Dok2 and CL Secret Crush


It has been a year passed and things have been going alright. DOK2 looked over his shoulder and he smiled, couldn’t believe it himself how lucky he was. There stand a lady right beside him humming and rapping to his work. “Baby this is dope, can we do it together” she said. Dok2 smiled back at her. “Come over here, let me kiss you”


A year ago, at Illionaire Records, DOK2 was busy packing his stuff. He is knocking off early from the studio, than usual, not realizing he was being watched by The Quiett.

“Packing already, that’s early its only nine. The night is still young, don’t you want to hang out with me? Or getting ready for a hot date is more important than me, I’m hurt man hahahaha?” teased The Quiett.

“Shut Up hahhaa…  it’s not a date… I am just being polite, anyway GD invited me how could I turn him down” Dok2 explained.

“Aigo…. No need to explain. I got you, I understand this is business, it has nothing to do with CL or 2NE1, and you are the man for this brother. Send my regards to Dara. If she is lonely, call me. I can come running to her in seconds Daraaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!” The Quiett shouted as he opened his arm wide imagining the situation.

“You are one crazy brother....hahahhahahhaha, see you tomorrow” Dok2 laughed and walked out of the studio.

Dok2 couldn’t stop smiling as he walked towards his wardrobe. , why am I smiling? He asked himself. This is just business, strictly networking nothing more nothing less. I have to get rid of this silly crush on CL before I embarrassed myself later. “CL if you knew how crazy I am with you, I am dead meat… But I will tell you straight up, you are my ladyboss” he smiled.

The truth is DOK2 was personally invited by CL. When he received the card he couldn’t believe it either, his name was written on the card. A note came together with it:

 Dearest Gonzo the Notorious, I hope to see you at the DYLM party, CL.


The Quiett walked in and saw him holding the card,  Dok2 panicked. He quickly crushed the note. In that panic state of mind, he lied to The Quiett that GD had invited them to 2NE1 DYLM party. I am dead, he thought. But thank GOD, The Quiett did not ask further. Anyways The Quiett is not the type that really into such party and most of the time DOK2 would go alone representing him and Illionaire Records. Unless there is performance that need them to be there together, then he will turn up. So Dok2 was saved, or else The Quiett will not let him off easily; especially when he knew DOK2 ideal girl has been CL for many years. For now this is his secret. No one should know.


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chasanminbom #1
Chapter 9: Hi Everyone I have completed the whole CL and DOk2 secret crush.. sorry for all the grammatical errors. Hope you have enjoyed the fan fiction story I have created.
Lookhere #2
Chapter 11: Awe is this really the end? Well it was cute all the way through. And we even got to see a Dara and The Quiett moment ^\\^
Chapter 11: Busted!!! Cl tell them the truth
chasanminbom #4
Hei guys... just saw that CL n Dok2 are in new york for events.... how I wish my fan fiction really comes true...
Lookhere #5
Chapter 9: Haha love how the Quiett keeps wanting to be hooked up with Dara lol
Lookhere #6
Chapter 8: Wah wonder what will happen.
chasanminbom #7
hi everyone... i am very new in this... when i have time and inspiration i will continue with the next chapter...
Chapter 7: I thought this story has completed..
Cl Dok2 turn up
nikkired #9
Chapter 6: update!!!!!!