Catching Up + special guest YoungK (Day6)

The English Kpop Artists Chat~

Lol I'm really sorry I always say I'll update but I never do dfhg I wrote the first 834 words way back in December so this setting in December 2016.. the next one will be set whenever I update lol I basically forced myself to write this 2nd half bc I really need to write again... anyway here is me promoting Favorite and VAV they both came back with great songs so yeah check them out. Still super duper sorry this is so late!!! Love you if you're actually reading this bc idk how many of you are still there

| jaeHyung added youngHEY to the group chat |

Wild Fire: nobody gave you the authority to add somebody yet jae

youngHEY: well hi to you too 

jaeHyung: guys I added brian for fun

daileesuki: hi brian!

BODY: whaddup brian

youngHEY: it’s youngk

jaeHyung: brian

Wild Fire: it’s brian

youngHEY: to you and everybody else I guess

BODY: I thought you said nobody used this app anymore

jaeHyung: I did

josé liu: hi brian!

youngHEY: what does that mean

Wild Fire: he called you nobody Hahahaha

jaeHyung: well…

daileesuki: HAH 

BODY: we didn’t really catch up last time guys let’s do it

josé liu: but we still talked during our ‘break’?

Wild Fire: yeah maybe we just avoided you

youngHEY: what break

jaeHyung: apparently they haven't talked in a group chat in like a year and a half

youngHEY: ah

BODY: well as you guys probably know I got extra famous in korea

BODY: more famous than all of y'all now

josé liu: my album sales beg to differ

daileesuki: lol

Wild Fire: hey eric are u & ailee still a thing

BODY: i wish

jaeHyung: you and ailee were a thing???

youngHEY: i’m shocked too wtf 

daileesuki: we were literally never a thing 

daileesuki: stop telling people that

Wild Fire: literally like 30 people know

josé liu: what happened between you two?

BODY: she said ‘we should see other people’

daileesuki: i never said that

daileesuki: bc we were Never. A. Thing.

jaeHyung: it doesn’t seem so to everybody else

youngHEY: yeah how long were you together?

BODY: a couple months?

daileesuki: never, that’s how long

josé liu: amy you can tell us, we know

Wild Fire: yeah i told u guys about Wendy

youngHEY: what about Wendy

Wild Fire: that she broke up w me

youngHEY: you were together???

jaeHyung: what

daileesuki: you two are so behind

BODY: you really should read the all of the chapters first before coming in here

Wild Fire: so eric x ailee what happened

daileesuki: we were never a thing therefore Nothing happened

BODY: she broke up w me

BODY: said ‘stop liking me it’ll never happen’ 

daileesuki: exactly

youngHEY: i’m still confused

josé liu: we’ll need a new chat couple now 

daileesuki: please leave me out of this one this time

Wild Fire: jae how straight are you

jaeHyung: …why


youngHEY: i think that depends on who he’s talking to

jaeHyung: you keep QUIET

josé liu: I like where this is going

BODY: but who will he be with?

jaeHyung: I just joined can you guys slow down

daileesuki: how lonely is kevin still?

youngHEY: what is going on

josé liu: a new ship will be born

BODY: so sad the old one had to die

daileesuki: out with the old in with the new I always say!

youngHEY: but didn’t eric feature on one of your songs on your comeback album?

jaeHyung: yeah!

daileesuki: he did

daileesuki is typing…

BODY: but she broke up with me 2 days after recording it

daileesuki: but I told him to give up 2 days later

youngHEY: oh lol

jaeHyung: so why will I be pushed with kevin??

josé liu: bc he’s lonely with no friends or significant other

youngHEY: why cant kevin just be lonely?

Wild Fire: a good question

Wild Fire: why can’t eric be with jae

BODY: bc i’m still getting over amy

daileesuki: that’s sad

josé liu: why cant you be with jae, peniel

Wild Fire is typing…

jaeHyung: why can’t I be alone 

Wild Fire: I’m too str8 for that

Wild Fire: he’s not my type


josé liu: wow

youngHEY: where is this conversation going

jaeHyung: wow 

jaeHyung: wow wow Wow

daileesuki: oh my gosh peniel

Wild Fire: so kevin

BODY: my bet is that he’s in japan

josé liu: so will jae be lonely too or not

jaeHyung: PLEASE


youngHEY: how can jae be alone when he has day6

josé liu: fine jae can be alone for now

jaeHyung: thank you, seriously

BODY: well who else is gonna be the new chat ship then

Wild Fire: we could always make someone else new

josé liu: I think 7 is big enough for a daily chat

youngHEY: not me pls

daileesuki: wow brian’s been here for 30 mins and he hates us already

youngHEY: actually I hated you all separately beforehand 

youngHEY: this last half hour just helped 

daileesuki: well it cant be brad he's Old and married

BODY: plus doesn't he have like 6 grandkids by now

jaeHyung: 6 grandkids sdfdfgfdg

daileesuki: hmmm

josé liu: we can do without a couple for a bit i guess then

Wild Fire: fine with me

BODY: im still not fine 

daileesuki: shut up

Wild Fire: but who will bully about relationships now

daileesuki: there’s always kevin

BODY: kevin that’s right

Wild Fire: OH YEAH i forgot about him

youngHEY: so are we done here

jaeHyung: but it’s too soon

BODY: the author needs more words in this chapter

Wild Fire: no she doesn’t, 834 is enough

BODY: no it isn’t can you imagine how sad the readers will be with this

josé liu: will you 2 stop this discourse there’s other things to talk about

jaeHyung: yeah, like how Every Day6 is going to save next year

youngHEY: you’re not supposed to tell people about it yet Jae!

jaeHyung: you act like you can stop me

daileesuki: what is Every Day6?

