Amusement Park

Reality Vs. Fantasy


You and Gongchan held hands and took a bus to your final destination. He smiled at you. He wore sunglasses because you were still worried that a fan might recognize him.

"Ayyyyeee. I told you .. no one will recognize me Gaeul-ah!~" He used aegyo and pouted.

"Haha arasso Gongchannie~ erm I mean Oppa~"

"Awwwwhhh you're too cute Gaeul ssi!! But .. trust me." He pinched your cheeks gently and tapped your nose. It reminded you of a sorta first date ..


All of a sudden you had a flashback:

-At a carnival-

You were standing at a booth and you pouted. You badly wanted to win a fluffy panda bear. No matter how hard you try to win, you just always failed .. until you remember some guy with a baseball cap showed up.

."Awwwh sorry lil miss .. better luck next time.." The guy at the booth said, feeling sorry for you.

The guy with the cap looked at you and grabbed your arm. He looked at you sincerely, and something in his eyes told you to trust him. He payed the guy at the booth and grabbed the three darts. All he had to do was hit three balloons with the three darts and he would win. You were pretty impresssed by this guy. He had a certain charisma that cultivated you.

"Trust me .." He looked at you and winked. You nodded shyly.

He threw one dart. A balloon poped. You were shocked. He threw the second one. Another one popped. You were nervous for him because this was his last shot. If he missed it .. it would all be over .. You were afraid to look until .... -POP- he did it!! He won! The guy at the booth was shocked too. Nobody really won because they gave up. He smiled at you and handed you the panda.

"Here ya go. I told ya to trust me~"  He peeked his head to see you since the panda was HUGE.

"G-g-g-gomawo .." You blushed and bowed to him. He smiled and ruffled your hair.

"Ayyye. Don't mention it. Just think of this ... as a date.." He grabbed your hand and started walking.

"Ummm .. where are we going?" You asked this mysterious stranger. He took off his hat and you automatically recognized him. (A/N: Not in your flashback .. but while you're having this flashback.)

"Hiya. Jung Jinyoung. Nice to meet you." He bowed politely and smiled.

"H-Hi .. I'm-"

"Oh! Look! Let's go over there!" He pointed at a booth where they draw characatures. (A/N: Big head .. small body.)

You followed him because you trusted him. You somehow knew in your heart .. he wasn't a bad guy. You also questioned why he was wearing a hat.

"Umm .. JInyoung ssi?"

"Yes?" He smiled and looked lovingly into your eyes.

"Why were you wearing a hat earlier .. did you not want to be seen with me..?" You felt guilty and chewed on your bottom lip.

"Oh no no no! It's not like that .. I just made trouble earlier with a bunch of big guys from my school .. and I was tryna hide from them. Hehe. I guess you can say I'm a trouble maker." He smirked.

"Oh ... mian!" You bowed apologetically. He was shock.

"Eh? No no .. no need to bow sweetie! It's okay. You didn't know." He squeezed your hand caressed your cheek with his free hand. You blushed.

[Moments later]

After playing a few more games and having an awesome time with a complete stranger the day was coming to an end. You didn't want to say goodbye to him because you were greatful to him. He actually approached you like a man.

"Here miss. You keep our picture." He handed you the cute characature drawing of you and him. You nodded.

"Thank you so much for today .." You pecked his cheek and blushed. He quickly made a move and pecked your lips.

"Uhh .. mian. I just had an impulse to-"

You pecked his lips in return to shut him up. He smiled and looked dumbfounded while you just giggled at his sillyness. He was really sweet and cute .. so why not?

"You're silly~ Jinyoung ssi."

"Haha gomawo. Some day ... I'll be famous. When I do .. will you promise to love and support me?" He looked at you seriously and held out his pinky.

You nodded cutely and hooked your pinky with his. "Neh! I promise!" You both did the traditional Korean pinky promise thing .. like they do in the dramas.

"I hope to see you again." He let go of your hand and seemed sad.

"Me too."

"Well .. it's getting late .. thank you for the perfect date." He chuckled.

"Anie .. thank you!" 

He started walking away and waved at you. You waved back and started walking to the car where your Oppa was waiting. He was the protective type of brother.

"Who was that boy??" He questioned as soon as you entered the car.

"Just .. a friend."

"And what were you two doing??"

"We .. went on .. a date." You smiled widely and touched your lips.


