Chapter 14

Show Me The Money Show Me Your Love
THE NEXT DAY I woke up and got ready for school and sighed I hate school so much. After I got done I went downstairs to eat some cereal. Bobby had unlocked the door and came in "morning babe" he said and walked over to give me a kiss. I finished my cereal and put my bowl in the sink "did you eat?" I asked Bobby nodded and wrapped his arms around my waist. "babe can we ditch school today?" He asked I smacked his arm "finals are in a week idiot!" I said Bobby sighed and rested his head on mine "come on Kimbap let's go" (Kimbap is what B.I. Calls Bobby Kim Bobby Kimbap) I said and dragged him out the door. We walked to school since it was a nice day. I saw a cup on the sidewalk and picked it up and threw it away and dusted off my hands. "you're so innocent" Bobby laughed I cringed and Bobby kissed my nose. AT SCHOOL "Ayo Kimbap auditions for Show me the money is in 2 weeks so get ready" B.I. Came up to us "aigoo~ Hanbin is all grow up" I said and pinched his cheeks "yah! That hurts!" He said I smiled and let go. "I'll walk you to class come on" Bobby said and held my hand. I saw Hanna and Jennie glaring at me so I smiled at them they scoffed and rolled their eyes. I sat down in my seat by the window and sighed. After what seemed like forever classes finally ended and it was lunch time. I smiled and went out the door but Bobby wasn't waiting outside for me like usual. I pouted in confusion and decided to wait for a bit maybe he was running late. I waited for a few seconds it turned into a minute then 2 then 3 then 15. I sighed and walked to the cafeteria. Did he forget about me? I slumped at the table and sighed after lunch we had free time so basically I have a whole hour to myself. "did you guys see Bobby?" I asked noticing he wasn't at the table either. "no" Jinhwan said on his phone "I think I saw him go on the rooftop with a girl I thought he was with you......" Hanbin said I widened my eyes "thanks Binbin I'll be back" I said and ran towards the rooftop Bobby with a girl? Friends? He would of introduced me wouldn't he? I stopped running when I heard voices she had a sweet soft voice I creped around the corner and saw them I felt a pang in my heart. "why are you here Jisoo?" He asked his voice sounded broken. "I can't back for you.....I miss you" she said and stood up in front of him. "no. I have a girlfriend now" he said she leaned down closer and closer to his face. I covered my mouth to stop me from shouting tears started to form in my eyes. She leaned down more their noses where touching. Bobby stop her, do something. Their lips where a hair strand away and he did nothing "but I'm your first love Kim Jiwon oppa." She said and leaned down farther to kiss him. I was crying hard until somebody covered my eyes with their hand. "Yah. Kim Bobby" the voice said I could recognize the voice anywhere. Mino thank you. "_______....." Bobby said. He obviously knew he did something wrong. I lowered Mino's hand away from my face everybody was here Mino Taehyun Seunghoon Seungyoon Jinwoo Yunhyeong Hanbin Junhoe Jinhwan and Donghyuk. I looked at Bobby straight in the eyes......and broke down Hanbin and Junhoe helped me off my knees I clung onto Hanbin and cried my heart out I felt somebody rub my back and someone else pat my shoulder "don't baby princess please I hate it when you cry we all do" Hanbin said. I should of known I should of stayed away from Bobby. "come on let's take you home" Hanbin said my knees where still weak so when he let me go I fell back down I covered my face and cried some more Hanbin helped me back up again and helped me walk. As I walked away I looked back at Bobby. Not with angry hatred love kindness but with disappointment. MINO'S POV: "Jisoo is back" Lee hi told me worried. "eh?!" I shouted Lee hi nodded "I saw her with Bobby today in the cafeteria they went to the rooftop _______ was waiting for him outside of class for like 15 minutes then went to the cafeteria." She explained "thanks Hi I'll catch up with you later" I ran as fast as I could to the table we sat at and noticed _______ wasn't there. "where is ______?!" I shouted "whooa calm down Minho she's at the rooftop to look for Kimbab" Yunhyeong said I punched the table "DAMN IT!" I yelled "what's wrong" Hanbin asked concerned. "Jisoo is back" I said angry Seungyoon stood up "we have to go" he said and so we all ran up to the rooftop. I creaked open the door and saw Bobby and Jisoo about to kiss and _______ was standing there