Chapter fourteen: Balcony


Chapter fourteen: Balcony

Kiseop’s P.O.V

I overheard ______’s and Kevin’s conversation. Her birthday huh...? I guess, I could try and talk to the director about giving her the day to rest. I walked over to him and whispered what I needed to tell him. He gave a thoughtful expression, and then nodded. I smiled to myself. Great.

The next day it was Thursday.  _____ and I arrived to practice and the director greeted us with a smile.

“Ahhh, _____ and Kiseop. How are you this morning?” He looked at ______. “I hope you can improve today… if you can do well today, then you can have Sunday off.” Her face lit up with a beautiful smile.

“I will do my best!” She beamed.

This time we did the kiss scene without fail, but of course it wasn’t a real one. But her lips… were really tempting. My heart was thumping so loudly, I was glad that she couldn’t hear it.

That evening I visited Hye Ri. She was allowed to move back to her dorm though, but wasn’t allowed to do any practices since her ankle wasn’t healed yet. I knocked on the door. Hye Ri’s room-mate opened it. He had a mushroom bowl cut. I tried not to laugh. His name was Shin Dong Ho, a first year like _____. He greeted me with a pissed face. I guessed that he liked Hye Ri. I ruffled his hair.

“Yah… don’t do that.” He pouted. I smiled, he was a nice kid.

“Thanks for taking care of Hye Ri.”

“Whatever.” He walked into his room.

I knocked on Hye Ri’s door.

“Yes? You can come in.”

I opened it. She looked up from her book and a smile appeared on her face.

“Kiseop! You came to visit me.”

I smiled back at her, “How are you feeling, Hye Ri? Does it still hurt a lot?”

She shook her head, “Not as much anymore, I feel much better now that you’re here.” She smiled sweetly. I pinched her cheek.

“Ow, Kiseop.” She rubbed her cheeks, and pouted. “You shouldn’t be doing this to a sick person.”


I returned home and I found _____, sleeping on the sofa. She tried hard today, I didn’t blame her for being tired, I smiled to myself. She had a few strands of hair in front of her face. I gently pushed them behind her ears. She twitched a bit, I froze holding my breath. Waiting for a few more seconds, she didn’t wake. Relieved I got up and went to take a shower.

Kiseop’s P.O.V end


“Yay~ If I work hard enough, I can get the Sunday off, just in time for my birthday,” I beamed to myself. “Luckily I didn’t muck up as much today, for the kiss scene. If I keep this up, I can definitely get the day off!”

After rehearsals, Kevin invited me to have a walk with him through the garden again. We walked through the petal littered path, and I remembered the sweet scent of flowers that I’d smelt before on my first visit to the garden with Kevin last spring. It was summer now; the air was warm and the aroma sweet. The summer flowers were in bloom. I walked passed a round, poofy looking flower. Curious, I asked Kevin what type of flower it was.

“Hey, Kevin. What type of flower is this?” I pointed to the cute looking flower.

He smiled, “That’s an allium gladiator. There are different types of allium flowers, and that’s one of its species.” He smiled again.

“It’s so pretty.” I beamed.

“It is.” He nodded in agreement.

It was getting a bit late, the sun was going down, and I was tired.

“Kevin, I’m tired now. Let’s go back”

“Oh, sure. I’ll walk you back to your dorm.” He kindly smiled and led the way.


“Thanks.” I smiled when we arrived at the door of my dorm, Kevin nodded.

“You’re welcome!” He smiled and headed back to his dorm.

I entered, but nobody was home. Ah… Kiseop must be visiting Hye Ri. I nodded to myself.

“Ah! I’m so tired!” I huffed, and went into my room to collect my pyjamas and a towel. I took a quick shower. I got out of the shower and looked at the time, 6:30PM. “I’m hungry.” I muttered to myself and went to make 2 minute noodles. I ate my dinner on the sofa, ignoring the rules of etiquette.  After I finished I placed my cup of noodles on the table, and chilled on the couch.

I must have dozed off, when I saw Kiseop in my dream. He was treating me so nicely. I saw him smile, not for Hye Ri this time, but for me.

I woke up to the sound of water running. It was coming from the bathroom. Kiseop must have returned. I bet he’s hungry. I cleaned up my rubbish and made so ramyun for Kiseop and left it on the dining table. I went into my room to find some sticky notes. I finally found a stack, so I got a pen and I wrote: ‘Eat me! You’ll get strength for rehearsals! Hwaiting!’

I got another sticky note and wrote: ‘Go to the dining table!’. Getting one of my soft toys I stuck the second one on it and put it on the end table besides the couch, one metre from the bathroom door, then the first note on the side of the bowl. I smiled to myself when I was done and went back into my room to get some shuteye.


Kiseop’s P.O.V

I got out of the bathroom after a nice refreshing shower. In front was a cute teddy bear on the end table. There was an apple shaped sticky note on it, moving closer I went to see what it was. It read: ‘Go to the dining table.’ I grabbed the teddy bear and obeyed. There was a bowl of ramyun, thinking about it, I was kinda hungry. I looked at it; there was another sticky note on it as well. This time it read: ‘Eat me! You’ll get strength for rehearsals! Hwaiting!’ I smiled to myself, placing the teddy on the table, I started eating. ______, you’re such a dork.

Kiseop P.O.V end


It was two days until the play, it was on the same day as my birthday. I was wondering if it was okay to take a day off on that day. I had a talk with the director, but he insisted on me having a day off. I couldn’t argue anymore so I agreed. “Today and tomorrow, I’ll practice my off!” I was determined to not let anyone down.

“______, I know how good your voice is. I hope you’ve practiced the duet you’re supposed to do with Kiseop.” He smiled at me with expectation. Crap, I’d forgotten about it.

