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EXO's Tao, the abusive boyfriend with an affair?
November 21, 2014 @ 14:22 pm
by Hyunseong
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Tao, EXO's rapper with those charming panda bags has a serious, manly aura anyway and that night did he prove how scary he could get. It all started with him getting drunk at the bar, all alone without his girlfriend around, receiving drinks or buying some on his own. Seemingly had he been enjoying each of those drinks a lot as soon a young woman was having her seat right next to him. The two got into a conversation though by that time was the idol already really drunk which seemingly released the cruel beast inside of him.

Getting up on his wobbling legs did he manage not to fall down only to catch the poor woman between himself and the counter. His hands had he slammed onto it, glass knocking down and with threatening glares had he chased away a man who had wanted to help the young woman who was standing there with her fragile and scared figure. Trembling and closing her eyes in the only attempt to escape the view of that man in front of her. Tao was showing his merciless, drunk and aggressive side while the lady was all caught with no chance to escape.

Obviously was it unable for us to get a glimpse of their conversation as the music was turned to full volume but after her muttering words and tears shining on her cheeks did he sometime change to something totally different. He neared her even more and even was shameless enough to kiss the threatened woman. In that state did probably no woman find the courage nor ability to fight against anything coming from a man. A man who could easily knock her down and do whatever he wished to do to the weak woman.

This is not enough as Tao has been announced to be in a relationship with RED VELVET's Wendy. Going from those happenings it can easily be said that the man has a drinking problem linked with aggression issues. Does that mean that Wendy is in danger? Not just in danger but also with a man who willingly will cheat on her? Maybe it was just his drunk state causing the kiss with the stranger but is 'being drunk' excuse enough?

Will we soon find the petite beautiful Wendy with marks she would try to hide? Her smile fading because of what she had gotten herself into?

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findme · Posted November 21, 2014 @ 14:53 pm
Oh my god! Wendy please leave him!
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gotta_be_yu · Posted November 21, 2014 @ 14:53 pm
I hate such men who think they can treat women like animals just cause they're stronger! Wendy leave him!
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rania- · Posted November 21, 2014 @ 14:53 pm
You don't know the conversation! Maybe i was all coming from her! You don't know anything so don't talk.
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