You remembered why Jinyoung was your bias. Because you met him before he became famous and he was  a sweet guy. He wasn't this cocky guy that he turned into because of fame. You missed him. A lot.

He stole your first kiss and first date. He was really special to you. The weird thing was .. Jinyoung had that same exact flashback. But he was clueless and didn't figure out it was you. Secretly he really only likes you but he doesn't know it's you yet. He's never dated before .. because he's waiting for you.

"G-Gaeul ssi" Gwenchana?" Gongchan felt your forhead, getting worried.

"Oh?" You woke up back into reality. *Right .. I'm on a date with Gongchannie .. I must forget about Jinyoung for now.*


"Mian. Just had to think about something.." You smiled assuringly at him. He smiled back in relief.

"Oh! Thank goodness. I was worried there for a second. I thought you were abducted by aliens or something. Do you like rollercoasters?" He questioned. You nodded excitedly.

"Kaja!~" You cheered. He grabbed your hand and dragged you in line with him to a big, scary rollercoaster ride. "Omo. Th-that's ..." Your eyes were huge as you stared at it.

"Mm..? Gaeul ssi? It'll be fun. I promise!" Gongchan smiled and grabbed your hand. He placed a gentle kiss on it. You blushed and nodded. You knew dee in your heart that you'll be safe with Gongchan.

You both gave the man your tickets and sat near the front of the ride. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you held onto the bar tightly and closed your eyes. You haven't rode a roller coaster since you were a little girl and even then you were really scared to ride one. After a while .. you got used to it and enjoyed the ride .. but the waiting part made you scream in agony.

"Oppa .." You started sniffing and letting tears fall from your eyes, you were extremely scared.

"Yah .. Gaeul ssi?" He noticed you were crying and he panicked.

"M-Mian .. I'm just .. so scared .."

He tilted your chin up so you were looking up into his eyes. Something about him, made you feel somehow assured. It's like you knew everything was going to be alright. He gently wiped your tears with his thumbs. He maneuvered his hand up to your cheek and caressed it lightly. He pressed his forhead against yours and smiled. He started singing: Beautiful Target you smiled and felt more at ease by Gongchan's aegyo and his singing. He finished and moved in close to your face. You blushed and closed your eyes tight.

"O-Oppa .."

He pressed his lips against yours and kissed you. At an impulse, you wrapped your arms around his neck, as he wrapped his around your waist. You were in a deep make-out session when the ride started. It's like it was only you and Gongchan and everything else in the world. slowed down. It was magical.

Little did you both know, that your wig fell off Jinyoung's head and you were both revealed as two gay guys making out. Everyone from down low could tell who you two were. The fangirls immediately took pictures and recorded videos. A couple was born. JinChan <3.


"Kyaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!! Look up there!!! It's JinChan from B1A4!!!!"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" All the fangirls screamed as they noticed.

Gongchan and you both pulled away blushing like crazy. The ride came to a stop. You both smiled at each other and held hands. Gongchan started to laugh and you followed. He tapped your nose.

"Get ready to run.." He leaned in and whispered to you.

"Eh? W-wae?" You whispered back.

"The fans know you're .. Jiyoung Hyung .. they think we're .. g-gay." He chuckled softly. You hit him playfully.

"Yah! How could you laugh at a time like this? We could get in BIG trouble.." You panicked.

He kissed you again in front of all the fans. You stood there dumbfounded and all the fangirls screamed in happiness. They loved when their favorite couples did fanservice.

"I don't care. As long as I'm with you." He smiled meekly and you felt touched by his words. He was so sweet ..

"Awwwwwhhhhh!!" The fangirls squealed.

"On the count of three .. hana ... dul ... set! Kaja!!"

He grabbed your hand and ran away from the whole crowd. He took you inside the hotel as you guys ran through it. The fans still seemed to follow you two so Gongchan took you into an elevator. You two were finally alone. He pushed you up against the wall and you were blushing intensely.

"G-Gongchannie .. wh-what are you d-doing..?"

He looked you up and down and noticed that 'your' [Jinyoung's] fly was down, so he moved in to fix it. It was very uncomfortable for the both of you and it tickled a lot. You couldn't stop laughing because you are very ticklish.

"Hold still .." He commanded. You had no choice but to obey.

He was having troubles zipping it up so it took a while. The doors somehow opened at a random floor and a little boy with his Umma looked at the two boys in disbelief.

