Chapter 4

Show Me The Money Show Me Your Love


After he pulled away I looked at him he held my hand and rubbed it with his thumb. "I like you I really like you" he said I smiled "I like you too" I said "you me date tomorrow what do you say?" I looked at him he wasn't as bad as I thought he was actually really nice and caring. I nodded my head "okay yeah its a date" I said Bobby smiled "I'm looking forward to it" he smiled I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear "me too but can we keep this date a secret from everyone?" I asked I didn't want Taeyeon to say "I told you so" Just yet.  "No problem" Bobby said and went inside. I sighed and looked at the night sky covered with a blanket of stars. 



I woke up and remembered I fell asleep on the porch but I woke up in my bed. "Did I dream it all?" I looked down and saw everyone was asleep besides 1 people who was missing Bobby. I sighed maybe I was just dreaming the whole thing? "Hey you're up you know you shouldn't fall asleep outside thank god I was still up" Bobby said he had came out of the shower and was wearing a white t-shirt with black sweatpants. "You...took a shower?" I asked. "Yeah I had practice earlier this morning I just came back" Bobby explained. He had practice that early? "You must be tired" I said he nodded "but I'm doing what I love" he smiled I've never seen anybody so passionate about music. "I actually came here to make money to help out my mom" he explained. I was wrong about him he's not a bad boy. "Oh so you're a mama's boy" I teased Bobby blushed "what about you Ms . Independent?" He asked I laughed "what about me?" I asked confused "what's your story come on everyone has one" he said I sighed "rich girl since birth I was born into wealth I don't see my family often and that's as much there is to it" I shrugged. "You're living the life" he sarcastically said I went and grabbed some fruit punch. "You hungry?" I asked he nodded "okay I'll cook some bacon while you can help wake up Mino and B.I. just leave Taeyeon she'll probably slap you." I said Bobby nodded and went to wake up Mino and B.I. I tied up my short black hair and started the stove. 

"Okay I've woken them up" Bobby said with a tired B.I. and Mino at the table. "Set the plates and cups up while I wake up Taeyeon please" I said Bobby saluted and went to grab some cups and plates. "Taeyeonie~ wake up before they eat all the bacon" I threatened in my aegyo voice she shot up immediately. "Nobody messes with my bacon" she said I laughed.


"Okay everyone ready?" I asked and they all held a thumb up. "B.I. why didn't you go to school yesterday?" Bobby asked "I was working on some new lyrics" B.I. said Mino tsked "focus on school or else you'll be that hobo on the street living under the bridge." He said B.I. just shrugged "music is my muse" B.I. said "look at Namjoon he writes lyrics about school" Mino defended.  "Can we please go?" Taeyeon asked I looked at her and Bobby I don't know about you but I say let's leave those bozos" Bobby said I nodded my head in agreement.


I sat down at my seat next to Bobby and heard girls talking about him. "Did you see him he's so swag and hot ugh that girl is so lucky to sit by him." Girl 1 said "She's a I hate her already" girl 2 said "and she's not even pretty she's like a troll" they laughed. I scoffed they don't even have the guts to say it to my face. Bobby walked in and all the girls squealed all besides me. "Are we still on for tonight?" He asked I shrugged I didn't feel like talking much. "So is that a yes or no please say yes." I could tell he really wanted to go on this date "pick me up at 4" I calmly said Bobby did a little fist pump and I mentally laughed. 


I was paying attention to the board but got a note. Bobby poked my cheek and handed it to me.

wanna ditch class?

I looked at him with a are yo kidding me look and he shrugged and smiled. I shook my head in disapproval and Bobby pouted I cringed but shook my head again. 