Not wanting to disappoint I lied and said, “Uh, of course…” I scratched my head awkwardly. Kiseop arrived.

“Ahh! Kiseop, I heard you’ve been working on the duet with ______.”

Kiseop looked at me with a ‘What is he talking about face’. I looked at him with a pleading face. He got the idea.

“Yeah. We have..”

“Great! Now let’s practice it then!”

I mouthed a ‘thank you’ to Kiseop. But my heart sank when the director said we had to practice the song now. Luckily for me though… I can learn songs quickly. Kiseop and I cleared our throats.

The music cued and Kiseop was up singing first.

Kiseop: “I only saw you as a young child
And yet my heart lingered closer
Without me knowing
Little by little
I fell deeper
Even though I couldn’t see it at first
I can’t deny that my heart
Is driving me crazy
I know I’m bad
But, I can’t let you go
Let me have your name, the memories of you
Come into my heart
Please help me
I come to you with love”

You: ”You saw me only as a child
And yet I linger closer
Without me knowing my steps
Walk, little by little, to you
Even though I try to stop myself
The heart that I can’t lie to
Is driving me crazy
I know I’m bad
But, I can’t let you go
Even though I know that
You only see me as a child
Even though I can’t speak, know of this day
When I came to your love”

Together: “Again, come closer to me
Come again closer to me
For us,
Now, let us forgot
Both our pain
So that I can smile
In your presence, next to you
Come into my heart
Be my everything
So that I can dream happy dreams
Be my love”

I was relieved that I could get it in one shot. I was proud of myself, everyone applauded our rehearsal. Kiseop looked at me smiled. The colours of my cheeks rose; his smile was exactly what I saw in my dream.

“Well done! I can see you’ve really practiced very well.” The director clapped.

We continued to practice until it was time for lunch. I went to have lunch by myself at the tower and sat down out on the balcony. I had the script with me so I was practicing a few lines of the play. I bit into my sandwich and put my script down. A warm wind blew, and blew the pieces of my script. “Oh no!” I shouted. I ran to grab it, I heard the door open and I slipped.

“______ be careful!” a familiar male voice called.

Oh no, I was falling. I closed my eyes but someone caught a hold of my ankle, and pulled me up gently. I was so scared, tears started falling from my eyes uncontrollably.

“_____, you’re safe now. Stop crying.” The voice said. My vision was blurry so I didn’t get a good look at him.

I rubbed my eyes, it was Kiseop. I stopped crying for a bit, and he started chuckling. I sniffed, “What’s so funny?”

“Haha, nothing. Aren’t you’re a bit too old to wear strawberry printed underwear?”

My cheeks started to burn. “Kiseop-shi! You giant ert.” I said and hit him.

“Haha, I’m only joking. You’re smiling now. Don’t cry, you look more ugly.”

“You’re such a jerk…. But thanks.”

“What were you doing hanging from the balcony anyway?”

“My script was blown away by the wind.” I replied.

“You can borrow mine. I’m used to this so I remember my lines easily… unlike you, I practice a lot.”

I pouted.”Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Kiseop is jjang right?” I rolled my eyes.

“Well, I have something to do. Oh what size are you?”

“Excuse me?” I said covering my chest.

“Please, you don’t have anything to look at. This for your costume.”

I blushed. “Right. Uh size 8-10.”

“Okay. Well bye.” He turned around and waved with his back with me.

“Bye bye.”

Kiseop’s P.O.V

I left _____ in the tower alone and headed for the shopping district. I wondered what type of clothes she liked… I wondered.

I entered a pink frilly shop and looked around. The shop keeper greeted me with a smile. I walked past her.

“How rude...” I heard her mumble.

I browsed the racks one by one until I came across a creamed colored dress. It had frills and loose long sleeves. It was a bit thin so she wouldn’t get too hot in it and it was very pretty, I imagined _____ in it. I nodded in satisfaction, it’d look good on her.

“I’ll take that.” I handed the dress to the clerk.

“Of course.” She smiled.

Kiseop’s P.O.V end

Chapter 14 end: Balcony

A/N: Hello! I've uploaded three chapters this week, this will be it until Saturday! Enjoy this chapter. The lyrics in this chapter is sung by K.Will and Tiffany the song is called When a Girl meets love. :'D

Allium Gladiator:


This is the dress I described, i was shopping one day and saw this dress in the shop window haha. xD


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fifi..!! AWESOMEE!
i love it! :)
its really good hope i can write as good as you! :)
please sequel............of you do a sequel please inform me...okay!?

kyungela24 #3
What is the song that kiseop and _______ sang?
froggycow #4
It ended ;____; i love this story! I will look forward to more of your works:)
lileewd #5
This is a perfect story with the harmony of romance and drama working together ^^
That was so BEATIFUL!!! iLOVE IT SO SO MUCH!!!
That was beautiful!! Did you an incredible job, truly! <3 <3 <3
Gosh, Kiseop's little speech made my heart clench, and I was just about to die from happiness~ ^_~
haha, cute little humor there near the end too. I'm so happy Kevin ended up with someone - a very sweet someone! - also! I hope Hye Ri will be able to move on and.....fall in love with a certain special someone. ;)
UWAAAAAAAA~~~~ This was such a lovely story dear~ I'm looking forward to reading more from you!
<3 <3 <3
Rianne2580 #8
KISEOP AND _______ <3 YAY YAY YAY!!!
Awww it ends already :'(
But it's awesome! I love this fic a lot <3
Awwww the ending, sweet! Yayyyy Kiseop and _____!!! ^^
aww i can't believe it's ended already :'( i loved reading this story so much! ^_^ YAY FOR KISEOP AND _______!!!!!