Chapter 12

Show Me The Money Show Me Your Love
YOUR POV: Jennie and Hanna had left to their practice room and I was watching Team B practice really hard their dancing was on point. Bobby came and sat down 3 feet away from me "so how are we going to get home? I won't be 3 feet away from you" Bobby said he was all tired and out of breath. Not to mention smelly and stinky too. "ugh come here you idiot" I said and scooted closer to him. He plopped his head on my lap and took a deep breath "I'm so tired" he sighed "hurry up with practice we have school tomorrow and you guys aren't skipping again" I said they all groaned "noona just this once" Junhoe begged "that's what you said last time June" I said firmly. "ok fine but.....only if we have a sleep over at your house!" Junhoe said "that sounds fun" Donghyuk said "yeah it does what do you say babe" Bobby said I looked at everyone and sighed "fine" I said "YES!" They all cheered "but you guys better clean up this time!" I said and pointed at them. I got into the car with Bobby and sighed "aww come on babe they're not that bad" he laughed. "I know but still they're such a hassle" I laughed "but you love them" Bobby reminded me "I love them like family" I smiled. BOBBY'S POV: "I love them like family" she smiled I took a glance at my beautiful girlfriend and smiled. "you know I know you right?" I said my heart was beating really fast "I love me too!" She laughed I pulled the car over "no I mean I really truly love you" I said and grabbed her face. "I love you too Kim Jiwon" she said looking into my eyes. I leaned in and kissed her we stayed like that for at least 10 minutes. Her lips where soft and plump and I could feel electricity run down my spine. Nobody was as perfect as the girl sitting in front of me. YOUR POV: We finally reached my house and as we walked in we saw B.I. Standing at the door with his arms crossed "what took you guys so long?" He asked. I blushed and Bobby saw me "traffic was crazy man" Bobby said "noona your lips looks so swallowed up" Junhoe said and poked my lip. I bit my lip and looked away. "ayeee I see you guys made out" Yunhyeong said. Curse him for being decently smart "fine you caught us we made out in the car" Bobby said "ewh that's disgusting" Jinhwan said. "you had to give in so easily?" I said and smacked Bobby's chest he shrugged with a goofy grin. I went over and sat down by Junhoe and he rested his head on my lap "noona I'm so tired" he sighed and shut his eyes "June don't wore one day all your hard work will pay off" I said and smiled. Bobby came and scooped Junhoe's head off my lap and sat right in between us. "go be tired on someone else's girlfriend" Bobby said and hugged me. "you're so over protective" I laughed Bobby hugged me tighter "only over you baby" he said and smiled. THE NEXT DAY AT SCHOOL It was lunch and we where all gathered at the table "guys we need to get this together!" B.I. Yelled at them. They where writing a song and were having a hard time. I shoved a piece of cookie at B.I.'s face "hey Binnie chill okay you'll get in I promise!" I said B.I. ate the cookie and ruffled my hair "yep that's very nice" he said I frowned "you didn't even listen to me?" I pouted B.I. turned to me with a smirk. "Milk stain of course I heard you your voice is so loud I can't ignore it" he said I knocked on his head "wanna die?" I glared Bobby hugged my waist "come on babe relax" he said and kissed my forehead. I got up from the table "I'm going to the bathroom I'll be back" I said and went to the bathroom. I did my business and washed my hands but as I was about to go out Hanna and Jennie walked in. Jennie smirked "look what the cat dragged in" she said in a disgusting tone. "omo Jennie we weren't suppose to expose we hate her until next month" Hanna giggled "too late" Jennie shrugged as the both wickedly laughed. "umm.....sup?" I said "don't play innocent " Hanna said. "yeah Bobby may be happy now but just you wait hon' you wont have him wrapped around your fingers for long" Jennie said "what are you guys talking about?" I asked raising a eyebrow. I may be small but I won't hold back to slap a . "just wait she should be here soon" Hanna smirked I cocked my eyebrows and scoffed "I have no time for this" I said and walked pass them. "she'll take him back!" Jennie yelled. Don't look back Paek ______ they're not worth it. I walked over to the table and rested my head on Bobby's firm arm. "what's wrong?" He asked "nothing school is just tiring" I sighed. "I know tell me about it I should be in the studio writing lyrics right now!" B.I. Said and slammed his hand on the table. I sighed and sat closely to Bobby I didn't want to admit it back there but I can't afford to loose him. Not now not ever. Bobby wrapped his arms softly around me "if you want we can leave" he whispered. I smiled "let's go" I said Bobby smiled and held my hand "you look tired you should rest once we get home" he said and kissed my hands. We get home, once WE get home. I smiled and hugged him "I love you" I said Bobby grinned "I know you do" he smiled I pouted "you're suppose to say you love me too!" I whined "okay okay fine you baby I love you too. I love you to the moon and back you are the rap to my music my muse for life and the reason I want to live every day. I love you Paek ______" he gushed "you know all you had to say was I love you too Bobby you're so cheesy" I said and walked away and laughed. "hey I was being sincere!" He said as he jogged to catch up to me. I quickly turned around and smiled I tippy toed and kissed him "I know you where being sincere" I smiled Bobby smiled back at me and wrapped his arms around me. "sometimes I just want to grab you and kiss until our lips burst" he whispered. I pretended to cringe "gross" I joked. BACK AT HOME I unlocked my front door and threw my back pack on the floor and kicked it " SCHOOL~" I sang and threw my hands up in the air. I heard Bobby chuckle at me and turned around. Bobby grabbed my waist and pulled me onto the couch with him. "you've been bad skipping school and all" he whispered I furrowed my eyebrows "yah you've skipped school over 10 times and you've only been at this school for about a month!" I protested. "I was going somewhere else but fine kill the mood" he threw his hands up in defeat "you're gonna have to wait a while until we have mister" I said and pinched his nose. Bobby groaned "fine but can you at least get me food" he asked I got up and went to the kitchen and looked and saw nothing in the fridge. "babe we need to go grocery shopping" I said Bobby laughed and grabbed his car keys "let's go" he said and grabbed my hand. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sorry if the format is a bit wonky guys my phone is like a ratchet phone ._. Finals coming up 😭 help me.
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Chapter 24: They're fighting again :((. Please update soon !!!! :((((
Chapter 24: Please update
Chapter 24: Can't wait for the next chapter^^
lolllypop #4
Chapter 24: Please pleaaase update T.T Im highly anticipating the next chapter ~~
lolllypop #5
lolllypop #6
Chapter 23: I love this story !!
YunaJi #7
Chapter 23: I love tokki 1llionaire and aomg sooo much hahahaha tokki <3
YunaJi #8
Chapter 22: Hahahaha olease updateeee~^^
JulieZheng #9
Chapter 22: Omg so cute
chunsa03 #10
Chapter 22: Love your story please update soon^^