"Umma? What are those two men doing?" The innocent little boy asked his mommie.

"Uhhhmm .. w-we'll take the next one .." She pressed the button and waited for the doors to close.

"ANIE! It's not what it looks like!" You shouted.

"Finally! I finished~ You're zipper is properly up now."

The mother and the little boy stood there awkwardly. You smacked your face with your palm and realized that situation didn't go well. Gongchan was still clueless .. -.-

"Gongchannnieeee!~ They think we're gay!" You whinned to him using aegyo and he pinched your cheeks.

He wrapped his arms around your waist and held you close. You smiled at him. The doors opened again but you were both shocked to see who was standing on the other side of the elevator doors. B ... 1 ... A ... 4.

"OMONA!" You and Gongchan screamed.

The members stood there staring at you two in shock. The members saw the recordings and pictures on their fan cafe. So they rushed over to you guys immediately. Especially Jinyoung who was the most upset.

"H-Hyung .." Sandeul pouted feeling betrayed.

"Hyung? Gongchannie..?" CNU said in confusion.

"Are you guys .. r-real?" Baro muffled.

"UN.BELIEVABLE! Aaaahhhhhh!" Jinyoung [you?] screamed. He started tearing up and ran away.

"Gaeul ssi! W-wait!!" Sandeul ran after her. Leaving CNU and Baro alone with the couple.

"Let's talk this through .." Gongchan insisted and planned they go back to the dorms. Everyone agreed.


"G-Gaeul ssi?" Sandeul was looking all over for Jinyoung .. or well .. you.

Jinyoung was sitting near the hotel's mini waterfall and crying to himself. He wasn't sure why .. but his heart clearly did heart quite a bit.

*Psh .. why am I crying..? Gaeul is with Gongchan .. and it has nothing to do with me .. oh wait. SHE'S IN MY BODY!! I'm crying because of that..? But I'm in her body .. and guys will obviously fall for me .. Gaeul is really beautiful and is probably every guy's ideal type .. but still .. why does my heart hurt so badly..? Am I .. j-jealous..? ANIE! It can't be that .. can it?*

"Gaeul ssi?!~" Sandeul called out.

"O-Oh? Sandeul ah ..? Anie .. Oppa?" Jinyoung sniffed.

"Gaeul ssi .." He grabbed Jinyoung's hand. Jinyoung blushed.


"Shhh .. I know you're hurting ... you used to like Jinyoung .. and now you like Gongchan. But they have each other now .. I know it hurts."

"Hm? H-how do you know..?"

"A while back .. I used to like Hyung too .. he was so charismatic and cute. Then I fell for Gongchan a bit because he's too charming and the maknae~ But then .. I realized .. who am I kidding? My band members will never like me .. or admit their gay .. but now .. I see them .. and .." Sandeul sniffed. Jinyoung hugged the sad boy.

"S-Sandeul-ah .."

Sandeul looked up at Jinyoung and stared at his [your] lips. He wanted to know what it would feel like to fall in love .. and have someone love back. He leaned in unexpectedly and Jinyoung was caught off guard.

"Gaeul ssi .. I want to take away your pain. I can make you happy. You already make me so happy .. his words were too sweet. Jiyoung had no choice.

Sandeul kissed Jiyoung, nice and slow. A first kiss type of mood. It was romantic .. but wrong. Jinyoung was bewildered. He never knew his bandmate liked him so much. They pulled away blushing slightly like little school girls. That's when they all heard gasps.

"G-Gaeul ssi..? S-Sandeul ah?" Baro and CNU said even more confused.

The others went to go look for 'Gaeul' and Sandeul .. and when they found them .. they were kissing and it made everyone feel even more awkward.

"Okay! Meeting! NOW!!" Baro took charge and dragged everyone onto the elevator.

They all went up and reached the hotel room that they booked for the night. Everyone sat on the two twin beds in the bedroom area. Gongchan sat behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist and made you sit close to him. He was technically breathing down your neck and you got shivers down your spine.

"OK! So what the heck is going on here." The clueless Baro demanded.

Sandeul stole a glance at you and Gongchan together. He was still jealous. Jinyoung grabbed his hand in assurance and Sandeul managed to calm down.

"I love Gaeul ssi." Gongchan raised his hand and smirked.

"MWOH?" Everyone said at the exact same time. He looked at you and winked. He whispered into your ear.

