Gaeul is Jinyoung

Reality Vs. Fantasy

~~~~~~~~~~~ Flashback/Dream~~~~~~~~~~~

"So technically as long as I have you around I'll be safe...?"

"Kurom. I'm your Oppa aren't I?"


"Oppa's going to show you a magic trick. Watch closely .. araseo?"

"Araseo Oppa!" He took his two hands and showed you that nothing was in them but a tiny piece of string. A thin and frail one. You watched as he closed his hands and put the tiny piece of string into his right hand. In the other hand he had a lighter. He let the piece of string dangle from his hand and lighted the bottom part. You were worried that it might burn him or something.

"Oppa!! Be careful!!" You shouted.

"Koktchong maseyo Gaeul ssi ... It's just a magic trick.." You watched as the fire slowly made its way to the top part of the string. In a quick motion the string on fire magically changed into a diamond bracelet. It had your initials on it. S. G. You clapped in awe and admiration. He giggled and kissed your cheek.

"Wooooowwww!! Oppa!! Baksu!! That was WONDERFUL!!!~ Do another!!" 

"Anie .. I'm too tired ..."

"Jebal?? For meee?" You used your aegyo and begged him to do another. He has a gift.

"Araseo ... but only for you.." He grabbed your hankerchief out of his pocket ..(seeing as though you gave it to him a long time ago when he was sad) and showed you that nothing was underneath it. You watched carefully as he quickly picked the hankerchief up and you were stunned to see a beautiful red rose lay in its place. He was just too good .. and very sweet.

"Awwwwhhh!! Oppa!! You're just too good!!"

"Haha. Kurom. As I always say ... I am the great-"


You woke up. You were so close to finding out his name. If you knew his name you would be able to stop this whole mess and track him down. You rubbed your eyes to the morning shine. Of course, you were Jinyoung, so looking into the mirror didn't surprise you this time. You yawned a big one. Just then a knock at the door.

"H-hyung...?" It was the voice of Gongchan. You remembered last night and how he called you Gaeul ssi by mistake. Just what exactly does he know..?


"I have your morning surprise that I promised to get you!!" You hesitantly walked/limped to the door and opened it for him. You were touched to see him holding a big tray of breakfast. Just for you. "It's your very own breakfast! I made it especially for you, Hyung!!~" He helped you to sit on your bed. You couldn't help but blush at his actions. It was too sweet. No one's done this to you before. He silently noticed you blush and he smiled.

"Oppa ... why'd you smile..?"

"Hmmm? Oh a-ah anie it's nothing ..."

"Well ... I don't think I can eat this all .. so would you care to join me..?" He smiled even brighter and nodded. You giggled a bit to yourself, not realizing your still Jinyoung.

"Gaeul ssi ... what happened to your ankle last night?" You were just about to swallow a spoonful of mushed cereal. You dropped the spoon back down.

"Well you see ... I was trying to find this magician with Jinyoung Oppa and things-" Wait. Did he just call you Gaeul ssi again? You stopped talking and stared at him in fright. So you did hear him say your true name. You blinked and tried to pull everything together.

"D-did you just call me G-G-G-Gaeul ssi ...?" You dared to ask. You were scared on his remark.

"That is your name ... isn't it, Shin Gaeul?" How did he know?!?!

"How do you know who I am??"

"Aha! So I was right!! You are Gaeul ssi! That means Hyung is ... you!"

"How did you figure all this out? I-we-"

"Koktchong maseyo. I figured it out all on my own. It's too obvious the way you two act now ... you act too much like yourself .. even in Hyung's body .. and he still acts like his bossy self. Gwaenchana?? Did he hurt you without me knowing..?"

"A-anieyo. We've both been trying to get back to our original bodies ... but we don't know how yet."

"Well is there anything I can do to help...? I'm on your side no matter what Gaeul ssi.." He placed his arm around your waist trying to comfort you. You appreciated his kindness ever so much. After all .. he was the one who saved you.

"Gamsahabnida Oppa... for everything ... really ... if it weren't for you ... I would still be on the streets .." You started to cry a little bit. You wanted Gongchan to know that this isn't just a casual thank you ... no. This one was a meaningful and important thank you. You were truly greatful to have met him and B1A4. He automatically hugged you and let you sob into his chest. He continued to your hair lovingly.

"Shhhhh ... It's alright ... Gaeul ssi..? Can I tell you something?" You looked up at him. He had a serious look on his face. You knew this was something important.

