Chapter 2

Show Me The Money Show Me Your Love


I walked into class and saw ______ studying she looked so beautiful with the light hitting her just perfectly. I felt my knees go weak like I was in a trance but the teacher snapped me out of it. I ended up sitting by ______ in class I mentally thanked the gods I tried to say hi to her but she just nodded with a stern face on. Does she not like me? I will make her fall for Kim Bobby. 



When she said Mino was getting her lunch I panicked a little no way could Mino take her away from me already.  Luckily she said no they have nothing I was so thankful I wanted to dance to bar bar bar. 

After ______ walked away Mino turned to me and hit my shoulder "ok who is she? " he asked I knew he was asking about who I liked but I decided to play dumb "Who are you talking about? " I shrugged he whacked my head and I hissed at the pain. "Don't play dumb Bobby" Mino said and raised a eyebrow I sighed "okay okay I like ......" I stalled "COME ON BE A MAN" Mino screamed I laughed "okay the girl I like is ...Pa-" "Park Hyemi no she's a !" Mino said I looked at him weirdly "um no dude I like your bestfriend" I said "what? Taeyeon has a boyfriend" Mino said. God I swear he's a idiot sometimes "______! I like ______!" I shouted. Mino smirked "I knew it I just wanted you to shout it" Mino said and ran away. I face palmed luckily nobody was near by to hear it.



OMG I mentally squealed I need to tell ______! No wait.... I need to find Mino!  I want those 2 to get together it'd be so cute! "Mino!" I screamed and attacked him.  "WE NEED TO GET BOBBY WITH _______!!!" I yelled. "You heard him?" Mino laughed "he's like a elephant with a microphone" I said crossing my arms "okay okay today let's all go over ______'s house Bobby is staying at my house so I'll just sleep over since I don't have any schedules tomorrow or tonight and if I stay then Bobby will have to say over too but you should too Taeyeon so that I'm not 3rd wheeling" Mino said I nodded my head my parents where with ______'s parents on the same business trip. ______ will thank me later for this. 



I was leading the way to my house and when we finally got there I pressed the button "Who is it?" A maid asked I immediately knew it was Hyemi "Hyemi it's me I have a couple of friends over do you mind if you guys set up some snacks?" I asked "no problem young miss" she said "thank you" I thanked Hyemi I knew all my maid's names I count them like family they're around me more than my parents are now a days. "This is your house?!" Bobby awed I nodded my head. "Hey is it okay if one of my friends comes over?" Bobby asked I looked at Mino and he nodded his head signaling is safe.  "Sure" I said Bobby thanked me with his signature eye smile which I found really cute. 

About 5 minutes passed and the security pad rang. I pressed the button and saw a guy who dressed like Bobby a lot. "Hanbin?" I said Hanbin was my close friend but he then moved to the states. I pressed the button to let him in and he came in. "B.i.~" Bobby squealed like a girl I thought it was cute but B.I. pushed him away "Jiwon I'm not your boyfriend" B.I. joked Bobby made a face "I'm not gay" Bobby said B.I. laughed "hi I'm Paek ______" I bowed "Paek ______?" He asked I nodded "that sound a familiar." He said "Hanbin?" I asked B.I. looked at me "how do you know my name?" He asked I smiled I took out a Lockett he gave me as kids "it's me""I said in English B.I.'s eye widened he picked me and and spun me around "I didn't think I'd find you in a mansion!" He said "I know I really missed you how was the states?" I asked "horrible I got picked on for being the Asian kid" he pouted.  I pinched his cheeks " do you guys know each other?" Bobby asked "______ and I were childhood friends I lost touch when I moved back to America" Hanbin explained. "Oh" Bobby said stunned. "Aways you guys hungry?" I asked the maid's set up pancakes my favorite. "Pancakes?" Mino asked Taeyeon slapped my arm "you need to eat healthier or you'll get fat" Taeyeon nagged "Taeyeon-ah~ let's get fat and old together" I laughed she hugged me "of course" she laughed. "You guys are weird" Hanbin laughed Mino came and wrapped his long arms around us "best friends~" he cooed. I looked at Taeyeon and she was full of disgust "hug over" she said pushing Mino we both laughed and fell to the floor I was so thankful to have Taeyeon in my life. "Okay let's eat~" I said I grabbed 2 pancakes and sat down at the table. "Hyemi are you hungry? " I asked she shook her head but I heard her stomach growl "ayyyyye here eat some" I said giving her some "the k you young miss" oh tell everyone they can go home early today too neh" I said she nodded her head. Hyemi ate quickly and thanked me and went off to tell the others to go home. "You're nice" Hanbin said "they're people not slaves" I said eating a piece of my pancake. "Bobby how do you like our school? " I asked Bobby looked at me "honestly? I hate it" he sighed I laughed "haha yeah us too" Taeyeon said.  


After we finished our pancakes we went downstairs to go watch a movie we watched a scary movie picked by no other Taeyeon she was like scared of nothing while I was horrified. I sat down in between B.I. and Bobby I used the same blanket as Bobby and hide half of my face behind it. "I hate scary movies" I glared at Taeyeon "Hey your just a baby" she said I stuck my tongue at her and she did it right back to me. 

A scary face popped out and I screamed and hugged the closest person next to me which happened to be Bobby. "You okay?" He asked I shook my head he wrapped his arms around me. Another scary face popped up and I hide my face in his chest. He smelled nice and his body was well built. I- oh my god no no no what am I thinking?! He's a bad boy no I can't fall for a bad boy! Can I? I looked up and saw Bobby he was concentrated on the movie he looked so calm and didn't even flinch but his heart was beating like crazy. How is he not scared? Or does he just not show it? "How are you not scared?" I asked "somethings in life are scarier than ghosts and killing" he smiled I felt my cheeks burn up. He turned his head to the tv again and another scary ghost popped up I screamed and buried my face against Bobby. I rested my head against Bobby 's chest. Scary movies....maybe if they all where like this I'd watch them forever.



I told Taeyeon to pick a scary movie because ______ is horrified by them. During the movie I saw Bobby holding a scared little girl I poked Taeyeon and she smiled I held up my hand and she high fived it. B.I. fell asleep during the movie and ______ hugged Bobby every time something scary popped up which was like every 5 minutes of the movie. I saw Bobby smile when she clung onto him. That sly bastard is enjoy himself. I mentally laughed at the 2.



I saw this as a opportunity. I held ______ through out the whole movie making my heart beat faster. I officially love horror movies. 

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Chapter 24: They're fighting again :((. Please update soon !!!! :((((
Chapter 24: Please update
Chapter 24: Can't wait for the next chapter^^
lolllypop #4
Chapter 24: Please pleaaase update T.T Im highly anticipating the next chapter ~~
lolllypop #5
lolllypop #6
Chapter 23: I love this story !!
YunaJi #7
Chapter 23: I love tokki 1llionaire and aomg sooo much hahahaha tokki <3
YunaJi #8
Chapter 22: Hahahaha olease updateeee~^^
JulieZheng #9
Chapter 22: Omg so cute
chunsa03 #10
Chapter 22: Love your story please update soon^^