I was walking to my locker when someone stopped me. "H-hi..." a guy said I looked at his name tag he was a freshmen. "Bambam-imnida" he bowed I smiled "hi" I said "please accept this" he said and handed me a box of chocolates. I bowed "thank you Bambam" I smiled a confession aye? I saw Bambam blush and run away to his friends they all high fived him and bro hugged him. Freshmen are so adorable. I continued walking to my locker and when I got there I tucked the box away safely in my bag. I grabbed my book for math and a hand appeared on the top of my locker I followed the hand to the arm and saw Bobby. "I saw that freshmen" Bobby said he didn't seem too happy about it "wae? Jealous?" I asked and pinched his cheek "no" he quietly said. I laughed "yes you are" he furrowed his eyebrows and leaned close to me "I'll kiss you again" he threatened "oh yeah? Do it then" I provoked him he smiled and gave me a quick peck on the lips. I blushed and slapped his chest "I didn't actually mean it!" I said in English "I'm a bad boy" he said back in English. "Get to class you idiot" I knocked on his head "let me you" he said "Bobby what are you trying to do?" I asked "I'm just courting you" he said I sighed "this was suppose to be a secret until tomorrow" I scowled "I couldn't wait that long" he smiled I sighed and flicked his forehead. 



I was walking to lunch until someone attacked me "YOU NEVER TOLD ME ABOUT YOU AND BOBBY!" Taeyeon screamed and pushed me "ok it happened last night and he kissed me and we're going on a date tonight "you like him" she smirked "no I don't you're crazy" I blushed. "My baby girl is all grown up" she hugged me. "Taeyeon you're so weird" I laughed "now we can go on double dates!" She squealed like a kindergartner who won a new box of 48 pack crayons. I sighed and walked into the cafeteria. Bobby can up to me and slung his arm around my shoulder "what are you doing?" I asked he smirked "everybody saw our kiss in the hallway so everybody knows now I want to show everybody that you, you're mine" he said I blushed "you're so possessive" I said "only for you baby" he cooed. "Wooooooo go Bobby!" B.I. cheered I glared at him and he stopped Mino came up with Taeyeon "our plan works fast" he said "plan? What plan" I asked "me and Mino teamed up to get you 2 together" Taeyeon smiled widely. I pinched my nose bridge. "You guys" u said and punched them both. "Ow!" They both hissed. "Whoooa violent much" I heard I turned around and saw Seunghoon "Bobby she's violent and demanding and crazy and scary but she's a keeper and if you hurt her WINNER will pay respect to your grave" Seunghoon said "where were you?" I asked "stuck in Busan with my grandma" he sighed I laughed "loser" I pointed at him his upper lip twitched with annoyance.  "No need for introduction right?" I looked up at Bobby he shook his head and kissed my head. "God I think I'm gonna throw up" Seunghoon joked I stuck my tongue out at him. "Where are all the others?" I asked when I sat down Mino swallowed his food "Seungyoon is at YG practicing with Jiwoon and Taehyun is at home sick" Mino said I pouted "maybe we should go visit him then go on our date" I suggested Bobby nodded "fine with me should we bring him some food too?" Bobby suggested I nodded my head "yeah when he's sick he likes Miso soup" I said "so after school um...-" "I have a car" Bobby said "okay so after school we'll go get him soup visit him and then go on our date so the soup would take 30-20 minutes to be made and the drive will be 5 minutes to his house another 5-15 for staying over and a hour for me to get ready so we should leave to our date around 6 or so" I said and typed it all in my phone. "You're so cute" Bobby said and kissed my cheek. Note to self Bobby really likes skin ship.

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Chapter 24: They're fighting again :((. Please update soon !!!! :((((
Chapter 24: Please update
Chapter 24: Can't wait for the next chapter^^
lolllypop #4
Chapter 24: Please pleaaase update T.T Im highly anticipating the next chapter ~~
lolllypop #5
lolllypop #6
Chapter 23: I love this story !!
YunaJi #7
Chapter 23: I love tokki 1llionaire and aomg sooo much hahahaha tokki <3
YunaJi #8
Chapter 22: Hahahaha olease updateeee~^^
JulieZheng #9
Chapter 22: Omg so cute
chunsa03 #10
Chapter 22: Love your story please update soon^^