorry~ your story was daebak~!
vipkissmeMariA #7
^.^ so nice story~
sseungra #8
Haha~you don't have to apologize...You wrote the ending perfectly fine...I love the story...Keep writing. =)