
Reality Vs. Fantasy

" your room Gaeul ssi." Gongchan said with a pillow and blanket in his hand. "I hope it's suitable for you." He gave you an intense stare that made you somehow blush.

"G-gamsahabnida Oppa ... for everything ..." You said surprisingly.

"A-anie! No need to thank me ... I was just helping out a cute, innocent, lost girl." He smiled brightly towards you. You blushed again.

"Do you honestly not remember your real name? ... or what happened??" He asked sitting next to you on your new bed. You sat there and you thought really hard. All that came into your mind was sobbing into your Oppa's chest and flames again. You almost teared up this time though. He noticed your response. He worriedly looked at you as he saw your eyes glisten with tears forming.

"Uhhh ... a-anie!! Tell me when your ready. Koktchong maseyo! Mmm?" He smiled his famous smile then ruffled your hair. You sniffed and wiped up your tears. You felt pretty ridiculous. "Goodnight." He turned off your light as he headed out the door.

You sat up in bed because you couldn't sleep. You kept having horrible nightmares. So you sat in the same position as you were in the ally. Your knees were close to your chest and your head was burried between your knees. "Omma ... Appa ... Unnie ... Oppa ... Twins ... Mianheyo!!" You cried out.


Someone pounded on your door. "Yahh!! Will you keep it down?!? I'm trying to sleep!!" Jinyoung shouted. You opened the door and quickly wiped your tears in front of him.

"M-mianhe ..." You sniffed.

"Y-yah ... were you crying just now? ..." He asked more tenderly. He actually sounded concerned.

"Ainyo!! Goodnight!!" You shouted as you slammed the door in his face.





Author's Note: Mianhe if this chapter is too short ... but at least i'm updating right?? ^^ Fighting!~

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Haha thank you <3 I hope you will continue to like my story until the end!~ Hwaiting!! ><
meiYue #2
Interesting.. (:
Lol my mind is skipping ahead to the future and wondering how they will ever switch back o-o
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooomygadddddddddddddddd .
THATS FUNNY ! update soon !
OMYGOND!!!<br />
THAT'S JUST HILARIOUS!! (can't stop smiling!!!)<br />
update soon! >.<<br />
oh and why da hell did they believe the maknae!!! o.O <br />
it's just... dvjzchfnb! *shudders*<br />
please update soon!!
I will try to update more often~! And thank you guys! : ) ♥
B1A4lover #6
Today is almost ending<br />
It is jinyoungs bday<br />
Well technically it was yesterday in Korea buy...<br />
Anywho thanks for the update cause I really like the story so far~^^
NICE CHAPPIE! ^^<br />
Haha hang in there : )
B1A4lover #9
i think im confused...<br />
but im not at the same time?<br />
well thanks for updating!
Gamsahabnida!! ~ ^^