Wild Fire: probably something stupid with his group

josé liu: I thought you were supposed to be nicer now

Wild Fire: eh 

BODY: anyway so my release ‘Body’

daileesuki: your perf was so awkward lol


BODY: :(

josé liu: the song is really good tho!

BODY: thanks amber

jaeHyung: yeah the song is good !

youngHEY: haven’t heard it

BODY: thanks brian

youngHEY: i don’t care about award shows i’m not in

daileesuki: well at least he was honest

Wild Fire: so now for my comeback 

jaeHyung: wasn’t your comeback in November?

josé liu: it was a bop

daileesuki: I agree

BODY: no comment

BODY is typing…

daileesuki: I swear eric if you use that to promote your own song


Wild Fire: anyway

youngHEY: didn’t even realize you had one

jaeHyung: I listened to it in the dorm before???

Wild Fire: your fav song other than the title?

BODY: I didn’t listen to anything else

Wild Fire: I know that’s a lie

daileesuki: Yes I Am !!!

josé liu: i’m more of a kok to me person myself

jaeHyung: …I only listening to I’ll Be Your Man

BODY: fine .. it was Drunk

Wild Fire: is this enough words for her now Jae

jaeHyung: how should I know

BODY: yeah I think so

daileesuki: you guys are lucky brad isn’t here to yell at you

Wild Fire: you think I care about that old dude’s opinion?

youngHEY: so i can leave now? 

josé liu: are we not fun enough for you brian?

youngHEY is typing…

Wild Fire: leave idc

BODY: how cold of you brian

daileesuki: what did we do wrong ;;


josé liu: not here

youngHEY: as i was saying

Wild Fire: you mean typing

youngHEY: jesus christ peniel

Wild Fire: CAN YOU NOT?

BODY: ignore him, continue on 

youngHEY is typing…

daileesuki: do you think he hates us?

jaeHyung: no, he just types slowly

Wild Fire: l o l

josé liu: I hope we didn’t do anything wrong

youngHEY: I have a schedule so I have to leave

youngHEY: I just wanted to know if you wanted me still in or not

daileesuki: oh you can leave!

daileesuki: we’re really annoying if you don’t

jaeHyung: it’s been three days and peniel once send all of boa’s music videos

Wild Fire: is a man not allowed to reminisce in this day and age???


josé liu: that’s why I put this on mute lol

daileesuki: yeah I try not to read peniel’s monologues at 4am

Wild Fire: WHAT


BODY: why so surprised hahah

Wild Fire: you guys missed on Three Seasons of the Peniel Monologue Show


daileesuki: I read the first season

daileesuki: and got tired at the plot

WIld Fire: it’s my life amy

daileesuki: listen, nobody needs 4 episodes straight of you talking about the lack of spinach in your dorm

Wild Fire: that was a serious concern amy!!!

josé liu: I got bored one night and read the 2nd season

josé liu: gets really deep, my dog was wondering why i was crying

Wild Fire: SEE

daileesuki: anyway, I bet kevin has read all three seasons 

BODY: and the OVA


jaeHyung: wow I’m glad I wasn’t here for most of these

jaeHyung: otherwise I wouldn’t have read any

youngHEY: bye

| youngHEY has left the group chat |

josé liu: sad we forgot to say bye too

jaeHyung: so can I leave next

BODY: it’s too late for you jae

Wild Fire: anyway has anybody read season 3

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212 streak #1
Chapter 34: This english chat is so funny XD
Chapter 34: Another chapter! OMG! You're awesome! Hoping for the next ones. I kept on reading this and never get tired of it lol.

Oh, why is my ailee and eric breaking apart huhuhuhu. I need them being together again pretty please! I ship them so hard! And could you please invite exo or bts members? It would be so lit!
Chapter 33: I reread this again and found new chapter;; omg I miss you so much. Since you mention iKON I hope they invite iKON too. Their members know English well and they're funny. But they don't really have interaction with them so I'm worried
And how about the new about Kevin's departure?;; it's pretty shocking and I want to know others' reaction
Chapter 33: OKAY LIKE OKAY FIRST OF ALL I'M NOT OKAY. I opened the website and almost had a panic attack and just stared at my phone in shock. I couldn't believe you updated I was ready to cry lol. I seriously love your story and writing style and hoped you'd update. Reading it made me remember the feels I had when I first read it. I can't wait for more updates.

Hopefully Vernon shows up and we see Ailee being all motherly to him because of course Seventeen are her children lol.

And omg kcon brought up a lot of ships for ailee!! First with Rap Monster in NY and Abu Dhabi and Eric in NY as well. Hope to see some mentions of that!

Also the recent news of Peniel's hair loss! It'd be so cool to see their support.

Plus they've all had comebacks and so much new stuff that makes me so excited for your updates. Sorry for the long comment but I'm seriously so happy to see you back!!
Chapter 30: I hope you'll write a special chapter about ailee's cb where eric was in. It'll be awesome since the song fits their on/off romance here :)

Ps: Ive been reading this multiple times alreadyyy. Can't get enough of it. specially the romance between ailee and eric
Its been a year since the last update and i still come back to re read this!
Chapter 32: I've been reading this couple times and never get bored hahahaha... nice fic author-nim. By the way, can you make Eric (GoodFor You) and Amber (Borders) Comeback Special please? I don't know if you have made Ailee's (Mind Your Own Business) yet ^^"
am_251 #8
Chapter 9: Update please and can you make another one with krystal but with kryber interactions pleeeeaaassseee?!?!??
Chapter 32: airik!!!! *♡*
and the ending is perfect ahahahahahah XD
dinadee #10
Update pweeaasssssseeee