Present : The Blasphemy 's First Consequence

Secretly Imprinted

This is the thing about lie. It's a domino effect. You'll lie to protect your first lie, then lie even more to protect your second lie. It's a maze as well. You can't get out of it. Until the day came when you look back, and see all of the lies have mounted up into a wall, so tall it's almost impossible to break through. Then once this wall did crash, it damages everything that stands around it, leaving no one behind. 

Luhan doesn't know how it all happened. He doesn't know how all of his lies could mount up this tall. He doesn't know that the lie he has told for her benefit would backfired him like a boomerang. 

He'll take it all back if he could. He'll start from the very first, and fix all of the mistakes that he did. He'll save Hyera for Kris. He won't lie to protect Hana. He'll make her happy by his side. 

But he can't do that. It's all too late.

"How in the world, will you find my mate?" Was the only thing that Luhan could say. 

"I'll try anything." He heard her say.

"You can't do that." He said firmly.  

"Yes I can."

"No you can't."

"And just why can't I?"

'Because you're my ing mate. No one else. It's you Hana. It always has been you.  That was the exact words that Luhan wanted to scream at her face. That was the words that he wanted to whisper on her ears as they lie together on his bed. That was the only words that he wished he has the courage to say. 

"Because it doesn't work that way." Luhan said coldly, "It won't work Hana.. God you're so stupid."

Regretting the word from his mouth the second it came out, Luhan panicked. But just like his old choices, it's all too late.  Looking at her offended face, Luhan knew that he had made a big mistake.

"And just how would you know that it won't work? You know what Luhan. It's enough. You can't do this anymore. I won't let you. You can't just keep me here, asking me to hold you until you fell asleep and expect me to not have any feelings for you. You can't just protect me from the very first day we met and acted as if I have grown two heads for falling for you. You can't just scare off any boy that I met when you reminded me everyday that you'll meet your own princess. I don't know whether you've forgotten this fact. But I'm only human. I have feelings as well. And I can't handle anymore heartbreaks." Hana said breathlessly. Tears slipped between her words. Out of instinct Luhan stepped forward to comfort her, but this time, Hana will fight alone. 

"Stop." She whispered. His expression to her words excite her as much as it killed her.

He looks heartbroken. 

Maybe he has feelings for her as well? 

No. Stop. Hana shook her head. She won't let her feelings confuse her with the truth.

Just how many times will she make more excuses for his actions? Just how many times will she try to justify his mistakes? Just how long will she let herself be fooled by all those fairytales that he read to her when she was young? 

Fairytales doesn't exist. It never does. 

And she has to stop pretending that he's her prince. Because the truth is, as much as it pained her, Luhan is someone else's king. 

And she can't keep fighting for something that doesn't exist. She can't keep fighting for someone that doesn't want her.

"I didn't know that you love me." She heard him whispered with agony clearly laced on his vocal cords.

If Hana doesn't know any better, she'll believe him and go running to his arms, asking forgiveness for her words, wanting nothing to hurt him. But not this time. This time, she'll be stronger.

"You do. I know you do. You just pretended that you didn't know because in your head, I will always be that little girl on the side of the street... You will always see me as the little girl that you saved that day. And yes, Luhan, you did save my life that day.. But what you don't know is that you have been saving me over and over again for all of my life. You're the one that gave me hope, you're the one that teach me about love and friendship. Now tell me, how could I not fall in love with you?"

Hana took his silence as a sign for her to continue. Let him hear all of her confession. Let him take her pride, for all of her is his already since the very first day they met. 

"I love you Luhan. I love you more than anyone could ever love anyone in their life. And I just can't stay here, falling more for you obliviousness and sincere actions when your mate could come to your life in the very next seconds. I'm not that strong. I'm sorry." Hana sobbed. 

"Please stay." Luhan said. His voice cracked, "Please stay. I'm sorry Hana."  I can't do this without you. 

Hana looked at him. Her glossy eyes are arrows piercing into every inch of his body. 

"Don't you understand Luhan?" Hana asked softly. Luhan could hear the exhaustion in her voice, but he's not ready to give up on her yet. He will never be ready to give up on her. Because in truth, he does. He does understand. God of course he understood her, he loves her more than she could ever know. He didn't save her. She saved him. 

"I do understand.. I'm sure we can work something out. Just stay. " His rushed voice ringed inside of the house. And even in her state, Hana could hear the panic in his voice.

But her decisions are set. 


"No. I'm leaving tonight."



Author's note: 

Thank you for the 200+ subscribers! I love you guys.. I'm so sorry for the bad chapter, I'll try to raise my game for you all<3 <3

I'm so sorry for the late update as well, but this past weeks has been crazy for me. Finals are coming T_T

(I'll list down all of the names that upvoted my story in my next chapter)

Thank you for reading my story, moreover subscribing, leaving a comment and upvoting, you guys has made my day.. I''ve never thought that my story would have such a warm welcome so thank you once again <3










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sonachi #1
Chapter 12: Please update soon, I totally love it
jojolove122 #2
Chapter 12: Please Update soon
Chapter 3: I read this last year and lately I couldn't stop thinking about it. I tried looking and looking and finally I found it! Gonna re-read it! :) ♥
AmberLow5555 #4
Chapter 12: Hi I'm a new reader here,I actually cried while reading this chapter...pls update soon,I really love this story ^^
kpop_zr #5
please please pleaseee update soon
suliman #6
Chapter 12: Please update soon
seohan_irish #7
Chapter 12: New reader is such a great story!! Authornim,please update soon!! Loving it <3 <3 <3
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh! Your story is incridible awsome ~! I love it so much. Please update this soon. I can't wait any longer ~ you're a great authour. wish can write a story like you. It's really awsome ♡
coolestgirl #9
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh this is so sad why luhan why
coolestgirl #10
Chapter 6: OMG tears doe