"What is it Oppa?..."

"There's been something I've been dieing to do to you .. ever since I developed feelings for you..."

"Wh-what is it..?" You were a bit scared to know the truth .. but at the same time you were anxious after he just practically admitted he likes you.

"C-can I ... give you ... um ... a-a ... kiss..?"

"...Eh..?" Did your ears hear him correctly?

"Mianhae. I know it's stupid ... but ... I ... really like you, Gaeul ssi." He leaned closer to you. His lips were just inches away from yours. You kept staring at his lips and then up at his eyes. You weren't sure what your feelings were .. but if you just let him kiss you ... then maybe that can decide everything for you ... His lips were gently planted onto yours. You couldn't pull away. It was too much of a passionate kiss to back out from. He wrapped his arms around your whole body to pull you in closer, and deepen the kiss. You caved in and wrapped your arms around his neck. He climbed on top of you to make the kiss more romantic.

The other members were just standing in the door way staring .. with their mouths agape .. at the two boys .. who are in the same band .. and are kissing passionately ... well except for "Gaeul." He knew what was up, but he was shocked to see Gongchan kiss him. Did he know? The members were all thinking the same thing. They must be gay.

"Hyunnng!!~ Why didn't you tell us you were in love with Gongchannie!~" Sandeul pouted. You both pulled away from the kiss realizing what just happened.

"A-ah ... I um ... can explain!" You tried to assure all of them. Gongchan looked at them in worry then looked at you.

"Relax all of you .. Hyung was just helping me practice my first kiss. That's all. Honestly." The whole crew actually believed him. After all, he is the innocent little maknae. How can you not believe him? They all sighed of relief and continued to keep walking. All except-

"What the heck were you two doing??" Jinyoung asked. You looked up at Gongchan.

"What do you mean .. Hyung?" Gongchan replied cooly. Jinyoung jumped in startlement.

*So he did know .. but how?* JInyoung thought to himself.

"H-how do you know? Who told you?!" Jinyoung snapped.

"Relax Hyung ... Gaeul ssi didn't tell me anything. I figured it all out on my own. I know the secret. You are in her body .. and she's in yours." He pulled you closer to him. Jinyoung winced.

"No wonder you were acting strange last night ..." Jinyoung mumbled.


"Anie. So you're going to ruin my rep. by seducing Gaeul ssi ... who is in MY body?!?!" Gongchan blinked.

"Mianhae Hyung .. but I .. l-like Gaeul ssi. A whole lot. I'm not going to let you forbid me to see her. Whether she's in your body or not ..." Gongchan stubbornly replied. You looked up at him. It was interesting to see two guys fight over you. Jinyoung clenched his fists.

"Ainyo. You will NOT see her .. because she is in my body and we can not ruin our band. You hear me??"

"Hajiman ... HYUNG!!~" Gongchan started to pout. You decided it was your turn to step in.

"Alright enough. I'll see whoever I wanna see. But I'm not going to tear your band apart, if anything. Just stop fighting like a bunch of three year olds. Araseo??" You pulled both of their ears and heard them whimper.

"Ara-ara-araseo!" They said in unison.

"Good. Now let's go downstairs and see the others. Remember .. NOT a single word about this. Mmm? Kkattja!!!~" They stared at you in disbelief as you skipped out the door changing moods.

*Is she bipolar?* They both thought to themselves.

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Haha thank you <3 I hope you will continue to like my story until the end!~ Hwaiting!! ><
meiYue #2
Interesting.. (:
Lol my mind is skipping ahead to the future and wondering how they will ever switch back o-o
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooomygadddddddddddddddd .
THATS FUNNY ! update soon !
OMYGOND!!!<br />
THAT'S JUST HILARIOUS!! (can't stop smiling!!!)<br />
update soon! >.<<br />
oh and why da hell did they believe the maknae!!! o.O <br />
it's just... dvjzchfnb! *shudders*<br />
please update soon!!
I will try to update more often~! And thank you guys! : ) ♥
B1A4lover #6
Today is almost ending<br />
It is jinyoungs bday<br />
Well technically it was yesterday in Korea buy...<br />
Anywho thanks for the update cause I really like the story so far~^^
NICE CHAPPIE! ^^<br />
Haha hang in there : )
B1A4lover #9
i think im confused...<br />
but im not at the same time?<br />
well thanks for updating!
Gamsahabnida!! ~ ^^