crying. Kim Jiwon you dumb . I walked up to _______ and covered her eyes with my hand. "Yah. Kim Bobby" I said Bobby turned around and Jisoo stood straight. "_______...." He said she lowered my hand down and looked at him. I've never seen her ever so heartbroken it hurt me. It hurt Hanbin I could tell, Bobby may be his best friend and we may all be tight but we all love ________ as a sister and want to protect her as much as we can. She broke down. She fell to the ground and cried her heart out Hanbin and Junhoe came and helped her back up as she hugged Hanbin she cried more. My heart ached with pain and disappointment. We all comforted her but I knew all she wanted was for Bobby to beg her to stop knowing how she is she only watched to see if Bobby would stop Jisoo. I've been her best friend since we where little kids she's my family I knew her more than I knew myself. "come on let's get you home" Hanbin said she fell back down to the ground and covered her face. I stood there looking at Bobby as he watched this situation I can't yet I don't want to let _______ see me when I rage out. Hanbin helped her up and they walked out. Finally now let's get to business Winner knows how I get when I'm mad so they stayed back. "WHAT THE BOBBY?!?!?" I yelled at him Bobby looked at the door. She's not coming back Bobby. I ran over and punched Bobby. He fell onto his back and I grabbed his collar. "don't you DARE come near her again or else it'll be more than just a punch!" I shouted more. Bobby had no expression. He was shocked that it was over so quickly they only dated for 2 months. I looked over a Jisoo "ing GET THE HELL OUT!" I screamed at her like a mad man she seemed frightened so she left. "do you see how easy she left you Bobby? Do you feel like ing now? You should" I said and raised my fist again "Mino...don't" Seungyoon said I let go of Bobby and Seunghoon patted my shoulder "she's a strong girl Mino don't worry she'll be better in no time come on you know hoe badly she hates fighting Minho let's just go to what matters now which is _______" he said I sighed "you're right" I sighed we all walked down the rooftop and left Bobby to rot there. YOUR POV: Shattered. If there was one word to describe me at this moment it'd be shattered. "here" Hanbin said and put some ramen on the table. "thank you" I said in a quiet voice. "who is she?" I asked and opened the ramen bowl up. "she is Jisoo Bobby's first love he loved her so much he'd do anything for her but she only used him. She left him because she said he wasn't enough to make her famous eventually she left him for a richer man and now she's back" Hanbin explained "noona is the best I don't get how Bobby could do that to you especially with a ugly like her ugh I can't even" Junhoe said I laughed a bit it's hard to be sad when you've got alot of amazing people around you. "thanks maknae" I said and kissed his cheek. He smiled and hung his arm around my shoulder "no worries noona is jjang!" He said and held up a thumb. "ing bastard mother ing en er" Mino came in swearing. He's like me bad temper. He said down on the couch and opened a bottle of orange soda. There was a knock on the door and we all looked over at the door in silence. "I'll get it" Seungyoon said "_______ just let me explain please!" I heard Bobby's voice Mino got up quickly and walked over to the door "you've got some nerve Bobby." He coldly said "I jus-" "leave" I finally said Bobby shut up. I walked over to where Bobby was and looked at him with no expression "just stop Bobby I don't want to see your face" I coldly said Bobby's mouth hung open a bit. There was silence then he turned around and left. Don't go Bobby. Fight for me. I sighed and slide against the door. Seungyoon smiled and squatted down and caressed my face "good job baby girl" he said I gave him a weak smile. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DRAMAAAAAAAAA~ lol Happy birthday Kimbab~ ❤❤❤🎊🎉🎂
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Chapter 24: They're fighting again :((. Please update soon !!!! :((((
Chapter 24: Please update
Chapter 24: Can't wait for the next chapter^^
lolllypop #4
Chapter 24: Please pleaaase update T.T Im highly anticipating the next chapter ~~
lolllypop #5
lolllypop #6
Chapter 23: I love this story !!
YunaJi #7
Chapter 23: I love tokki 1llionaire and aomg sooo much hahahaha tokki <3
YunaJi #8
Chapter 22: Hahahaha olease updateeee~^^
JulieZheng #9
Chapter 22: Omg so cute
chunsa03 #10
Chapter 22: Love your story please update soon^^