Birthday Party part 2

Show Me The Money Show Me Your Love


Me and Bobby danced the whole night together and it felt amazing. "you okay?" He asked I nodded "here take a seat we've been dancing for a while" he said and pulled me a chair "I'll go get you some punch" Bobby said and ran off to the punch bowl. I was fanning myself with my hand when somebody came up to me "hi" he said he had a bunch of tattoos "I'm Jay Park" he smiled and help out his hand "hi I'm _______" I said and shook his hand "I know you already" he chuckled. A little creepy what does this guy want? "How?" I asked cautiously "stalked you here and there" he shrugged I scooted away from him "no I'm kidding! Haha I'm a friend of illionaire I'm the CEO of Aomg" he explained just then Donggab and tokki came over "looks like you've met Jay already sneaky bastard she has a boyfriend" Dok2 joked Jay held his hands up in defeat and Bobby came over "babe here i-...... Your... Punch" he said and slowly handed me my drink I guess he was a bit flabbergasted to find somebody sitting in his seat. "Bobby this is-" "Jay Park it's a honor sir" Bobby bowed okay I guess Jay Park is just a somebody to me.... "the pleasure is mine I've heard alot about you from Yangsuk Bobby" Jay park held his hand out and shook hands with Bobby. "so you're the lucky one who captured her heart hmm?" Jay said Bobby nodded and wrapped his arms around me "more like she captured my heart" he said "cute" Jay said "well I have to run back to my table SimonD isn't a patient man anyways happy birthday ______ and I hope you like AOMG's gift" he winked and walked away. "he's weird oppa" I turned to Donggab "all rappers are weird" he said "I'm not weird" Dok2 said "I still have that video of you singing that Taylor Sw-mmmmh!" He covered my mouth and looked at Bobby and smiled "not another word!" He whispered and glared at me. He uncovered my mouth and left with Donggab. "I have a video of tokki oppa singing a Taylor Swift song" I turned to Bobby and said. He chuckled "just finish your juice" he said I nodded and one shot the cup. "okay everybody grab that special someone and bring them to the dance floor" the DJ said Bobby and I locked eyes and went to the dance floor. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I placed my hands on his shoulders. "I love you" he said I smiled "I love you too"


"WOOOOW!" Taehyun said and held out a Gucci bag. The boys where helping me unwrap my presents "Taehyun who is that from?" I asked "EXO" he said I figured Tao picked it out. "omo...." Seunghoon said and held up a golden chain and snapback "this is from Dok2" he said the gold chain had a pendant that said illionaire and the snapback said illionaire as well. "Are you really going to do a collab with AOMG????" Mino asked I nodded my head Jay gave me a envelope with his card and a letter in it saying he wanted to collaborate with me. "is that all the gifts?" I asked they nodded their heads I had endless clothes air jordans gold watches and chains and diamond necklaces. "one more baby" Bobby said and handed me his present "Jiwon you didn't have to give me anything! You already threw me a big party" I said "just open it" he said I sighed and opened it. Inside where a pair or red yeezys "couple yeezys" he said and pointed at his shoes. "thanks Jiwon it's my favorite out of all the gifts" I said and smiled "BLAH!" Winner and Team B pretended to throw up. "shut up" Bobby rolled his eyes "you guys are just lonely and have nobody" he said "YAH! Kimbap I have Jihwan!" B.I. Said and hugged Jihwan "bruh get off of me our fans will think I'm gay!" Jinhwan shrugged off B.I. I laughed "Hanbin you'll always have LeeHi" I laughed and he shuddered "Leehi is scary never would I date her!" Hanbin said Leehi and Hanbin at basically like brother and sister but alot of fans misinterpreted it and coupled them together. They both where disturbed by it. "But Mino I still can't believe you gave her a piece of paper with you signature on it" Seungyoon shook his head "he's broke" Jinwoo said "and cheap" Seunghoon joined in "not to mention he smells weird" Taehyun said "okay that was uncalled for I don't smell weird!" Mino said "it's okay Junhoe got her a picture of himself" Yunhyeong said "noona loves me" Junhoe said and flipped his hair. "she doesn't love you" Donghyuk said "nobody loves you" he finished. "what about my fans? They love me!" Jungle protested "all of our fans are Bobby B.I. and Jinhwan biased" Yunhyeong said "that's not true..." Donghyuk sulked "it's pretty true Hyukkie" B.I. shrugged "I'm just too irresistible" he said "shut up" Mino said and rolled his eyes. "guys everybody obviously loves Taeyeon!" She said as soon as she came through the door. "noooo I'm pretty sure everybody loves Yoona more" Mino said and they all agreed "yah... Wanna die?" Taeyeon asked. We all laughed "I love you Taeyeon! Number 1 fan!" I said and hugged her. "of course of course" she patted my head" "but really guys thank you for the party it was the best birthday ever." I smiled "no problem" Mino said "yeah anything for you noona" Junhoe said "I love you" Bobby leaned in and whispered I grabbed his cheeks and pinched him "I love you too Kimbap"

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Chapter 24: They're fighting again :((. Please update soon !!!! :((((
Chapter 24: Please update
Chapter 24: Can't wait for the next chapter^^
lolllypop #4
Chapter 24: Please pleaaase update T.T Im highly anticipating the next chapter ~~
lolllypop #5
lolllypop #6
Chapter 23: I love this story !!
YunaJi #7
Chapter 23: I love tokki 1llionaire and aomg sooo much hahahaha tokki <3
YunaJi #8
Chapter 22: Hahahaha olease updateeee~^^
JulieZheng #9
Chapter 22: Omg so cute
chunsa03 #10
Chapter 22: Love your story please update soon^^