Chapter 8

Who's the Daddy?

Trying to suppress a growl of frustration and pain, Yifan gripped steadily at his mother’s hand and hated himself for reacting like this. Thankfully Mrs. Wu was just as calm and patient as ever and gently ran her fingers through her son’s dark hair in the hopes that it would calm him down, “It’s okay baby, I’m here. You’re going to be okay.”


Turning his head to look at her, Yifan had to fight back the urge to cry, “I’m sorry...” he managed to mutter out in a course whisper, “If this...I’m sorry.”


Mrs. Wu simply shook her head, “It’s okay, my little baby dragon, trust me the pain is worth it. Only a little while longer and then it’ll stop,” part of her was still uncertain about her son going for a caesarean but more for the fact that something could happen with his heart during the operation than anything else.


“Where...others?” Yifan managed to just about hiss out before another contraction hit him and he never wanted to ever have again if the result was going through this amount of pain. He was going to kill whoever had gotten him pregnant, he mentally decided at that point in time, or at the very least make it so that they had to go through the exact same thing. Of course part of him knew that he was just being extremely mean right now but he was in so much pain that there wasn’t really anything else that he could do about it.


His mother smiled sweetly, placing a kiss on the top of his nose, “They’re in one of the waiting rooms. I’ll go and stay with them when you go down to surgery and I promise you that I will be here when you wake up too.”


Yifan nodded his head and tried to settle back down on the pillows but everything just made him feel uncomfortable at the moment. He desperately wanted to push, eject the thing in his stomach and be free of it all but there was a major problem of him being a guy and for the most part having no actual way for a baby to be born naturally. He had certainly confounded the doctors but there were other documented cases of such a thing happening though they were generally kept quiet and hushed up from the knowledge of the general public.


Taking a deep breath, he tried to practice the breathing exercises whilst he had a moments peace but instead found his mind wandering once again to every possibility of what the child could come out like and which one of the eleven boys was the father. It was infuriating that he still didn’t know and the child was literally in the process of being born but he knew that he just needed to calm down right now. Getting stressed was not going to help his situation in the slightest and he just had to look forward to being able to hold onto his child for the first time.


A nurse came in to inform them that it was time to go and Yifan increased the grip he had on his mother’s hand due to nerves and another contraction hit at the exact same minute. Mrs. Wu accompanied him down as far as she could and then gave him a final hug and a kiss, “You’ll be okay, sweetie, it’ll be over in a matter of seconds for you. Be brave, my little dragon, you’ll be fine.”


“I love you mom,” Yifan said in English, as he closed his eyes and gave her hand one last squeeze before the bed he was in was pushed into the room, “Tell them I love them all too.”


“I know sweetie,” Mrs. Wu smiled proudly, “And they know it too. Good fortune.”




“You know what I’ve just figured out,” Chanyeol’s deep voice was the first thing that greeted Mrs. Wu as she entered the family room to a general chorus of groans as the stressed ten boys listened to the other going on with one of his crazy little theories once again.

“What is it this time?” Kyungsoo asked, still not noticing that Yifan’s mother was in the room with them.


Chanyeol grinned goofily, “There’s only a possible four of us who could be the Daddy to the baby.”


There was silence for a few seconds before Suho asked, “How do you figure that?”


“I dug through my diary for around the time when he should have been able to conceive,” there was another chorus of grumbles and groans from the guys because of the other using such gross terms, “and I’ve only noted four of us who were with him at the time.”


“You kept a diary of our sessions with Yifan?” Xiumin asked, flushing slightly.


Chanyeol rolled his eyes, “No. What do you think I am? A ert or something?” no one dared to respond to that comment, “Cause I write in my dairy pretty late at night there’s usually a comment about someone being very loud or something like that.”


Sehun sighed, “You’re a ert Chanyeol.”


Ignoring the comment completely, Chanyeol continued on, “So I’ve got through the dairy and the only people that he was with around that time were, in order, Luhan, Kyungsoo, Xiumin and Suho.”


“So you’re saying that they’re the only ones who could potentially be my future son-in-law?” Mrs. Wu asked arms folded in front of her chest.


The assembled group let out a series of shocked noises and groans but Mrs. Wu just waved it off, “Oh stop with the panicking already boys. You’ll find out shortly who is the father of my boy’s child so they’re no more need to start worrying about it now and Chanyeol, you can do yourself a big favour and stop running the betting on whose the father as well by the way.”