"Trust me .." He got up and grabbed 'you' [Jinyoung] by the wrist and pulled him into a kiss in front of everyone. Jinyoung was even more surprised and wondered why two of his bandmates decided to kiss him! Especially since Gongchan knows .. which makes things weirder ..

"Yah! What about you and Hyung? You guys were caught kissing on the rollercoaster!" CNU clarified.

"Aish. You guys are too funny~" Gongchan started laughing. Everyone looked at him like he was a mad man.

"What are you tryna say?" Baro asked in confusion.

"Yah! It was fanservice! You guys should know that! Don't you know we're the JinChan couple <3? Fangirls go crazy over us! But I love you, Gaeul ssi." He caressed Jinyoung's [your] cheek and looked deep into his eyes. Jinyoung blushed red and you couldn't help but laugh a little at Gongchan's plan.

"Awwwwhh! Gongchannie that's so cute!" Sandeul praised.

"Too cute!~" CNU and Baro swooned.

"I was tryna make you jealous because I wasn't good at confessing my feelings to you." Gongchan said smoothly to Jinyoung. Jinyoung's knees were wobbly and he felt like jello. Why was Gongchan's words so convincing?

"Woooowwww. Daebak!" You showed thumbs up, knowing he meant you.

"Everyone .. from now on .. I claim Gaeul ssi .. as my girlfriend." Gongchan hooked arms with his Hyung and smiled at everyone else. They all clapped in awe and felt proud of their maknae. Sandeul felt a little hurt .. but hid his real feelings deep inside.


Jinyoung's POV

Eh? What's this? Gongchan knows I'm his Hyung .. so what is this?? Why do I feel shy and helpless?? I AM NOT GAY! I felt angry a bit on the inside. Who said he could claim me!!?? Maybe I wanted someone else to! Like Gaeul ssi! Omo .... D-did I just say that? Aish .. GONGCHAN you're messing me up and I can't think straight! WHAT ARE YOU UP TO????


"E-Eh? Wh-who said you can claim me??" Jinyoung raised his voice a bit in anger. Gongchan smirked.

"Wae? I can't? Would you rather have Jinyoung claim you??" He teased. Jinyoung took a deep breath and did the most stupidest thing he has ever done.

"Ye! I love Jung Jinyoung!"

Everyone stared at .. well .. you? Jinyoung was staring directly into your eyes. You blushed slightly and didn't know what else to do. Even Gongchan was shocked .. which meant his plain was failing.. otteokkay?

"M-me?" You said shyly pointing at yourself. Jinyoung dropped Gongchan's grip on him and moved closer to you.

He ignored the others in the room and walked up to you like the main guys in kdramas. You felt so honored. It's like all of a sudden Jinyoung turned into a really cool guy whom you thought was amazing. You crumbled to pieces as he got closer and helped you stand up.

"Yah! Jung Jinyoung! Saranghae." He crashed his lips against yours and you melted at his embrace. It's the moment you waited for your whole life .. he was definitely your bias again. No doubt about it. After he pulled away .. you fainted.


A/N: Sorry for not updating in such a verrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyy long time! TT Please don't hate me >< Please continue to stay with me and enjoy this story! I hope you like this update. It's filled with too many surprises and kisses. OTL. What should you do next? Well .. anyways .. Thank you for such nice comments!! Fighting!!

-JaeRin143Cat <3 <3 <3

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Haha thank you <3 I hope you will continue to like my story until the end!~ Hwaiting!! ><
meiYue #2
Interesting.. (:
Lol my mind is skipping ahead to the future and wondering how they will ever switch back o-o
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooomygadddddddddddddddd .
THATS FUNNY ! update soon !
OMYGOND!!!<br />
THAT'S JUST HILARIOUS!! (can't stop smiling!!!)<br />
update soon! >.<<br />
oh and why da hell did they believe the maknae!!! o.O <br />
it's just... dvjzchfnb! *shudders*<br />
please update soon!!
I will try to update more often~! And thank you guys! : ) ♥
B1A4lover #6
Today is almost ending<br />
It is jinyoungs bday<br />
Well technically it was yesterday in Korea buy...<br />
Anywho thanks for the update cause I really like the story so far~^^
NICE CHAPPIE! ^^<br />
Haha hang in there : )
B1A4lover #9
i think im confused...<br />
but im not at the same time?<br />
well thanks for updating!
Gamsahabnida!! ~ ^^