Chapter three: Voice


Chapter three: Voice

The next day I made sure that I wasn’t late to class. I arrived in class at 8:00. I was the only one there, I went to my sit next to the window. Getting my note book out, I hummed the tune to the song I composed two days ago. When I was about to write the first line of the lyrics Kevin walked in.

“What a nice tune you have going on there!” he beamed.
I smiled “Thanks.”
“Why are you here so early?” He asked a bit confused when he looked at his watch.
“Heh I didn’t want to be late.” I told him.
“Oh I see" he laughed.
“Why are you here so early?” I asked.
“I was taking a walk around the school yard. And when I was about to go into my dorm, you walked passed so I followed you.” He chuckled and beamed again. Wow, he had so much energy, so happy and jumpy in the morning.
“Hmm, your Korean accent, is a bit funny, you’re not from here are you?” Kevin gave a soft laugh and replied.
“So you’ve noticed. I’m from the States.” I nodded.
“I see, so you can speak English?”
“Yep.” He smiled “Would you like me to help you with your lyrics?” he said smiling. I looked down at the empty lines.
“Oh, that’d be nice, thanks.” I smiled back. For the remaining time before class started, I spent it with Kevin. He turned out to be a really friendly person, warm and patient.

When class started, the teacher gave the class an assignment to do; “Alright class, listen up! I’ll be giving you an assignment to do. Using your music ability I want you to freely create something, for example a choreographed dance, writing a song, or singing a song. It’s all up to you. You are to pair up and decide what the both of you are going to do. This assessment is worth 20% of your overall score, so choose your partner wisely.” Hmm, this was going to be interesting. The teacher left the room, and instantly the class was noisy, I heard a few girls talk amongst themselves, “I want to be Kevin’s partner!”
“No fair! I want to be his partner too!”
“No I’m going to be his partner.” Another girl butted in.

Kevin didn’t seem to notice that the girls were talking about him. He turned to me “_____, who are you going to choose?” He smiled.
“I haven’t decided yet” I replied sheepishly.
“Do you want to be my partner?” he asked shyly. I looked at him, surprised.
“Eh” I then looked at the girls talking earlier, they must’ve heard Kevin’s proposal because they’re giving me the death glare now. I quickly looked away. He asked again, this time a bit more confident “Hmm, so do you?”
“Uh.” I nodded “Alright.”
His face lit up “Yay, let’s work hard together!” He said excitedly.
“Haha, alright” I laughed nervously, I could feel the intense dagger like glares of the girls behind me.

That evening after dinner I walked past the recording studio. A voice was what I could hear, a very beautiful one as well.

“When you said you loved me,it wasn't the truth
Wordlessly, I feel your expression saying goodbye
Don't say you love me if it's not the truth
This isn't love, it's obsession

When you said you loved me,it wasn't the truth
Wordlessly, I feel your expression saying goodbye
I don't have the confidence to forget you
I can't do anything about it- good bye”

The voice sounded familiar, I walked towards the studio and looked through the glass window. The amazing voice belonged to Kiseop. Wah…amazing, he was really good. It was hard to believe that such an angelic voice belonged to someone whose personality was so cold and harsh. I was amazed by the amount of effort and emotion he put into singing the song. I was in a daze when suddenly he stopped and saw me staring at him. Kiseop looked at me. I froze. After a minute of awkward silence, he put his headphones down and walked towards me. “What are you doing here?” He asked narrowing his eyes.
“O-Oh…uh,” I stuttered. “I-I walked passed and heard singing so I went to check it out. You uh have a really go - “ he cut me off.
“Haven’t you been taught to mind your own business?”  He asked coldly.
“Hey, I was just about to compliment you!” I complained.
“I don’t need any complimenting.” Kiseop said in a cocky tone.
 “What’s your problem anyway, sunbae?  Just because you’re a senior it doesn’t mean you can push people around.” I shouted. “Remember what I said when we first met? Just because I’m your junior, it doesn’t mean that you can look down on me.” I glared at him, getting teary.
“It’s passed your bedtime, go back to your dorm.” he said, avoiding the topic.
“I really hate you.” I replied and left.

End Chapter 3: Voice

A/N: Thank you for reading chapter 3 of Pitch! Thank you for all of the positive comments I am receiving! It keeps me going! The song featured in here is sung by Kiseop and AJ  it’s called Obsession . I got the translation from:

The song is in their 2nd Album Neverland, which has been recently released.~ Please check it out. ^^

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fifi..!! AWESOMEE!
i love it! :)
its really good hope i can write as good as you! :)
please sequel............of you do a sequel please inform me...okay!?

kyungela24 #3
What is the song that kiseop and _______ sang?
froggycow #4
It ended ;____; i love this story! I will look forward to more of your works:)
lileewd #5
This is a perfect story with the harmony of romance and drama working together ^^
That was so BEATIFUL!!! iLOVE IT SO SO MUCH!!!
That was beautiful!! Did you an incredible job, truly! <3 <3 <3
Gosh, Kiseop's little speech made my heart clench, and I was just about to die from happiness~ ^_~
haha, cute little humor there near the end too. I'm so happy Kevin ended up with someone - a very sweet someone! - also! I hope Hye Ri will be able to move on and.....fall in love with a certain special someone. ;)
UWAAAAAAAA~~~~ This was such a lovely story dear~ I'm looking forward to reading more from you!
<3 <3 <3
Rianne2580 #8
KISEOP AND _______ <3 YAY YAY YAY!!!
Awww it ends already :'(
But it's awesome! I love this fic a lot <3
Awwww the ending, sweet! Yayyyy Kiseop and _____!!! ^^
aww i can't believe it's ended already :'( i loved reading this story so much! ^_^ YAY FOR KISEOP AND _______!!!!!