Chanyeol blushed purple which had everyone laughing and a couple of people pointing their fingers at him.


Tao raised his head up from Sehun’s knee, “So is Gege okay?”


Mrs. Wu nodded and smiled, sitting down in a chair and accepting the youngster when he moved to rest his head against her knee, “Yes. They just took him down to surgery so now we’ve got to just be patient.”


“Will he be all right do you think?” Suho asked, sounding concerned beyond anything else for his friend.


Once again the mother nodded, “Yes. His condition is much improved and he is always keeping himself in good health so everything should be fine. They’ve conducted this operation many times and with people who have had far worse conditions. Don’t worry, Yifan will be perfectly fine.”




Minutes passed like hours and the hours felt like long harsh grinds through all of time. Tao said numerous times that he wished that his power was real then he could just fast forward them all to the point where all of this nervous stress was gone. To pass the time they played a variety of fun card games, mainly getting beaten by Mrs. Wu who turned out to be a dab hand at card games and clearly was the person who taught Yifan to play so well.


When they got tired of them, they talked about some of their crazy adventures and the things that the fans would never get to hear about. Like the incident with the pink thong which was apparently so funny that no one could actually get through it without falling into fits of laughter.


Eventually though they just fell into a comfortable silence of eagerly waiting and nerves as the operation continued on for what felt like an age.


The silence was interrupted eventually when a polite knock came at the door and a person who looked like a receptionist quietly poked her head around the door, “Sorry for the intrusion but I’m looking for Kim Joonmyun?”


Suho stood up and headed towards the woman with a soft smile, “Yeah, that’s me.”


Stepping outside with the woman, thinking that she could have possibly been a SM staff member or something like that, he blinked when she passed him a plain brown envelope, “The results that you asked for earlier in the day. We tried to contact you on your phone but obviously you had it on silent.”


“Ah thank you,” Suho said, taking the letter and bowing to the lady who retreated. All thoughts of how she had been able to find him were immediately pushed from his head as he looked at the plain brown envelope in his hands and whilst part of him knew fine well that he should open the document in front of the others, curiosity grabbed him whole heartedly.


Ripping open the letter, he cast his eyes over the information and made sure to re-read it twice to make sure that he had the information perfectly clear in his own head before he re-entered the room. Certain that he had read the information correctly and that nothing was playing any tricks on him, including his own mind, Suho let out a long sigh that was a mixture of relief, a slight touch of disappointment and immediately felt a smirk crossing his face because Chanyeol clearly could not record information right in his diary which was just the icing on the cake.


Opening the door, he kept his expression neutral as he made his way to the group and then to a specific person. Without uttering a word he snapped the paper smartly across the back of his head and sighed, “Honestly! Out of all the people who I would expect to be an idiot when it came to naughty stuff you were so not it!” 


Authors babbling:

Am I being a very naughty and teasing noona to you all right now? Yes I am and boy do I know it but you'll have to stick around for another chapter to find out. Anyone got a guess as to who it could be? 

btw loves you all so much, 81 subscribers? How the heck did I manage that! Thank you all so much and hope that you're all still enjoying this bloody madness. Sometimes I worry about my plot bunnies, I really do ^^

Oh and just to kill you a little more, next update may be a little bit slower in coming cause I'm hitting the Nanowrimo and that's going to eat up a load of my writing time. But if anyone else is taking part then give me your name on the site and I'll add you as a buddy cause buddies are always fun to have ^^

Toddles for now ^^

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whee I got 101 Dalmsubbers ^^


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Chapter 11: Aww, loved the story. Sorry that it took a while for me to finish reading the fic.
Chapter 9: Aww, so cute. I love the names.
Chapter 7: Oh wow. YiFan is having a baby. Can't wait to see what the gender will be.
Chapter 11: Awww. This is so adorable. They are all so adorable. What an adorable family. How come I gave too many adorables? Hahhaha.
hoangnhung #5
Chapter 11: Omg, it's so cute!!!!
Onepenny #6
Chapter 13: So so cute! I was tempted to 'skip to the back' to find out who the daddy was but I'm proud to say that I managed to exercise some self control!
Chapter 9: Author-nim, I think you spelled the moon and sun wrongly... It's Taiyang for the sun and Yueliang for moon. ^^ Hehe awesome story btw! ^^
BellaBeau #8
Chapter 11: It was so cute! I really loved this story since the start. I'm glad you shared it with us.